2021 Annual Convention logo
Annual Convention: October 7-9, 2021
We are eagerly anticipating this year's 134th Annual Convention, a virtual event. Delegate designation and attendee registration is now open! Please register before the deadline of Wednesday, August 4, 2021.

The registration cost for all attendees is $75.

Delegate Designation and Attendee Registration:
Please click here to determine the number of lay delegates allotted for your congregation. Again, the registration deadline is August 4, 2021.

All alternate delegates must be registered (even if not attending) to be considered designated as an alternate and able to take the place of a voting delegate who is unable to attend. There will be a form that must be filled out and signed by the congregational leader in order for an alternate to fill in for a registered delegate.
Bishop Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows
Living Like We Pray with the Rt. Rev. Jennifer Baskerville-Burrows, Bishop of Indianapolis

What if we were not ashamed to live our faith in Jesus? What if we renewed our commitment to furthering God’s kingdom on earth? What if we committed to living a flourishing life in God, realizing that none of us are flourishing unless all of us are flourishing? God calls each of us to renew our commitment to a radical baptism, for at its heart, baptism is a radical act in which we are saying no to a particular way of life and we are saying yes to a new way of life. In baptism, we covenant to do this work together, realizing that if we lived like we prayed, we could change the world.
Convention Schedule/Agenda:
The Convention schedule will be created to encourage maximum participation in our online format. The Opening Worship livestream will begin at 7:00 pm on Thursday, October 7. Friday evening, October 8, our Convention speaker, Bishop Jennifer will bring a message "Living Like We Pray" to revive and inspire our spirits. On Saturday, October 9, the business of Convention will include diocesan elections and other canonically required business and will conclude with an address from Bishop Kym Lucas. The sessions will be available by livestream, zoom webinars, and secure zoom meetings. Please view the convention agenda here (PDF)

Legislation and Resolution Submissions
To submit legislation or resolutions, please refer to the Process Requirements for Resolutions or Legislation and Resolutions Criteria.

Virtual Exhibit Hall
The Episcopal Church of Colorado’s Annual Convention, October 7-9, 2021, will be a virtual event and will include a virtual exhibit hall. Registration for the virtual hall is open to all organizations, groups, and vendors alike for a fee of $25.00. We hope this will be an energizing opportunity to get the word out about your groups, ministries, and products. If you would like to participate, you can register here. Registration closes September 17, 2021. If you have questions, please contact Elizabeth Cervasio at elizabeth@episcopalcolorado.org or call 720.677.9018.

Important Dates

  • July 14 to August 4: Online Lay Delegate Designation and Registration for all delegates, alternates and visitors
  • July 30: Deadline to submit Lay Delegate Designation for Diocesan Institutions and Special Congregations
  • August 4: Deadline to submit legislation & debatable resolution proposals to the Secretary of Convention at dioconvention@episcopalcolorado.org
  • September 17: Deadline for exhibitor registration. Contact Elizabeth Cervasio for information

Prayer for Convention:
Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with those who take counsel in the Episcopal Church in Colorado for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceived what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Peace and Blessings,

Janet Choyce
Convention Coordinator