FarmHouse Crest
2012 Year in Review
Record Membership
150 Years of Land-Grant Leadership
Tarleton State 45th Chapter
47th Biennial Conclave
Master Builder of Men
Barnes Award for Interfraternalism
Record Financial Support
Leadership in Action from Campus to Congress
Raikes Technology Center Honored with NICF Award
Clemson Colonization
FarmHouse Friends
A Home Away from Home
FarmHouse Fraternity Year in Review
12 Highlights from 2012

With just 12 days remaining in 2012, FarmHouse International Fraternity & Foundation wish to share with you, our FarmHouse brothers and friends, these 12 notable achievements from the last year! Thank you for your part in helping make it a successful year for FH and ensuring that "progress shall mark our every step!"


1. Record FarmHouse Membership
 Growth in FarmHouse

FarmHouse chapter membership topped 1,579 in the fall 2012 semester - the largest undergraduate enrollment in FarmHouse history! Over the last six semesters the International Fraternity experienced 26% growth, besting the Fraternity's goal of 1,500 members by 2015 by 2.5 years - proof that the FarmHouse experience is a positive one and continues to be shared with college men on campuses across North America! We are excited for the continued growth of our expanding brotherhood as we enter 2013.

2. 150 Years of the Land-Grant Leadership

Peter McPherson (MI '60) 

This year marked the Sesquicentennial (that's 150 years!) of the passage of the historic Morrill Act, signed by President Lincoln in 1862. This legislation ushered in access to higher education for millions of Americans over the next many generations and created the modern land-grant university. On these campuses, FarmHouse chapters sprouted and took root, while these prominent institutions were led and influenced by men we call brother. Leading the land-grant movement today is one of our own, former president of Michigan State University, Peter McPherson (MI '60), the president of the Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (APLU). To learn more about the history of the land-grant movement and impact of the legislation, visit the APLU web site. Happy Birthday to the Morrill Act and here's to the next 150 years of influence in higher education!

3. Tarleton State Becomes 45th FarmHouse Chapter
Tarleton State Chartering  

In March, members of the International Executive Board, staff, alumni, friends and brothers from across North America, gathered in Stephenville, Texas, for the chartering of the Tarleton State Chapter, the 45th chapter in FarmHouse history. Colonized in 2009, Reed Baize (TS '09) was named the chapter's Founding Father and 47 men were listed on the signed charter presented by then International President, Brent Bible (PU '93). This fall the new chapter recruited a membership class of 33 men - a sign that they are well established and well positioned for a long and bright future as a FarmHouse chapter.

4. 47th Biennial Conclave - Two Great Cities. One Fantastic FarmHouse Event
Conclave 2012 Attendees

In August, over 350 FarmHouse brothers and friends gathered in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul for five days of brotherhood and fraternal fellowship at the 47th Biennial Conclave. One of largest attended Conclaves in the Fraternity's history included a steamboat dinner cruise on the Mississippi River, tours of the Mill City Museum and the University of Minnesota campus, a baseball homerun derby at the St. Paul Saints' ballpark, recognition of the Iowa State chapter as the recipient of the Ruby Cup, election of new leadership to the International Executive Board, keynote addresses from Garmin's director of social media Jake Jacobson (IA '93) and former International President and North Dakota's Congressman Rick Berg (ND '78), discussion of the important issues facing the Fraternity today, reuniting with alumni brothers, educational workshops, career networking and celebrating the benefits of FarmHouse membership. Weren't able to join us in person? Check out the photos of the fun-filled week you missed! It's a Conclave that won't soon be forgotten! Mark your calendars now and plan to join FarmHouse in Charlotte, N. C. at the 48th Biennial Conclave, July 31-August 3, 2014.  

