Dearest Burley Community,

We have so much to look forward to this year - throughout the last few weeks at each of our back-to-school events I already can feel the excitement and optimism and am right there with you. All teachers and staff have been back in the building in the last week planning, participating in professional development and preparing for the school year. Their classrooms and the building have come to life - Burley is ready! Back to School brings many feelings for your students - don't forget to remind them that it's one of my teachers' and whole staffs' favorite days of the year and we can't wait to see each of their faces (If you didn't show them the staff video yet you can find it HERE!) There's a lot of detail in this email - please take a minute to read through it's got everything you need to help your students make a smooth start to the best school year ever! 

The Burley School community is strong, our exemplary program continues, and our dedicated, talented, passionate teachers are ready to begin an incredible new year. We are so pleased to partner with all of you, and as always, we are grateful for your support and engagement.

Go Tigers!

Catherine Plocher, Burley Principal

Start & End Times

School begins at 8:15am and end at 3:15pm. (Kindergarten Students dismiss at 3:05pm and 1st graders dismiss at 3:10pm.) Please make sure that your student(s) are on the playground and ready for morning lineup by 8:10am (Kindergarten students lineup at the southwest doors by the greenhouse, 1st-3rd on the basketball court and 4th-8th on the east side of the turf.) It is important that ALL parents stay outside the fence in the parking lot or alley instead of waiting and standing on the playground. Once the first bell rings, students are preparing to start their day of learning, so please say your goodbyes from the West alley or Burley Parking lot when you drop send your kids in to line up! Please leave dogs at home - they can be a distraction to an efficient pickup and drop-off, pose a safety risk and can make the transition to and from school uncomfortable for some students. 

Playground Time

The Burley School playground is closed for playtime before school. Children are welcome to play after school but only with parent/adult caregiver supervision. 

School Supplies

Please send school supplies with your child during the first week of school if you didn’t already drop them off at Early Bird Day. Feel free to send them over the course of several days if carrying supplies independently will be difficult for your child - you need not assist your children in carrying all supplies to school the first day.  

Parking for Drop Off & Pick Up

Please use legal street parking in the neighborhood. Burley families do not have access to the parking lot at the northwest corner of Ashland and Barry nor can they double park in the Fletcher cul-de-sac or in alleys. Cars parked illegally are disruptive to the neighborhood, risky to pedestrians and often get booted and/or towed. Please do not double park on Barry, even only for a minute. Our space is tight and one car can create safety concerns and traffic flow challenges.

School Lunch and Pin Numbers

School lunches are free and available for ALL students who wish to get a school lunch or forgot their lunch each day. Parents, don’t worry about Pin numbers the first week, we will send them home with students this week and will start to use the pin numbers in the near future once we get the year going.

Student CPS Google Accounts

We have begun the process of resetting student passwords, so your child's previous login may no longer work. In a typical year, Burley does not activate K-4 student Google accounts, as Google tools are not used in those grades. We will support 5-8 students in logging in at school but will not be using K-4 accounts unless needed.

Beginning of the Year Fees & Forms

Any families who were unable to attend Early Bird Day this year are invited to come to the South Lunchroom on Monday or Tuesday, August 22nd and 23rd, from 8:20-9:15am. We will have tables set up so that families can complete their forms and pay their fees on the first day of school (cash only in person or use the Epay link for credit card payment HERE in advance). Questions? Reach out to clerk, Celi Aviles

Meet our new Counselor and Case Manager

Burley is lucky to welcome Blair Sundhausen as our new school counselor and Sidney Reed as our new case manager! Ms. Sundhausen has been trained and worked as a school counselor in CPS schools. She has quickly fallen in love with Burley and is looking forward to providing support to Burley students in whole class, small group, and one-on-one settings. Ms. Reed has been a special education teacher in CPS schools and Burley and is leveraging that experience as she transitions into her new role as case manager leading and supporting our special education team. You can reach Ms. Sundhausen via email at and Ms. Reed at They both cannot wait to meet your students in the coming days!

Covid Updates

As CPS aligns to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Chicago Department of Public Health guidance, here are the current updates for when an individual tests positive for Covid:

  • If your child test positive for Covid-19, please complete the CPS Self Report Form and also email Ms. Plocher for awareness
  • A reported positive case will need to quarantine at home for 5 days and wear a mask days 6-10 when returning to school. Only students that test positive for Covid will quarantine regardless of vaccination status. 
  • Close contacts to the positive case determined by CPS Contact Tracing Investigations will be required to wear a mask for 10 days. All close contacts will be provided rapid take home tests to self test days 3 and 5 of exposure.
  • Students who test positive will receive remote learning instruction during their quarantine window after the 24-hour preparation period. Positive confirmed covid cases are the only students who qualify for remote instruction.

If your student is new to Burley or was not fully vaccinated last year or got boosted since you last reported their status but are now, please send your child's updated vaccine card to and we will enter vaccine info into the health system. This information is invaluable for our contact tracing team and tracking the school-wide vaccination rate is an important tool for keeping all students and families safe.

Physical/Building Improvements

It's been a busy summer! Your students (and you when you come for Merit performances, assemblies and sporting events!) will now enjoy an air conditioned gym (thanks to State Rep Ann Williams and retired Senate President Cullerton!), electrical wiring has been updated for improved air conditioning in 3rd floor classrooms, safety improvements throughout the building have been implemented, exterior front entrance grounds were repaired, and there are beautiful new classroom student desks, tables and chairs. Upcoming projects include additional classroom air conditioners in 3rd floor classrooms, a new electronic marquee (anticipated in the fall!), and new and improved playground equipment this Spring!

Follow Burley on Twitter

We have three Twitter feeds of interest to the Burley community:

  1. @BurleySchool - This Twitter feed provides a range of news, features, and updates of general interest to the Burley community and the public.
  2. @MsPlocher @MsJiamachello - Follow Principal Plocher and AP Jiamachello to get an inside glimpse into the incredible teaching, learning, and activities taking place at Burley.
  3. Follow your child/ren's classroom teachers on twitter where they share lots of exciting learning and life in their classroom throughout their day and year at Burley. There is so much to celebrate!

Burley Community Facebook Page 

Moderated by parent volunteers, the @burleycommunity page is a great resource for keeping up with all things Burley as well!

Burley Home Page

News about Burley School events and happenings and an updated archive of Ms. Plocher's weekly Eblasts (your source for the most important Burley updates) are easy to find at

Friends of Burley Home Page 

Learn more about volunteer and fundraising efforts at Burley at

Upcoming Events

Mark your calendars - we look forward to seeing you this week!

New Parent Orientation, Wednesday August 24th @ 6pm, North Lunchroom

Kona Ice Cream Social, Thursday August 25th @ 6pm, Burley playground

Special thanks to all the parents who have pitched in to help over the summer and volunteered in ways to support Burley - so many fantastic and exciting things have been accomplished and we couldn't have done it without you. We will have many other volunteering opportunities throughout the year and encourage you to get involved - your involvement makes the whole community better!

How Can You Volunteer Now?

  • Are there some parents/adults that can help unload classroom table deliveries, assemble, and move out the old tables to storage after school tomorrow (Monday, August 22)? The delivery is estimated to arrive sometime between 3-6pm and we could use muscle and help if possible. No students please. Email Principal Plocher if available at
  • Be on the ground floor the new vision for the Burley PTO (Parent Teacher Association)! The PTO plans and runs community events for the school community - from the Ice Cream Social, Fall Fun Fair, Book Bash, Arts and Science Fest, Staff Appreciation Week and so much more! The PTO truly makes the community celebrations happen! Be an officer or join a committee. Email Principal Plocher with interest at

2022-23 CPS Calendar

Please click here for the CPS school calendar for this upcoming year. Utilize this calendar to plan for vacations, appointments, classes and time outside of school on days off of school. This supports our educators to maximize learning for all students in our classrooms.

Important Dates and Upcoming Events

August 22: 8:15am First day of school for students

August 24: New Family Orientation, 6pm 

August 25: Ice Cream Social, 6pm playground

Sept 5: No School - Labor Day

September 8: Curriculum Night at Burley

September 10: FOB Muskie Fest (Will's Northwoods Tap)

September 17: FOB Taco Fest

September 21: LSC Meeting 6pm & FOB Meeting 7:30pm, lunchroom

September 22: FOB Fall Social at Rizzo's 

September 23: No School (Teacher PD Day)

Visit: for an archive of emails previously sent!

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