Saint John the Baptist Catholic School Newsletter

Dear SJB Families,

I hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving weekend. Time with family thinking of all we are given is a special blessing. We have had a busy week at school. I once again visited classrooms and witnessed our amazing teachers at work. Miss Strack's class did a "Neverending Story" where they recalled a previous story they read. Each student had to add a detail form the story as they went around the room. Mrs. Pleus's room was working with place value to really understand the values a digit of a number represents. At the beginning of each math lesson, they have a Mystery Number game where they are given three clues and have to guess the number. There are some amazing math students in that class!

Speaking of 2nd grade, they will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation tomorrow morning. What a great gift this sacrament is. Please keep these students in your prayers.

The Advent Season is upon us! This Sunday is the first sunday of Advent and we should all spend some time preparing our hearts in a special way for the coming of Christ. In the busyness of the Christmas Season, it is so easy to overlook the blessings and opportunities Advent brings. Reflection on preparation for Christ and making sure we have "room at the inn" is so important.

St. Nick Breakfast also happens this weekend. Go to Mass and then join us in the PAC for pancakes and sausage. It is always a great time! Come bid on some of the wonderful auction items our Arts and Enrichment committee have put together!

Mrs. Javins

Thank You For Your Generosity!

The St. John the Baptist Community, surrounding schools, AND friends of friends have shown an outpouring of love and generosity to our Nguyen family who had a house fire over the Thanksgiving holiday. The family is overwhelmed with the kindness that has been shared with them. They are grateful for each and every gift and prayers. All of their family are now outfitted with nice warm clothes. Many have asked “what do they need.” They are currently staying with family members so they do not have the room for many things. When they return to a house of their own and need things, we will pass that along. They would like to thank everyone for the support and prayers. If you still want to give them something, gift cards are easily stored and appreciated. 😊

Happy Birthday Mrs. Hohenstein!!!

If you have been around St. Johns for any time at all, you know the one that makes it all work is Mrs. Hohenstein. We wish her the happiest of birthdays. Students have been stopping by all morning to sing to her!


Cold Weather and Outdoor Recess

  • We try to get the students outside everyday for recess. It is so good for them!
  • Please dress your children appropriately for cold weather by sending hats, gloves, and coats.
  • Hoodie sweatshirts are not winter coats - contrary to what our junior high students tend to think. They go under winter coats.

Join Us for Saint Nick Breakfast!

Arts & Enrichment hosts the annual St. Nick Breakfast for all school families, parishioners and neighborhood friends. Please join us for breakfast; stay for a visit from St. Nick; and to bid on amazing silent auction and raffle items! All proceeds from this event fund the St. John’s Arts & Enrichment program. Arts & Enrichment funds class field trips, subsidizes the school piano program, school play and brings outside experiences to St. John’s students. We hope to raise enough funds this year to start an annual field trip for the 8th graders to Washington DC. 

Immaculate Conception Spaghetti Dinner

Advent and Christmas at St. John's

SGO Match Opportunity

Mr. Connolly spoke before all masses last weekend about the SGO match opportunity through the end of the year. Make sure to choose St. John the Baptist Fort Wayne - Fort Wayne when donating online at

What is an example of the possible tax benefits for my gift to the SGO?

Depending on your tax bracket, a donation of $1000 to the SGO could result in:    

Donation to SGO         $1000.00

50% state tax rebate       (-$500.00)

25% federal deduction    ($500.00 x 25%=-$125.00)


Net cost to you           $375.00

**Consult your tax advisor to determine your specific tax situation.

BLHS Henry Keefer Scholarship Exam/Placement Test

All 8th grade students who have not taken the Henry-Keefer Scholarship Exam/Placement Test should plan to take it Saturday 12/2.

  • This exam is used as both a scholarship examination and a placement test for freshmen english and math classes.
  • There are no CYO events schedule until after the exam on 12/2, so all students should be able to attend one of the two dates.
  • Door #10 opens at 7:45 AM. No students will be allowed in after about 8:05 AM.
  • If a student has an ISP, they should take the test on 12/2 if they wish to have testing accommodations.
  • Bring a few pencils - no calculator is used on the test.
  • Students may bring a bottle of water and a light snack for break time.

Middle School Winners

Throughout the week teachers in middle school collect names of students going above and beyond, whether it is helping a classmate, participating in class, answering hard questions, volunteering at Mass, etc. Then once a week each middle school teacher draws out a name from their collection to get a small prize. All names eligible for the drawing are placed on a bulletin board in the middle school hallway for all to see. 

This week's winners were:

  • Ben Lehner - Mrs. VanFossen ELA
  • Becca Hire - Mrs. Sturm ELA
  • Myles Morton - Mrs. Henry MATH
  • Norah Pleus - Mrs. Zimmerman RELIGION
  • Keegan Hill - Mrs. Hayhurst SCIENCE
  • Allison Flores - Mrs. Welling SOCIAL STUDIES

Save the Date! Trivia Night - Saturday 1/27/24

Happening in the Classroom Today!

Lost and Found/Donation Center

Do any of these items look familiar?

There are uniform shirts, donated navy blue sweaters and uniform pants, jackets left on the playground, lunch boxes. Please check for missing items!

Do you know someone who would like to receive our weekly newsletter?

Our weekly newsletter is a great way for grandparents, alumni, and friends to stay connected to our school. Have them complete the following information to receive our newsletter updates.

Sign Up Here

Substitute Teachers Needed

We are in need of substitute teachers. In order to be a substitute, you must apply with the diocese and hold a valid substitute license from the state.

  • Diocesan information located here.
  • Valid Substitute Permit application from State found here.
  •  Licensed or Retired Teachers - $125 per Day/ $75 Half Day
  • High School Diploma and Valid Substitute Permit - $100 per day/ $60 Half Day

Upcoming Events

Stay informed! Get quick access to all events on the school calendar and important notifications! Download the Eventlink app to your phone and subscribe to the calendars you want to follow! Learn more about Eventlink here.

  • 12/2 First Reconciliation for 2nd Graders
  • 12/2 Henry-Keefer Scholarship/Placement Exam at BLHS
  • 12/3 St. Nick Breakfast
  • 12/7 5th Grade to STARBASE
  • 12/7 3rd and 4th Grade to Nutcracker
  • 12/8 Immaculate Conception Mass Holy Day of Obligation
  • 12/8 Pre-K to Wild Zoo Wonderland
  • 12/13 Grade 5 Reconciliation
  • 12/14 5th Grad to STARBASE
  • 12/14 Grades 3&4 Reconciliation (Date Change)
  • 12/13 Christmas Concert 6:30 PM in Church
  • 12/18 5th Grade to STARBASE
  • 12/18 - 12/20 Mass Hysteria Retreat for Jr. High
  • 12/19 Piano Recital