14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - July 5, 2020
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 4:00 pm
Sunday - 9:30 am
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - 8:00 am
A Message from our Parish Pastor, Father Phil
Dear Parishioners:
A up-date of
The Catholic Comeback Matrix [version 4 – July 1, 2020] was issued this week. To access it on-line
The major changes are: (1) that maximum participation at daily Mass, baptisms, weddings and funerals is now the same as for Weekend Masses; and (2) we can have communal rosaries and Eucharistic Adoration with up to fifty people in attendance. We remain in Phase One of
The Catholic Comeback and are likely to stay there through the month of July, barring radical developments in the course of the pandemic.
Weekday Mass Schedule
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday / 8:00 am
No Registration Required
*Seating is in middle two sections only
Weekend Mass Schedule
To register click the link(s) below, visit our
or contact the parish office at 920-892-4006.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, July 4
Living and Deceased Members of the Flood and Unger Families
Gordon Trimberger
Sunday, July 5
James and Jennifer Slabe
Bob and Vera Meyer
Monday, July 6
Gail (Langemak) Young
Deceased Members of the
Kapellen and Jetzer Families
Tuesday, July 7
25th Wedding Anniversary for
David and Susan Shaffer
Thursday, July 8
June Svitter
St. John the Baptist gratefully acknowledges
memorial donations to the parish on behalf of
Kenneth Bermke and Mary Haslee
We are thankful to their families and those who have contributed
in their names. May we always remember those who have found
peace and joy in our loving Savior’s embrace.
Heavenly Father, you have given us the gifts of life and liberty and entrust to your people the duty to guard these gifts wherever they are threatened.
Help us to protect the freedom of all
to follow the Gospel of your Son, Jesus Christ, and to bring his light and truth to the ends of the earth.
Guide all who play a role in enacting legislation to uphold the freedom of conscience of all citizens.
Send us your Spirit to inspire in us
the wisdom and courage needed
to witness to the truth and to stand up for all whose religious liberty is endangered.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Rosary, Prayers
& More ... with Mary (RPM’s)!
Virtual Gathering
3rd Wednesday of Each Month
- Pray the Rosary
- Offer Prayer Intentions
- Share and Grow Together in Faith
Why does a Catholic Church Operate a Concession Stand?
St. John the Baptist parish provides a large portion of the cost of operating our parish school, taking up a substantial share of the ministerial capacity of our parish. Routinely 40% or greater of school operating costs come directly from parish funds. We do this because it is a part of our faith and ministry as Church and a sign of our discipleship of Jesus Christ. Just like our families, we are constantly looking for cost improvement areas and greater funding avenues. It is a constant struggle between keeping our schools affordable for as many as possible and providing fair and equitable compensation for our staff.
The fundraising opportunity our Road America Concession Stand provides helps us significantly off-set the cost of our parish school operations, thereby making Catholic education available to all who desire it for their children.
Supporting our concession stand at Road America shows commitment to ensuring the option of Catholic education in Plymouth.
Message from our School Principal, Amy Nelson
This week's teacher highlights include our 4th and 5th grade teachers, and our Learning Support Teacher. The teachers work hard to meet the needs of their students differentiating instruction whenever possible, including incorporating a guided reading program reaching the varying reading levels within each classroom. Even during the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers met virtually one-on-one and in small groups to best meet the needs of their students.
Mr. Greg Kohler-4th Grade
"I believe that each child is a unique gift from God who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially, and spiritually. It is my desire as an educator to help students use their God-given abilities by providing a safe and Christian environment."
Ms. Katie Schoemer - 5th Grade
"I believe that every child is a unique individual who needs a consistent, caring, and motivating environment to fully reach their emotional, intellectual, social, and physical potential. My goal is to guide students to reach this full potential by establishing a classroom community that is supportive, engaging, and safe so that each child has the opportunity to experience success."
Mrs. Shelly Birenbaum
Learning Support Teacher
I believe that an effective teacher provides a welcoming and safe environment that is interactive and collaborative and promotes problem-solving and critical thinking skills. An effective teacher also realizes individual student learning styles, and facilitates learning through organization and careful planning, while being flexible to allow students to develop and grow both academically and personally.
Sacramental Celebrations:
Anointing of the Sick
Contact the Parish Office
Contact the Parish Office
2nd and 4th Saturday of each month
9:30-11 am in the Reconciliation Room.
Contact Father Phil no later than six
months prior to day of the wedding.
*The parish office is closed on July 3 for the Independence Day Holiday.
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 4:00 pm
Sunday - 9:30 am
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - 8:00 am
Church Hours for Private Prayer
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Monday and Friday
/ Closed
No matter the gift, it is needed and appreciated.
The Catholic community always comes together in times of crisis.
We can do more – and emerge stronger – together.
Archdiocese of Milwaukee
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