The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter
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17th Sunday after Pentecost

World Communion Sunday

October 2nd, 2022

In-Person Worship at 9:00 and 10:30 am, this Sunday!

Livestream Worship, 10:30 am, every Sunday!

**Mask required at 9:00 am Worship, Mask Optional at 10:30 am Worship

Child Care available for 9:00 and 10:30 am services!

*Sunday School for Pre-K-5th Grade during 10:30 am Worship, every Sunday!

Get your bulletin here.

*Register for Sunday School here.

You can connect on YouTube HERE.

Message from Interim Associate Pastors

Dear Friends and Members of the Ark and Dove Community,

Every year on the first Sunday in October, on October 2 this year, Christians around the globe celebrate World Communion Sunday. On this day we celebrate our unity in Christ and we remember that we are part of a community of millions of believers and worshippers. The tradition of World Communion Sunday goes back almost 100 years when Dr. Hugh Thompson Kerr, who was the Moderator of the General Assembly, suggested that all churches celebrate communion on this day to celebrate our Christian unity. During World War II, the spirit of this day caught hold as a way to bring the world together in a spiritual sense.

This year, at Ark and Dove, we are going to remember and lift-up our connectedness with others around the world by celebrating communion with two kinds of bread. We will have the opportunity to partake of either naam the kind of bread eaten by our Afghan brothers and sisters or from a loaf of the kind of dark bread, which frequents the tables of our Ukrainian friends. There will, of course, also be gluten-free bread available. Why these two nations? Because our congregation has a special connection of love and concern with the peoples of these countries through the two refugee families with whom we are working. Our Mission Committee has joined with folks from First Presbyterian Church, Annapolis, and Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church to sponsor an Afghan Family. It has been an incredible joy of getting to know the Abawi family as we help them get settled in their new country. Greg and Ellen Marker have joined with friends and neighbors in providing housing for a Ukrainian family. These two special families are enriching the life of our congregation as we get to know and love them. As we eat from these special loaves, taste and see that the Lord is good!

This year, World Communion is a sacred time for us celebrate Christ in us, among us, and around us; Christ in those who are near and Christ in those who are far; and Christ in those special people God has brought to our shores and called us to care for and learn from. We are so blessed! See you on Sunday!

from co-interim Pastors,

Caroline and Stephen

[email protected]g

[email protected]g

Verse and Prayer

The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!” The Lord replied, “If you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, “Be uprooted and planted in the sea, and it would obey you.” 

Luke 17:5-6

Loving God, we ask for more faith and you take our hand and walk beside us. We ask for more faith and you say we already have enough. We ask for more faith and you give us your own self as food and drink, strength for the journey and the joy that binds us together. We ask for more faith and you infuse us with your love. O God, help us to trust you so that obeying you we can uproot those things in our lives and in this world which must be banished. Amen.

The choir will be singing this week for World Communion Sunday! The piece is called Every Nation, Every Tribe. With the piano and percussion accompaniment, this multicultural anthem combines English and Swahili texts with traditional choral textures. It also includes a quote of O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing.

Thank you to Paula Sparks for subbing for me while I am away this week. I am in Florida for a wedding. We are in Jacksonville and had no damage or issues from Hurricane Ian. Many friends and family are without power, but had minimal damage. I am praying for everyone affected by this powerful storm. 

On Sunday, October 16th, Ark and Dove is excited to be hosting a concert featuring the Beau Soir Ensemble- flute, viola and harp. Details are below, along with a link to purchase tickets. Lunch will be provided after the 10:30 service for those who will be staying for the concert. This will be a family friendly concert, suitable for all ages. 

Purchase Tickets Here!

With love,


Director of Music

[email protected]

Please Donate Electronically!
DONATE ONLINE! One-time and recurring!

TEXT your donations! 410-983-3481
Text give to get started. Text commands for more options.
To donate for Ukraine help, text amount followed by Ukraine.

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Bulletin - 16th Sunday after Pentecost


How Close Can You Get?

Mask required at 9:00 am Worship, Mask Optional at 10:30 am Worship

World Communion Sunday

We will be celebrating World Communion Sunday on October 2nd. Our Peace and Global Witness Special Offering officially ends on World Communion Sunday. As you may know, the theme for 2022 has been "For you shall go out in joy, and be led forth in peace." — ISAIAH 55:12. We use our Peace and Global Witness Offering to support our financial commitment to ACT (Anne Arundel Connecting Together). ACT will receive 75% of this offering. The other 25% will go to support Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, who has organized the immigration of so many Afghan families, including our family the Abawis. Please consider giving generously to the Peace and Global Witness Special Offering. Peace be with you on this World Communion Sunday!

