12/01/2023 - Snow & City Regulations - IRS Alerts/Updates - Lead Pipe Replacement Program - December Events - City Planning & Development Appointee -

Winter Snow Parking Restrictions

A Winter Overnight Parking Ban is enforced on 107 miles of vital arterial streets from 3 AM to 7 AM, December 1st through April 1st, regardless of snow, where signage is posted. Violators' cars are towed to a Pound and face a $150 towing fee, $60 ticket, and a storage fee of $25 per day. 

A Two-Inch Parking Ban exists for another 500 miles of main streets after at least two inches of snow fall on the street, no matter the time of day or the calendar date. Motorists are ticketed or find their vehicle has been relocated to facilitate snow-clearing operations. 

Winter Overnight Parking Ban Map

When It Snows, Chicago Streets & Sanitation Department holds the answers and solutions. So will you if you check out its website or download the app. From before you hit the road to when the street you live or work on will be plowed to reporting a road problem - Streets & Sanitation is on the job.

Click here for the Plow Tracker page. Here for the apps and more info

Here for Sidewalk Snow Removal Ordinance

New Appointee to Planning & Development

Mayor Brandon Johnson recently appointed Ciere Boatright to lead the Chicago Department of Planning and Development, replacing Maurice Cox, who stepped down in August. Ms. Boatright previously served as vice president of CRG, a real estate and community development firm.

Click to read the Press Release.

News from the Internal Revenue Service....

The federal Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is available to employers for hiring individuals from certain groups who consistently face significant barriers to employment. WOTC joins other workforce programs incentivizing workplace diversity and access to good jobs for American workers.

Click here for information, guidelines and eligibility

401(k), IRA Contributions Increase in 2024 - The amount individuals can contribute to their 401(k) plans in 2024 has increased to $23,000, from $22,500 in 2023; the limit on annual contributions to an IRA increased to $7,000, from $6,500, however the IRA catch up contribution limit for individuals aged 50 and older remains at $1,0004.

Click here re these and other retirement-related items.

Taxpayers Affected by War in Israel - Individuals and businesses affected by the terrorist attacks in the State of Israel now have until Oct. 7, 2024, to file various federal returns, make tax payments and perform other time-sensitive tax-related actions.

Click here to learn more

NWCC DECEMBER EVENTS - click on event for flyer/details

12/02 - Get a Selfie with Santa

12/14 - Secure Choice Retirement Savings Webinar

12/15 - Holiday Breakfast Meet-up

NWCC MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS - Third & Fourth quarters

AllState Insurance/Mindy Blanco - Best Rate Insurance - Bishop Conway Residence - Borja dela Rosa & Associates P.C. - BMO Bank - Chicago Auto Radiators - Chicago Premiere Agency - Diamond Banquet Hall - Elliot's Pizza - En Las Tablas - Exit Realty/Gus Mendoza - Galileo Optical - GooGoo's Table - Hawthorne Race Course - Helpico Insurance - Henry J. Meat Specialties - Hermosa Neighborhood Association - Ice for Less - L & M Welding - Las Americas Jewelry - Madrid Jewelry - Midwest Fence - Monitor Dental Group - New Era Jewelry - North-Pulaski Currency Exchange - Old National Bank - Pronto Auto Rebuilders - Seligman Animal Hospital - Sleep on Latex - Smart from the Start - Sofy's Unisex - State Farm/Mark Hanson Agency StraussRealty/Deborah Smith - U-Haul - White Castle...

Click to view Members Roster - Click for a Membership application


mixed-use development at 3305 W. Division Street in Humboldt Park will replace a two-story structure and parking lot. The project is led by LUCHA and Full Circle Communities, working with local architecture firm DesignBridge.

Click to read more.

HOLIDAY SHOPPING?....click on name or title.

Check out Humboldt House - then "Seven Cool Shops" in Chicago

How about Raw Edge or One Strange Bird in Wicker Park?....

or Virtu on Damen Avenue.

Lead Pipe Replacement

Nationally - from the Washington Post: To protect kids, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) wants total removal of lead pipes for the first time.The proposed rule, aimed at reducing exposure to a potent neurotoxin, would require water systems nationwide to replace lead pipes that carry tap water indoors. Click for more info'

Locally - If you live in a house or two flat built before 1986, your water service line is likely made of lead; service lines transport water from the main indoors. As the first step in a multi-year effort to remove all of Chicago's lead pipelines, the City offers two voluntary lead service line replacement programs. Click to learn more.

Warm up a Wintry Day at Pozoleria el Mexicano

5037 W. Diversey Avenue - 773/417-7309

Serving traditional Mexican fare...Molcajetes, Carne Asada el Mexicano, Picaditas Verdes o Rojas, Lengua Burrito, and Cecina Yecapixtla

Estilo Oaxaca, Morelos, Guererro. Dine in, Delivery and Take Out

Click here for website & menu

Small Business Improvement Fund (SBIF)

Since 1999, the SBIF has granted over 1,600 small businesses across Chicago, in nearly every industry and retail sector to promote economic development for permanent improvements. Click to learn more about the SBIF program

Click here to see other ways Somercor can assist your business

The NW Connection Chamber of Commerce is a Place Making Generalist agency for the City of Chicago Business Affairs Neighborhood Business Development Center, funded to assist the Cragin, Hermosa, Humboldt Park, and NorthAustin Communities.

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