...had to take a 2 HOUR polygraph test administered by two police officers. Sounds relaxing!
But then again I'd probably let 'em waterboard me for 47 hours straight if it meant I got to take home a decked-out Ranger 622 w/ a 400hp Merc valued at over $125K 🤯fo FREE.
So the DNR is opening the walleye season year-round to balance the walleye and perch predator-prey relationship.
> "The potential risks are very small.... The walleye population is at 5 million. There's a large cushion. We also have the ability to look at the data each year and make a quick adjustment if necessary."
Unrelated side note: That write-up used a stock photo of a zander...doesn't change anything they're saying, I just always find that entertaining hahah.
...slight decline in walleye numbers:
> ...down slightly from 2020, the result of a couple of weak hatches in 2017 and 2019 [which is normal], but they're still within management goals.
Survey also showed that the sauger population is booming.
They have a couple of clerks who will work from mobile "creel shacks" set up at major access points along the lake to interview anglers coming off the ice.
Really good vid from Fish Addictions TV explaining the difference between Garmin LiveScope vs Garmin Panoptix, and when each unit shines: