November 2018 Newsletter
Fifteen years ago Wellspring Group began with a vision to see leaders become who God created them to be through a wholehearted knowing of God’s transforming love. It started with twelve men attending the first Battle for Men’s Hearts event in 2003. Back then there wasn’t a follow through process, there wasn’t a Battle for Your Domain and there certainly wasn’t a Battle for Women’s Hearts or Marriage. It was just a one-time event that was put on by a few men with a dream...
  These men courageously began to live in authentic, wholehearted vulnerable community and became a fellowship that discovered how to protect and propel one another into their part of the Larger Story. In the process, they began the story that would become who we are today.
Through the years the Battle for the Heart has expanded as needs were realized and God provided men and women along the way who invested their gifts, time and energy to see the dream become a reality.
In 2005 we started offering a 2 nd catalytic event that equipped men with the skills to draw out the heart of others. We experienced major growth in 2008 as we developed the men’s follow through process of daily battle preps and team meetings and responded to the desires of many women by pioneering the Battle for Women’s Hearts.
Impact continued to increase as we partnered with Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church (OMPC) in Birmingham, AL in 2009. That partnership eventually would continue to impact their congregation, congregations in the local area and individuals around the world.

We took the dream one step further as the development of the Marriage track in 2012 offered couples a taste of the part God is giving them together in His Larger, Eternal Love Story.
It has been an exciting journey as we have seen over 2,000 men and women come through the Battle for the Heart Process. In addition, we have had partner churches like OMPC send over 600 of their congregants through the Battle and seen the impact it is having in the conversations in the halls of their church on Sunday morning and the lives of those in their community as they live out who they were created to be throughout the week.
We have stories of women like Susan Powell of West End experiencing freedom from a prison of shame and are inspired by men like missionary Keith Keller whose personal transformation overflows, impacting the way he connected with those in the nations like Martin. Then Martin in the Czech Republic was so transformed that he then invited other Czech nationals into the Battle for their hearts!
We have seen men and women from all different backgrounds and nationalities living deep, from a whole heart in authentic Biblical community in ways far greater than we could have imagined 15 years ago. 
As I reflect on how Mary and I began this ministry with a dream, very few resources, and no clear plan I am overwhelmed with God’s grace and brought to tears.  What began with a few men and a single retreat has grown into 3 life changing experiences of whole hearted authentic, biblical community inviting men, women and couples into their part of God’s Larger, Eternal Love Story.  As we see and hear the amazing stories of God’s transforming, freeing love in the lives of people, marriages, families, churches and workplaces we are humbled as we consider how Jesus took the profound brokenness of our lives and multiplied it just as he did “five loaves and two fish.”   
From the depths of our hearts and on behalf of those whose lives are being transformed... “well done, good and faithful servants.  
From the depths of our hearts and on behalf of those whose lives are being transformed, we pray that each of you who have contributed your lives and your resources will hear the echo of God’s voice saying to you, “well done, good and faithful servants.”   It is an honor to be with you in the Fellowship that continues to write this story of God’s transforming love. We look forward to the years ahead with great hope and anticipation.

- Larry Bolden
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