5. Master Builder of Men
Master Builders

Conclave included the recognition of four men, who received the Fraternity's highest honor, the title Master Builder of Men. Reflective of our membership, their dedication and service to FarmHouse at all levels is commendable and they are role models for others to follow. The 2012 Class of Master Builder of Men included:

  • Rick Berg (ND '78), Fargo, N. D.
  • Dinus Briggs, Ph.D. (SD '66), Las Cruces, N. M.
  • Terry Graham (OK '75), Byron, Okla.
  • Maurice Johnson, Ph.D. (ID '57), Moscow, Idaho

In 1950, the Master Builder of Men Award was created as the highest honor that FarmHouse can bestow upon one of its alumni members. Neither position, wealth, nor occupation enter into consideration for the award but simply what he has done to help others. Videos highlighting the accomplishments of each Master Builder and the service they have provided campus, community, career and FarmHouse are available for viewing on the Fraternity's Facebook page

6. Barnes Award for Interfraternalism

Rick Barnes (TT '82) While many men have given tirelessly to FarmHouse, few men have given as much to the fraternal movement as a whole and to higher education, than newly elected International President for 2012-14, Rick Barnes (TT '82). It was with this recognition of service that the International Executive Board created and made the surprise announcement at Conclave of the newly-established Barnes Award of Interfraternalism. The Award honors Barnes, a nine-year former member of the North-American Interfraternity Conference's Board of Directors, renowned risk management expert and higher education leadership speaker, former campus administrator, former Texas Tech Association president and 2011 recipient of the highest interfraternal honor, the NIC Gold Medal. The Barnes Award for Interfraternalism will recognize the service of volunteers, campus professionals, organizations or higher education administrators who support FarmHouse and advance the fraternal movement as a whole, for the betterment of the fraternity and sorority community. Congratulations Brother Barnes!


7. Record Financial Support
FarmHouse Foundation

What a year! From the most humble gift to the most generous bequest, thank you! With the support of 1,615 alumni and friends, the FarmHouse Foundation raised an unprecedented $1,984,226 in gifts during our 2011-12 fiscal year. Thanks to this generosity, the Foundation was able to award a record $1.7 million in educational grants to the Fraternity and our undergraduates. This in turn provided FarmHouse young men with a positive fraternity experience through leadership programming, much-needed academic scholarships, safe and affordable chapter housing, up-to-date computer technology and preparation for life after college through values-based personal development education. The Foundation was able to accomplish a lot last fiscal year and we are humbled and proud that over $1.98 million was invested in the Foundation's mission. More importantly, this generosity has impacted the lives of countless young FarmHouse men and provided the tools to help them fulfill their dreams and aspirations. Join in celebrating this successful year and in the journey of reaching even greater milestones in the future by making a gift before December 31, 2012. We guarantee your investment in Building the Leaders of Tomorrow will be well worth it!

8. Leadership in Action from Campus to Congress!
Leadership in Action

As a central attribute of our Fraternity, FarmHouse men show their leadership skills at all levels from campus to the halls of Congress. Two, of the many, notable undergraduate leaders in 2012 are Auburn's Owen Parrish (AU '10) and Nebraska's Brennen Costello (NE '12). In April, Parrish was elected President of the Student Government Association at Auburn for the 2012-13 academic year. He leads the executive leadership of the organization, representing the student voice in university matters through a series of campus programs and legislative initiatives. He is from Birmingham, Ala. Costello, a native of Gothenburg, Neb., was elected in October to the 2013 National FFA Officer Team, as Central Region Vice President. Over the next year, Costello will travel over 100,000 miles helping National FFA members in personal growth and leadership workshops and help set policies that will guide the future of FFA and promote agricultural literacy. These leadership skills remain with FH men throughout their lifetime and lead to Capitol Hill as well. In the 112th Congress, three FarmHouse men ably and proudly served, including former International President, Rick Berg (ND '78), of Fargo as North Dakota's At-Large Seat; Cory Gardner (CO '95) of Yuma, 4th District of Colorado; and Steve Pearce (NM '04), of Las Cruces, 2nd District of New Mexico. Thank you Brothers Parrish, Costello, Berg, Gardner and Pearce - we proudly call you brother!

9. Raikes Technology Center Honored with NICF Award
Raikes Technology Center

In August, The FarmHouse Foundation received the North-American

Interfraternity Conference Foundation's (NICF) Award of Distinction for "Best Use of a Foundation Grant" for funding and collaborating with the Iowa State Chapter and Association of FarmHouse International Fraternity to build the state-of-the-art Ron Raikes Technology Center.  The NIC Foundation Award of Distinction annually recognizes successful programs and outstanding development techniques by fraternity and sorority foundations. The Raikes Technology Center was the vision of Duane Harris (IA '63), a close friend of Ron Raikes (IA '62), a Nebraska state senator and manager of Raikes Foundation Farms, as a meaningful way of honoring Ron's memory after he was tragically killed in a machinery accident on his farm in 2009. The Ron Raikes Technology Center was designed in his memory as a way to bring technology and education together and was formally dedicated at the Iowa State Chapter's 85th Anniversary in April. On hand for the special dedication and to give the keynote address, was Ron's younger brother, Jeff Raikes, a former Microsoft executive, who today is the President and CEO of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The NICF Award is a special tribute to Ron Raikes and the Technology Center, which will forever benefit the members of FarmHouse.

10. Clemson Colonization

As noted, FarmHouse membership is reaching new levels! This is happening not only from the growth of established chapters, but through the expansion of the FarmHouse name on new and previous campuses. In November, 21 men were initiated as the Clemson colony of FarmHouse Fraternity in a ceremony on the Clemson campus. In attendance were Dean of the College of Agriculture Dr. Thomas Scott, Director of College Relations Kirby Player, colony advisor Dr. Brian Bolt (WKY '95), various family and friends and members of the International staff. The chapter of FarmHouse was established on the campus from 1992 to 2002. The International Fraternity is excited to return to this outstanding university with these outstanding men! Go Tigers!

11. FarmHouse Friends
FarmHouse pictures

Building on the interfraternal focus of the Barnes Award and as a new initiative under the leadership of the 2012-14 International President, Rick Barnes, the International Fraternity launched a new program in Fall 2012 - FarmHouse Friends. Comprised of campus fraternity/sorority advisors, higher education administrators, volunteers and professionals from men's and women's national fraternal organizations, FarmHouse Friends is a network of over 120 "friends" of the Fraternity. This group will help FarmHouse in its continued educational program development through volunteer facilitation, expansion efforts and growth to new campuses and help our organization improve as a whole in meeting our mission of being Builders of Men for our members. The kick-off event for FarmHouse Friends, was a reception attended by over 80 of the Fraternity's friends and colleagues, at the annual meeting of the Association of Fraternity Advisors (AFA) in Indianapolis in December. Thank you for being a FarmHouse Friend!

12. A Home Away from Home

The communal living experience is one important to FarmHouse. In 2012 many chapter's saw improvements and in some cases the physical change of address. An impressive, state-of-the-art facility, one of the largest in the country, was completed at Oklahoma State, just as school began in August, with a new house capacity of 88 men. In November Kentucky broke ground for a new chapter house at a new location in Lexington, scheduled for completion in time for the Spring 2014 semester. While Idaho, Minnesota, South Dakota State, Purdue and others, begin to fundraise and make plans for new, safe, secure, and up-to-date chapter housing facilities that meet the needs of today's student. To brothers moving into these new facilities, we say, welcome home!

And with that, from the home of FarmHouse Headquarters in Kansas City to the hearth of your home, we collectively close out an impressive list of 12 Highlights for FarmHouse in 2012, with just 12 days to go! As the new year begins, we look forward to continuing to report to you, our membership and friends, the proud achievements of our great Fraternity! All the best in the new year!

FarmHouse Crest
FarmHouse Fraternity & Foundation
7306 NW Tiffany Springs Pkwy, Suite 210
Kansas City, MO 64153
(800) 722-1905