This memo, International Shipment Updates, is the fourth in a four-part series of memos NFC has released regarding changes effective for all shipments picked up 15 May 2021 and after in the:
This memo notes changes specific to international shipments, as well as details to keep in mind that differ from domestic shipments.
- When servicing shipments on a Saturday, please provide us with a contact phone number for the manager on call. We won't necessarily give it to the service member, but it should be something we have on hand in case a SM calls us with an issue.
- It is required that we give 24-hr notice for delivery, and we cannot deliver into SIT before 2 contacts (6 hrs apart). The member has 24hrs to respond. Please send your offer dates to us first thing in the morning. We will be contacting SM while shipments are still at the port to provide updates. Our goal is to have communication established with SM well in advance of arrival.
- Regarding spread dates, please keep us up to date with your blackouts. Before refusing a shipment, we ask that you check your calendar to confirm that you can service the shipment within 7 calendar days.
- The DP3 Real Property Damage Form is required on ALL shipments in accordance with NFC Claims procedures, as noted in Memos 2 & 3 in this series.
- Tamper Evident Seals are required on ALL international shipments.
Please note that this is not an all-inclusive list of the changes effective 15 May 2021, and we encourage our agents and haulers to review the documents referenced. Please also review the other memos in this series:
- Memo 1: Customer Communication
- Memo 2: New Agent & Hauler Responsibilities
- Memo 3: Claims Updates
- Memo 4: International Shipment Updates