Spotlight on Your Funds
April 2022
Benefit Funds Website Updates Improve Navigation and Ease of Use
The Family of Funds has made enhancements to its website to make finding information easier, and will continue to add more resources for members, employers and providers. Some of the updates include expanded contact information, a searchable “Forms for Members” page at and greater access to social media platforms, as well as to online webinars and videos through the Benefits Channel.
Training and Employment Funds Offer Spanish-Language Classes
The 1199SEIU Training and Employment Funds (TEF) are offering your 1199SEIU employees and members Spanish-language classes to help them better respond to the needs of the growing Latinx patient population. TEF uses its own textbook, The Language of Care, specifically designed for healthcare workers to acquire the Spanish words and phrases commonly used when caring for patients, such as those related to medical symptoms, illnesses and the pain scale. Conducted via Zoom, the 12-week classes meet once or twice a week (depending on class level), including weekday evenings and Saturday mornings, and are held in the spring and fall semesters. There are 144 students enrolled for the spring 2022 classes, and interested members can sign up now for a five-week summer session beginning in June. Cherisse Henderson, a Registered Nurse at the Institute for Family Health in Kingston, New York, who has taken the classes since January 2021, says being able to speak some Spanish has allowed her to communicate more effectively with her patients, many of whom are from Guatemala. Encountering a nurse who speaks their native language “absolutely makes patients feel less nervous and intimidated during their visit to the clinic.”

For more information, your 1199SEIU members and employees may call (212) 894-4364, or email
Meet Our Featured Member

Bertha Motta counts on her 1199SEIU mental health benefits during these stressful times.
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1199SEIU Funds News is a monthly email produced by the 1199SEIU Funds. Copyright 2022.
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