19th Sunday in Ordinary Time, August 9, 2020
First Reading: “Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD;the LORD will be passing by.” (1 Kgs 11a)
Second Reading: For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ or the sake of my own people,my kindred according to the flesh. (Rom 9:3)
Gospel: Peter got out of the boat and began to walk on the water toward Jesus.But when he saw how strong the wind was he became frightened;and, beginning to sink, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” (Mt 14:29-30)
Mass Schedule
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday / 8:00 am*
*No registration required - Masks Required
Saturday 4:00 pm** and Sunday 9:30 am **
**Registration is required - Masks Required
*Weekend Masses at St. John the Baptist are now streamed live on both YouTube and Facebook.
Live-Stream Mass scheduled for
Saturday, August 8 - 4:00 pm
Click the image to view.
Live-Stream Mass scheduled for
Sunday, August 9 - 9:30 am
Click the image to view.
Archbishop Listecki has extended the dispensation from the
Sunday Mass obligation through September 06, 2020.
A Message from our Parish Pastor, Father Phil
Dear Parishioners:
The thing that makes me guardedly optimistic about our ability to make it through the current fiscal year successfully, notwithstanding all of the indicators that it’s going to be a terrible year in a profit-and-loss sense, is the existence of the St. John the Baptist Endowment Fund, created under the leadership of Fr. Wayne Bittner twenty-five years ago.
Please pray the rosary with us each Friday at 4:00 pm on Facebook. There will be a compilation of live Rosaries, new pre-recorded Rosaries, and previously recorded throughout the summer.
Our parish family extends its sympathy to
the family and friends of
Maureen R. Schmahl
May Maureen, with God’s
Blessing, rest in peace.
Saturday, August 8
t Jerry Hoerres
t Brian Rusch
Sunday, August 9
For the People of St. John the Baptist and St. Thomas Aquinas
Monday, August 10
t Brenda Albert
t Gerald Schmitz
Tuesday, August 11
t Paul Thomas
Thursday, August 13
t Linda Zorn
t Jack Wirtz
To request a Mass Intention contact the Parish Office at 920-892-4006.
RCIA - Celebrating and Welcoming
The process by which adults come into the Church has come to be known as “RCIA”, which is short for “The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.” This weekend, during Sunday's 9:30 AM Mass we welcome four RCIA candidates who are joining our Catholic faith family - Katherine, Kay, Maria, and Tyler! Welcome to the family! Thank you to all who journeyed with the cohort in some way (teachers, sponsors, mentors, peers, family, loved ones, etc.). And a huge thank you to Cate Pearce for being the constant and faith-filled leader of the pack! Learn more about RCIA.
Missionary Appeal - August 15-16
The annual Mission appeal by ZeruZeru, Inc will be virtual next weekend, August 15/16. We look forward to hearing from the Boos family and having a second collection in support of Zeru Zeru Inc and the monumental work that they do. If you haven't yet turned in your mission specific envelope, next weekend is the time to bring it in. Please write checks payable to the parish and include “Mission Appeal - Zeru Zeru Inc” in the memo line. You are also able to donate online through our parish website https://sjbplymouth.org/give. Thank you in advance for any monetary amount of support you are able to provide.
The funds collected through our twinning relationship with ZeruZeru, Inc. continue to pay for the protection, care, and education of the vulnerable children at the center. Sister Helena has reported that it is an especially dangerous time for people with albinism in Tanzania due to the coronavirus and upcoming elections. We are all struggling in this unprecedented time, however, let us continue to come together as one family, sharing our love and kindness, generosity and prayer where and when we are able.
From the School Principal, Mrs. Amy Nelson
This past school year did not end the way any of us would have anticipated it to. The “typical” graduation ceremony cannot occur in accordance with the Catholic Comeback Plan. However, we are able to celebrate a Baccalaureate Mass and will honor our graduates in this special Mass Sunday at 1 pm with their immediate family members in attendance.
The Baccalaureate Mass will be live streamed for those not able to be in attendance. I am very proud of this year’s graduating class for their hard work and commitment to their studies and for modeling being a disciple of Christ for others on a daily basis. Best wishes to each student as they embrace the next exciting chapter in their lives! CLICK HERE TO VIEW MASS
Volunteers Needed
for NASCAR/Trucks and
World Challenge 2020
Thank you to our new Road America Concession prep crew. This group has been meeting weekly to package condiments such as pickles, onions and sauerkraut in single serve containers. They have also assisted by baking cinnamon rolls and our traditional pies. Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen!!
Congratulations to our parishioner, Scott McConnaha. Scott is a 2020 recipient of the 7th Annual “Faith that Works” Award presented by The Compass. This award is presented to individuals who have influenced the workplace through business practices that reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ and His church and who share of themselves in their parishes and/or communities. Congratulations, Scott!
Virtual Game Night with Catholic Underground Young Adults August 12 at 7:00 pm. Are you tired of Zoom meeting after Zoom meeting? There’s a fun way to Zoom! Join us as we use Zoom to play games virtually! If you would like to join us, please message our Facebook page @SheboyganCU or email Amanda Gronemeyer at agronemeyer@dsoll.org. We look forward to seeing you on Zoom!
Live Evenings of Virtual Prayer with Catholic Underground Young Adults 1st & 3rd Mondays at 6:30 pm on our Facebook page @SheboyganCU. Our world is in great need of prayer. Please join us as we explore various forms of prayer. Unable to join us live, the recording will be posted on our Facebook page.
PAPER SHRED DAY - Donate to your local food pantry!
Saturday, August 22, 2020 / 9:00 am - 12:00 pm / 2700 Eastern Avenue (Bank First’s Parking Lot)
Shred your old documents & donate to your local food pantry! While this event is free and open to the public, we request that participants bring a non-perishable food donation or make a monetary donation to benefit area food pantries in exchange for each bag of documents to be shredded.
Sacramental Celebrations:
Anointing of the Sick
Contact the Parish Office
Contact the Parish Office
2nd and 4th Saturday of each month
9:30-11 am in the Reconciliation Room.
Contact Father Phil no later than six
months prior to day of the wedding.
Mass Schedule
Saturday - 4:00 pm - Registration
Sunday - 9:30 am - Registration
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday - 8:00 am
Church Hours for Private Prayer
Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday
9:00 am – 2:00 pm
Monday and Friday / Closed
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