Associate Pastor Nominating Team

Begins Search

The Associate Pastor Nominating Team (APNT) began work in late August and are currently meeting every Monday. To keep the congregation up to date on our process and progress, we will provide an update in the Arkive at least monthly. The next Arkive article will outline the “call” process but, our team’s first step in this process is to create a Ministry Information Form (MIF). 

The MIF includes a detailed description of our congregation and highlights the specific skills, qualities, and attributes we seek in our prospective Associate Pastor. The APNT team represents you, our congregation, in this process and we take this responsibility seriously and with great care. As we begin preparing our MIF, we are seeking the congregation’s input.  

We are holding three listening sessions to gather ideas and input on the qualities you feel are important in our next Associate Pastor. We will offer two listening sessions on October 2 and October 9 after the 11 am worship service; these will be in person (at around 11:45). We will also host a session on October 3 at 6:15 pm by Zoom. No reservations are necessary for any meeting. Please feel free to ask any team member questions about the process. We welcome your input.  

Please keep our team in prayer over the next few weeks and months. Gratefully, the APNT: Adora Grace Nilsen-Johnson, and Ylonda Fauntleroy, Co-Chairs; and Donna Anderson, Fred Barrow, Jim Cooper, Julie Devers, Aaron Fox, David Lawson, Emma Talbert, and Laura Willoughby.

Zoom Link Meeting

The Lobby

Latest Episode: 18 September

Join this week's Lobby guest host Lilly as she interviews Amy Tardiff as they discuss and experience what it's like to take part in a Godly Play class. Anyone interested in teaching Godly Play? Please contact Sara Fox.

Previous Episodes

11 September

Join Lobby guest host Jim Cooper while he discusses all the upcoming events at Ark and Dove and the mysterious new gizmo in the kitchen with Earth Care Team Lead, Bob Fuller.

4 September

Joining this week's guest host Christa Kronser as she interviews our new interim Associate Pastors Steven and Caroline Price-Gibson to discuss their involvement with Ark and Dove.


Renewed in Faith

Our 2023 Stewardship Effort is one that asks for reflection before penning the numbers on the pledge card. The effort has three key aspects: Embracing the Future, Renewed in Faith, and Living with Hope and Love. It is through this lens that we seek God’s help in allowing us to envision how we are individually called to support the vision which God has revealed to us through the use of our resources, time and talents. This week we want to explore what Renewed in Faith means and how we respond to the church’s aspirations to make our community and world more inclusive and just. On a personal level, I have been able to find new employment that is engaging and I am able to approach social interaction without fear as opposed to the prior two years. It is miraculous what modern medicine has produced that has restored some form of normalcy to our lives. We can now gather with our family, friends, and fellow church members in ways that were not possible in early 2020. This is a reality only by the grace of God that has been provided through the hands of many. I have been reminded that my life and all that I have is something that has been gifted by God for me to be a good steward of and not something to be taken for granted. Renewed in Faith, I look to seek how I can continue my journey of spirituality and understanding of my personal calling by participation in the teachings and actions which I am part of as a member of Ark and Dove. This calls me to look at how God has shaped and continues to shape me as a faithful disciple and what I am able to do to further my journey. I cannot individually accomplish everything that is in my heart to do, but I can put my resources to work to help enable others at Ark and Dove to learn, grow and act in ways that reshape the world in God’s vision. My personal interpretation of an increase of 1% or whatever burden that I can saddle is compounded by each and every member’s commitment. That 1% helps us drive our mission activities that has been informed through the deeds, actions, voices, and insights of the congregation and our interpretation of God’s touch on our lives. This allows us to expand the circle of love to serve our community and our world. We all face inflationary pressures – but being Renewed in Faith allows me to take on pledging an increase knowing that the future is brighter now and there is need to share that light with those that could use a little more Hope and Love in their lives. Reflect on where being renewed in Faith is leading you, and in November, make a pledge that represents your personal commitment to making that future happen for yourself and others.

2023 Renewed in God Stewardship Team

Outreach & Connections

Ark and Dove is always growing. Celebrate the past 30 years and the 30 years (and more) to come! We will be having a catered and potluck dinner at 5pm on October 23rd in the sanctuary. We are asking folks to bring dishes that remind them of "community", something they feel connected to. There will be multiple ways to get involved - pay attention to the Arkive for even more news to come! Click Here to RSVP!

Share the Aromas and Taste

Love to cook? Have some recipes that remind you of special times or are hand-me-downs? Ark and Dove is putting together an online Cookbook to celebrate our 30th Anniversary in October. To make sure we get all the info, there's a Breeze form for your convenience. Please use the link below to fill it out and send it to Joan Berry. Let's have a yummy start to our 31st year!

Submit Your Recipes Here!

