Wishes to all for a joyous, and peaceful holiday season.

12/22/2023: Disaster Loan Deadline - Home Energy Relief Programs - Internships - 50-50 Shared Sidewalk Program - Holiday Happenings and Keeping the Kids Busy

Disaster Loans Application Deadline

A recent alert from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) advises businesses of all sizes, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters to file for disaster loans by January 19th, 2024. 

Those in Cook County who incurred severe storms and flooding damage on September 17th and 18th should apply for a physical damage disaster loan by that date. Disaster survivors with insurance should not wait for their settlement before applying for physical damage. SBA will work with your insurance to reduce or repay the loan.

Download the Alert & instructions: In English In Spanish

Relief for Illinois Households

The Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity (DCEO)can assist Illinois families with home energy and other essential services. By partnering with two programs - the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) programs - the State can help eligible applicants cover the costs of utility bills, rent, temporary shelter, food, and other household necessities.

The Help Illinois Families initiative has an online Request for Services form to make it easier and faster to apply; assistance in languages is also available free of charge through the Help Illinois Families website and call center. All households are encouraged to apply, regardless of immigration status. Click here for eligibility and to apply.

Click here to download a Fact Sheet

Thinking Ahead to 2024

Fermilab in Batavia, Illinois, offers a variety of internship programs for high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, secondary school teachers, and professionals. Interns support and advance particle physics and accelerator research alongside scientific, engineering, computing, and operations experts.

Application deadlines, length of assignments, selection process, eligibility, and requirements vary by program. Explore the site to find the program right for you, or use the Internships Quiz to narrow your choices! Click here - learn more.

Real Estate Development

A community healthcare hub will fill a vacant lot at

5034 W Chicago Avenue in the Austin Community.

Click here to learn more about the project.

Plans have also been announced by LUCHA and Full Circle Communities,for a mixed-use development at 3305 W Division Street in Humboldt Park. Located on the southwest corner with N Spaulding Avenue, the new project will replace a two-story structure that most recently held a Spanish church with a small parking lot. The proposal is being led by LUCHA and Full Circle Communities, with local architecture firm DesignBridge working on its design.

Learn more about this project from Block Club Chicago.

Know what's happening in your neighborhood and Chicago. Block Club Chicago has a subscription special - they're offering awesome WPA-inspired prints celebrating Chicago neighborhoods, landmarks, and institutions, plus an exclusive neighborhood logo map available only to Block Club subscribers. Check out the prints here and subscribe.

Check out Options for New Year's Eve 2024 From fabulous music venuesdining optionsand unique events to spectacular fireworks.

From Choose Chicago - Click here

From Eater/Chicago - Click here

Need to keep the Kids Busy, not Bored?

"Holiday Break in Chicago: 30 Things to Do Between Christmas and New Year's Eve"

Click here for a Mommy Poppins article


Stay Tuned....we'll soon have a calendar of events for the new year. If you know of something great for a group outing? Have an idea for a seminar or workshop?

email NWCC:

Shared Cost Sidewalk Program 

Mark your calendar - Application for the 50-50 Shared Cost Sidewalk program opens on  January 8th, 2024, from 6 AM-10 PM only through the City's 311 system, service request website, or through the free CHI311 mobile app on iOS Apple and Android. Applications are taken on a first-come, first-served basis, and the availability of funds.

Click for more details.

NWCC MEMBERSHIP RENEWALS - Third & Fourth quarters

AllState Insurance/Mindy Blanco - Best Rate Insurance - Bishop Conway Residence - Borja dela Rosa & Associates P.C. - BMO Bank - Chicago Auto Radiators - Chicago Premiere Agency - Diamond Banquet Hall - Elliot's Pizza - En Las Tablas - Exit Realty/Gus Mendoza - Galileo Optical - GooGoo's Table - Hawthorne Race Course - Helpico Insurance - Henry J. Meat Specialties - Hermosa Neighborhood Association - Ice for Less - L & M Welding - Las Americas Jewelry - Madrid Jewelry - Midwest Fence - Monitor Dental Group - New Era Jewelry - North-Pulaski Currency Exchange - Old National Bank - Pronto Auto Rebuilders - Seligman Animal Hospital - Sleep on Latex - Smart from the Start - Sofy's Unisex - State Farm/Mark Hanson Agency StraussRealty/Deborah Smith - U-Haul - White Castle...

Click to view Members Roster - Click for a Membership application

The NW Connection Chamber of Commerce is a Place Making Generalist agency for the City of Chicago Business Affairs Neighborhood Business Development Center, funded to assist the Cragin, Hermosa, Humboldt Park, and NorthAustin Communities.

Click to go to the website - Visit our Facebook page