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May 17, 2019
Top Articles

1. 150+ ASCs with spine surgery in 2019    

2. A timeline of Laser Spine Institute 2005-2019   

3. Where are the 41 'straight-A' Leapfrog hospitals?  Full story
4. How ASCs can navigate out-of-network claims in the rest of 2019. Click here to register for the upcoming webinar. 

6. Xenco Medical launches 1st interactive vending machine for spine surgery instruments - 4 insights    Full story

7. CoreLink releases 2 lateral interbody fusion devices for lumbar spine: 4 things to know  

8. Payer contract negotiations: How to develop a business case for optimal reimbursement. Click here to register for the upcoming webinar.

9. The key skills every spine surgeon needs beyond clinical care Full story

10. Registered nurse salary for all 50 states - California No. 1 at $106,950  

11. Xtant Q1 revenue drops 6.7%, net loss hits $2.8M: 4 key notes Full story
12. How to boost the ASC bottom line with clinical resource management - 2 supply chain experts weigh in. Click here to listen to the podcast.


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Laura Dyrda
(800) 417-2035
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President and CEO
Becker's Spine Review
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[email protected]
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