August 5, 2016
World Native Spirit Mini Flag String
Death is as much a part of life as breathing, it is a journey we all must take no matter our race, religion, culture, or location. But the funeral rites associated with death, vary across religions, cultures, regions, and even time. The following article looks at recent findings related to funeral rites of a 12,000 year old shaman found in a cave in western Galilee. 

In This Issue
12,000-Year-Old Shaman's Elaborate Funeral Had 6 Stages
By Mindy Weisberger

Bones of a mysterious woman in a burial site were surrounded by tortoise shells and other objects. Credit: Naftali Hilger

A diminutive woman buried in a cave in Israel 12,000 years ago was likely a person of importance and was interred with great ceremony, including a feast of 86 tortoises, archaeological evidence suggests.

After years of analysis, experts have reconstructed the stages of a funeral ritual performed as the body was laid to rest, piecing together the chain of events with the help of unusual objects that were found at the burial site.

The researchers described a six-step process that acknowledged the respected position that the woman held in life, and hints at the complexity of burial rituals practiced in the region thousands of years in the past. 

Mysterious Burial

The entrance to the Hilazon Tachtit cave in northern Israel. Credit: Leore Grosman
Study lead author Leore Grosman, a professor at the Institute of Archaeology at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, discovered the grave in 2005, in a cave called Hilazon Tachtit, located in western Galilee in northern Israel.

The cave served as a burial ground for at least 28 people during the latter part of the Natufian period (15,000 - 11,500 B.C.), according to a study Grosman co-authored in 2008, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

And one grave stood out, separated from other graves by a stone divider, and with the body and objects around it arranged with particular care and intent.

The skeleton of a woman about 4 feet 9 inches (1.5 meters) tall and about 45 years old had been carefully placed in a grave pit layered with sediment, seashells, tortoise shells, chalk and bony horn cores from gazelles. Arranged around and upon her body were bones representing a number of animals: marten skulls, a wild cow tail, a boar's forearm, a leopard's pelvis, an eagle's wing and a human foot.

In a statement, Grosman described the occupant of the grave as "probably a shaman," based on the variety of animal bones surrounding her, because shamans of the time were believed to commune with animal spirits.

A Shaman's Funeral, in 6 Steps

The grave of an elderly woman buried about 12,000 years ago included a plethora of animal remains, adding one piece of evidence she was indeed a shaman who possibly used animal spirits to communicate with the spirit world (depicted in this artistic reconstruction of the grave). Credit: P. Groszman.

Grosman and study co-author Natalie Munro, a professor in the anthropology department at the University of Connecticut, analyzed the contents of the grave and determined the ritual sequence - six stages - that likely accompanied the woman's burial.

For the first stage - preparing the grave pit - attendants marked a symmetrical oval shape in the bedrock of the cave floor, then broke up the bedrock in large chunks with a type of drill. Next, they covered the floor and walls of the pit with mud, adding layers of limestone and other sediments.

The second and third stages involved lining the pit with limestone blocks and "unique artifacts," such as shells, gazelle horn cores and tortoise carapaces, and then covering the artifacts with a layer of ash and debris from chipped stone tools.
The animal body-parts present in the Shaman grave. The location of the body-part represented is indicated on the animal illustration with a red dot. (A) Caudal vertebrae from an auroch's tail (Bos primigenius); (B) complete marten (Martes foina) skull;(C) carapace of a spur-thighed Mediterranean tortoise (Testudo graeca) and examples of the anterior plastron which was repeatedly broken in the same location; (D) carpometacarpus and first phalanx of digit II from the wing tip of a golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos); and (E) articulated forearm (radius and ulna) of a wild boar (Sus scrofa). (Photographs by G. Hartman, Department of Anthropology,Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Illustrations by P. Groszman.)
During stage four, the woman's corpse was placed in the pit in a squatting position, with tortoise shells inserted underneath the head and pelvis where they rested against the grave's walls. Animal bones and more tortoise shells were positioned atop and around the body, topped by several limestone blocks.

One of 86 tortoise shells buried with a body that may have belonged to a female shaman. Credit: Leore Grosman
Dozens of tortoise shells included in this layer represent animals that were eaten during a ritual meal, during which the authors estimated that funeral attendants consumed about 55 pounds (25 kilograms) of meat.

For stage five, attendants filled the grave with garbage from the funeral feast, according to the researchers. And finally, for stage six, a large triangular block of limestone was positioned at the top of the grave.

"The significant preplanning implies that there was a defined 'to do' list, and a working plan of ritual actions and their order," Grosman said in a statement.

According to the authors, the Natufian period is recognized as a time when human burials began emerging as an important cultural practice within the community. Evidence from this study suggests that rituals were carefully planned and highly organized, hinting at the complexity of ancient roles and societies.

The findings were published online April 26 in the journal Current Anthropology.

Source: http://www.livescience.com/55295-female-shaman-burial-reconstructed.html

Nordic Goddess Freya on Boar
Cerridwen and Cauldron Wall Plaque

White Buffalo Woman Plaque

Egyptian Queen Wife of Nakhtmin
Hippocrates God of Medicine
Goddess Cone or Stick Incense Burner

Man-Man Puzzle Ring
Woman-Woman Embrace Earrings
Star of David Rainbow Pendant
Calendar Aug 3-24

Aug 3 
White Mini Spiral Goddess
-Day of the Dryads: Greek celebration of the Macedonian maiden spirits of woods and water.