Peaceful Demonstration

GLEAM and Anti-Racism are teaming up for a peaceful demonstration on Friday, October 7th from 4:30pm - 6:00pm. Bring a sign or select a sign from past demonstrations at the church. Join Us!

UPDATE: Due to the probability of the remnants of hurricane IAN coming to us this Saturday, the PW Fall Gathering will take place on the rain date, Oct. 8 starting at 10:30 a.m. Let Joan Berry know if this changes your reservation status. Thank you.

Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery of Baltimore will be holding its IN PERSON Fall Gathering on October 8th at Catonsville Presbyterian Church pavilion from 10:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The birthday party will be celebrating the 100th Birthday of the Birthday Offering. The cost for the celebration lunch will be a whopping $1 donation to the Birthday Offering! Joan Berry will need to report the count of those going (men can come too) by September 18. Please let Joan, 410-672-5237, know if you are coming.

Friendly Seniors Plans

It appears that we are resuming our social lives. This means Friendly Seniors will begin only having special events, not a monthly meeting. We are currently looking at going to Bowie Community Theater the 15th of October at 8 p.m. to see Wait Until Dark, a mystery. The whole church is invited to participate. If we get 10 reservations the tickets will be $15 each. Give Joan Berry a email, [email protected], or call her at 410-672-5237, if you have a date preference.

Then in November, date TBD, we are looking at going to the Cryptological Museum for an afternoon. Again, everyone is invited. Clearly, there will be more details coming. The contact person is Joan Berry for any preferences you want have taken into consideration.

Christian Education

Ark and Dove Book Club -

October Selection

Join the Ark and Dove Book Club for our October selection of "The Girl in His Shadow" by Audrey Blake, an "unforgettable historical fiction novel about one woman who believed in scientific medicine before the world believed in her." We will discuss the book on Zoom on Friday, October 21st at 7:30pm. Contact Kim Champagne at [email protected] for more information and/or the zoom link. 

Ark & Dove Library

New in the Ark and Dove Library

This month we asked Paula Sparks to comment on two of her most recent donations to the Social Justice - Antiracism section of the library.

Tears We Cannot Stop – A Sermon to White America

Imagine living in a society where your white skin marks you for disgust, hate, and fear. Only when you see black folk as we are, and imagine yourselves as we have to live our lives, only then will the suffering stop, the hurt cease, the pain go away.” These are the closing words of the Benediction chapter written by Michael Eric Dyson, ordained minister and Professor of Sociology at Georgetown University. The book is assembled as a church service, and the sermon bares truths that every white person should struggle with. It ends with hope and specific actions for reparations, education, and healing. Highly recommend!

You Are Your Best Thing: Vulnerability, Shame Resilience and the Black Experience (Edited by Tarana Burke and Brene Brown)

In this collection of short essays, twenty Black men and women offer personal stories that go deeply into their personal experience of Black life and offer an honest look at the effect racism has on people of color. Easy read…eye opening.

To see these and other books in our library, check out the catalog HERE.

Children Christian Education

Nursery: open for children age birth to 3 

9:00 AM and 10:30 Service

PreK Sunday School: Ages 4-5 

4 year olds , case by case at 9:00am service

ONLY at the 10:30 service

Godly Play: Elementary Ages, Grades K-5

9:00 service is a K-5 group

10:30 service has both a K-2 and a 3-5 group

Middle School Sunday School: Grades 6-8

Date starting TBD

ONLY at the 10:30 service

Leaders and Helpers Needed

To ensure that we can continue to offer the above Christian Educational opportunities we NEED leaders! Currently we do NOT have enough to fully staff any of these programs. Please consider offering your gifts and talents to help these programs thrive. You will need to complete a background check and training. Curriculum and materials are provided. Please contact CE Elder, Sara Fox at [email protected] if interested. 

Thank you to those of you who’ve already made a commitment to help out this year!!!

Nursery Helpers: If you are already a CE leader or a high school student please consider signing up HERE to help in the nursery. You will be assisting Cara Moody as needed.

As always, any questions or concerns please reach out to me at [email protected].


Candidate Action

The Candidate Action is October 6 to Friday, October 14 at 7pm!

Ark and Dove will host ACT’s Anne Arundel County Candidates night in our Sanctuary, the County Executive and County Council Candidates will be invited. 

To register please click HERE.

We will need help in the following areas:

-Tech Team




GLEAM- Family & Ally Support Group

Monday, October 10, 7:00- 8:00 pm. This support group is for family and friends of LGBTQIA+ persons and allies who want to learn more. This month we are discussing how to interrupt bias based behaviors and other topics brought to the group. For the zoom link contact Amy Tardiff [email protected].

