Dear Parents,
We thank the CNG PTA for the lovely gratitude bracelets that they sent to families over this past week. These are lovely reminders to all of us to be mindful and express our gratitude to others. Thank you!
Please remember that PS/ES car riders or walkers should arrive on campus between 6:35 - 6:55 AM and be picked up between 11:20 - 11:35 AM. For MS/HS we would like to see car riders and walkers arrive on campus between 10:45-10:55 AM and depart between 3:30 - 3:45 PM.
Please note that if you are newly Opting In for Module Three, the deadline is Monday, November 30 by 8:00 PM. More information here.
We also want to remind parents that as one way to ensure our current biosecurity measures are protecting all staff and students, CNG will be using the turnstiles at gate entrances to restrict access to campus to those for whom any of the following requirements are missing:
Daily Wellness Self-Check Form (students)
- Health Survey
- Consent Form (by Signio)
- A Negative PCR Test Result
If a student is denied access, we have a back-up system in place to double-check the four requirements and contact parents, if necessary, to allow the child to remain on campus.
We wish you a wonderful week!