Aug 3-4 
-Feast of Old Greek Goddess Artemis (Roman Diana): Defender of rights and liberties, and punisher of rapists and oppressors.
Celtic tree of life

Aug 5 
-Celtic Tree Month of Hazel begins.
Aug 6 
FIRE Element Altar Piece Votive Candle holder
-Celtic Fire Festival of Tan Hill.

Aug 9 
-Druid Feast of the Fire Spirits

Aug 11-13 
-Feast of Father Sky: Honoring God as Obatala (Yoruba/Santeria), Ouranos (Greek), Svarog (Slavic), Thor (Norse), Taranis (Celtic), Dyaus (Hindu).
- Celtic Puck Fair - Fertility Festival.
Isis Egyptian Goddess Candelabra Statue

Aug 12 
-The Lights of Isis, Festival of the Egyptian Goddess Isis

Aug 15 
-Assumption Day: Christian feast commemorating Blessed Maria rising into Heaven, being crowned Queen of Heaven and Earth, and being transformed into Our Lady, the Paraclete (the Holy Spirit) who appears everywhere.
Aug 15 was originally THE ASSUMPTION OF THE HOLY SOPHIA, The Assumption of the Holy Sophia into the Pleroma is commemorated on August 15th. For more check out: http://www.gnosis.org/ecclesia/cal_mandala.htm

Aug 17 
-Feast Day of Saint Sophia, the saintly version of the ancient Goddess Sophia, Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament). Other sources list her feast day as September 30, and Aug 15 .
Hecate Goddess Statue
Aug 21 
-Greek Festival of Hecate - To protect the harvest.

Aug 24 
-Feast of Egyptian God Osiris: Partner and true love of Isis, and father of Horus; guide of all husbands, fathers, and judges.

Source: http://www.northernway.org/school/way/calendar/jan.html
The Goddess Encyclopedia

Interested in learning more about Goddesses?
Check out The Goddess Encyclopedia on YouTube! Where you can see informational videos with descriptions and photos of many ancient cross-cultural Goddesses.
Pagan-Wiccan Happenings

Come As You Are (CAYA) Coven's Rainbow Moon Circle announces:
 The Rainbow Moon Circle's Laughing Moon 2016
Aug. 13th. 2016 in Oakland, California at 7:00pm
Join us in charging ourselves with the sacred magick of laughter
A Full Moon Circle Honoring and Celebrating Gender Diversity
Please arrive on time, no one is admitted after the circle is cast. Circle cast 7:15pm
$10-$20 donation accepted, no one turned away for lack of funds
The mxgender Priestxes of Come As You Are Pagan Congregation invite people of any and all genders - or none - to join us in charging ourselves and our communities with the sacred and powerful magick of laughter. We will be calling in the transcultural archetype of Crow to show us how to engage with the transformative energies of humor in even the most dull, dreadful, or dire moments.
You may wish to bring something shiny to charge on the altar, and a treat to share for cakes and ale after we open the circle.
Our Mission: The Rainbow Moon Circle is a safe and sacred space for all to explore the spectra of gender and identity. We honor the holistic experience of self-determined identity and its infinite intersections. We celebrate the glittering prism of Divine existence that is powerful, delightful, enthusiastic, playful, transformative, magickal, compassionate, and reverent. Live the Spectra!
1714 Franklin Street in Oakland

2. TAWN (Tucson Area Wiccan/Pagan Network) announces:
TAWN August Cauldronluck
Aug. 14th. 2016 in Tucson, Arizona from 11:00am-1:00pm
Our monthly meet & greet, late summer edition! Business meeting, 11am-noon; potluck & socializing, noon-1pm. Please bring a dish to share. Free. 
La Madera Park, Florence Dr. & Treat Ave in Tucson
La Madera Park is one block north of Glenn St., & one block west of Country Club Rd.

Aug. 27th. 2016 in Downtown Savannah, Florida from 12:00pm-6:00pm
Merry Meet to All!!! All Paths Are Welcome!
We usually make this a long weekend, staying in the same motel, and carpooling. We enjoy the Historic homes & buildings dated back to 1725, and together also go on tours, ghost walks, cemeteries, museums, shopping/eating at River Walk, Tybee Island, etc. This year is extra special, because we are having a 'Meet & Greet' with Alliance of Savannah.
For more about Circle of the Sublime Elm please go to:
For more about Alliance of Savannah Sublime Elm Pagans go to:
For information on Pagan Pride go to:
See you in August!
Blessed Be!
East Bay St. in Downtown Savannah
Website: http://www.meetup.com/Circleofthe-SublimeElm/

What events do you have planned? Goddessgift.net offers you free publicity for your Pagan or Wiccan event in our newsletter, emailed to more than 4500 subscribers.

Email information to: 
Please make "Pagan Wiccan Happenings" the subject line.

Ancient 'Herstorical' wisdom associated with each Goddess makes the website worth visiting for an educational journey. Remember when feminine characteristics were honored and adored through inspiring and affordable gifts for the beautiful Goddess within each of us.
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Namaste, Sisters and Brothers
Suzan, Alice, Duane, Rayn and Ashley