Anti - Racism

From Zero-Sum to Solidarity

I read and recommended The Sum of Us by Heather McGhee over the summer. If you haven't read it yet, there's still time, and you just might find a copy of the book in our newly updated library! Then join us on November 1st for an in-depth look at what racism costs all of us and how we can prosper together across race.

The author gives a 15 minute overview HERE

Prayer Requests

Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Chantel Seetram; Debbie and Bruce Arey Daughter, Allison; a husband awaiting test results; families impacted by gun violence; Loretta Miller & her family on the death of her husband; Dr. Jesse Nicholson, Connie Batts' brother-in-law; Michael Brett; Lewis Shorter's sister-in-law, Kay Schwandt, in the hospital; Laura Talbert; prayers for granddaughter starting a new job; Danni Johnson, fighting cancer; Denise Bartgis chemo treatments; Thanks for Bill Champagne's son reaching a year of sobriety; for Michelle Schoonmaker's friends recovering from surgery; Donna Anderson's brother-in-law, Tom, recovering from surgery; prayers for Mike Davie's granddaughter starting a new job; for friends recovering from surgery; the birth of Hudson R. Degge, the child of David and Abby Degge; David and Abbey; Michael Britt; little girl diagnosed with leukemia and her family; the family of Gavin Hurley; Amanda Welford; Bruce Arey's sister; Helen Jarkiewicz; Tricia Gray; Dee going through breast cancer; Anthony Welford, recovering from surgery; Arlyce Lohr; Laura Talbert; Doug Dehaven with cardiac problems; Karen Judeich; Harrison-Wyatt Family searching for Jamil Wyatt; Marie, Nikol Sahai’s Mom; Irina Lee, Jan and Al Jank's daughter-in-law; Payton 18 months old, starting chemo therapy; Fran; Dot Forloines; Vaughn Brown; Dick Paronto; Pamala Morrison recovering; for Julie Devers' friend Zenia Dacio-Messina; for Hope Sutphin; Dotty Kaufmann; Emily Wehage; Diane Makar's friend’s mother; Jeff Miller, Kathy Miller’s brother-in-law; Freyja Hartzell; Amy Goldber's father, Michael Cooper; Rebecca Echols friend, Lauren Douglas; Andy, friend of Karen Dodson; Jeanne Elbefeld; Ghazal Abawi; Mike Bartgis's cousin; Marjorie Tanner, Laura Doughty’s mother; Ellen; Cara Moody’s father-in-law, Gary Moody Sr.; Friends of Michelle Schoonmaker: Carly & Chris Taylor and Bri Reed; Laurie Barrow's brother, Steve Beckwith; Fred Barrow’s sister, Betsy Sargant; Debbie Saylor's Family and Friends: Carlene Printy, Helen Rossum, Wayne Rennex, Alison Buffington & Chris and Jeff; Jack Sweeney; Mary Lou Dulina, friend of Cheryl Schafer; Alvin Dennis; Ashton Borsella; Tiffany Thompson; Courtney, Deborah Dingle’s niece; Lou Kareha's friends and family: Aubriella and Michael Steele, B. Wicker, James Karanasky (sister-in-law's brother), Thomas Kochis (cousin), and Nando Smacci (friend); Mike and Denise Bartgis' son-in-law; Lourdes Cordero's family and friends: Diane Cordero (sister), Jose (brother), granddaughter, and Fred and Arelene Jones (friends); Amy Tardiff’s Aunt Fran; Cameron Jackson, Ylonda Fauntleroy’s cousin, dealing with a difficult situation; Frank Stillwell; Mary Caolo; David Johns; Angela Goska; Belinda Edwards; Karen Stokes; Betty Small; Calvin Latham; Carol Saylor; Ray Bussey's mother, Doris; Amy Hagemann’s sister, Susan Pratt; Mary Benson’s sister; Bill Lifsey Sr., Amy Carskadon Lifsey’s father-in-law; Helen Wilkens' mother, Jane Reinert; Linda Taylor’s mother, Izola; Amy Goldberg’s grandmother, Ruth Cooper; Shelley Franklin's father; James Franklin's sister-in-law, Kelli Franklin; Gunther Kurtz, Laurie Barrow’s nephew; Carl Hahn, Laura Doughty’s brother-in-law; Ruth Doughty, Paul Doughty's mother; Cheryl and Doug Walcutt’s Family: Cheryl Walcutt (mother of Cheryl), Judy (sister of Cheryl); Don Clark, friend of Cheryl Walcutt; Margaret Schade, Erika Sealing's grandmother; Rob Yeager’s friends: Greta Daughtrey and Peter Brown; Linda Jordan, Christy Yeager’s mother; Bonnie, Linda Jordan’s niece.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at [email protected] and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.

Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | [email protected] | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113
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