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February 2024 Newsletter Volume 24, Issue 1

1st Signal Brigade's morning run at Camp Humphreys

1SBA Reaches Out to Korea-Based Active-Duty Soldiers & Vets

The US Army’s 1st Signal Brigade was activated in April 1966 and reached upwards of 23,000 soldiers during the height of the Vietnam War. Today, many members of the 1st Signal Brigade Association (1SBA) are the graying veterans of that war.

Additionally, some association members served in Korea after the brigade relocated to that potential hotspot on the East Asian peninsula in 1972. As the current membership of the 1SBA ages, the association's Board of Directors is reaching out to Korean veterans and to active-duty soldiers based there for future organizational growth.

Those efforts got a big boost at the association’s reunion held this past fall in Kansas City. COL Christopher S. McClure, Commander of the 1st Signal Brigade, and Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Nicholas Curry, both based in Korea at Camp Humphreys, were invited to update the 1SBA reunion attendees on the 1st Signal Brigade’s Korean mission and facilities.

Lifetime Members of the 1SBA

The presentation by COL McClure and CSM Curry at the association’s banquet was enlightening for the membership. Importantly, both active-duty 1st Signal Brigade soldiers picked the occasion to become lifetime members of the 1SBA.

“Clearly, the 1SBA Board of Directors and membership appreciates both COL McClure and CSM Curry committing to becoming lifetime members of our association,” said Chairman of the Board Pete Kind (LTG (Ret.) “We hope veterans across the country and active-duty soldiers in the 1st Signal Brigade see the advantages of our camaraderie and the value of continuing to associate with other 1st Signal Brigade veterans. We are ready for the next generation and the welcome mat is out,” Chairman Kind added.

“I joined the 1st Signal Brigade Association as a lifetime member because I understand the importance of camaraderie and the legacy of service,” said COL McClure. “It was a very easy decision as I am deeply honored to have served in this historic brigade and will forever be grateful to have served as the Brigade Commander,” the colonel indicated.

CSM Curry said, “I joined the 1st Signal Brigade Association as a lifetime member because I believe in the mission of the 1st Signal Brigade and wanted to show long-term support for the organization. The 1st Signal Brigade is a brigade of excellence and dedicated to getting the message through. I am humbled and proud to serve as the Brigade Command Sergeant Major. Our Brigade has a long history of amazing leaders and I want to continue that legacy.”

COL McClure and CSM Curry lead the officers and enlisted personnel of the 1st Signal Brigade. The brigade enables joint and combined Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Information Management throughout the area.

It supports operations to support the United Nation’s Command, Republic of Korea and US Eighth Army's ability to lead, direct and maneuver available forces during armistice, crisis, or war. The 1st Signal Brigade in Korea is proud of its fine-tuned fighting force and their facilities.

The 1st Signal Brigade is stationed at Camp Humphreys. The impressive facilities there are designed to keep its soldiers in top fighting readiness form and provide their families with the comforts of home for an excellent active-duty lifestyle. The facilities include modern living quarters, schools, commissary, PX, restaurants, theater and recreational facilities.

The facilities and soldier accommodations are modern and designed to enable the Army to perform its mission in the region and enhance the quality of life for its soldiers and their families. Click on 1st Signal Brigade Quality of Life | Wondering what is life like as a 1st Signal Brigade Soldier in Camp Humphreys? Then check out this video showing the many places around the base where... | By 1st Signal Brigade | Facebook.



1SBA Board Meets, Takes Several Actions

 The recent 1st Signal Brigade Association Board of Directors meeting, held in November 2023, noted that at the previous board meeting, which was held during the September 2023 reunion, the board authorized several charitable donations.


During the November meeting the board also set the approximate date for the next reunion and approved a plan to become an associate member of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA). Following the meeting there was a special meeting to approve Wayne Rich as the newest board member. He is a lifetime member of the association.


Charitable Contributions

1SBA Treasurer Dan Jett reported that the 4 charitable contributions from association funds that were approved earlier totaled $4,000. The contributions are to the Fisher House Foundation at Fort Eisenhower (formerly Fort Gordon), the Fort Gordon Signal Museum, the National Museum of the US Army, and the 1st Signal Brigade Korea.


Next Reunion Planning Has Begun

Glen Acre of the reunion committee indicated the next 1SBA reunion is planned for mid-September 2025. The full board will discuss the location at its February 2024 meeting. Locations mentioned to date include Albuquerque, Tucson, Colorado Springs, Nashville and Augusta near Fort Eisenhower (formerly Fort Gordon.)


Becoming an AUSA Association Partner

Bob Van Pelt suggested to the board that the 1SBA become an associate partner of the Association of the United States Army (AUSA). There is no charge to the 1SBA or its members to join, and AUSA membership does not affect 1SBA membership. Association partnership with AUSA is an opportunity for like-minded military service organizations to show support for the Army, soldiers, DoD civilians, and families. AUSA member benefits can be found at Member Benefits | AUSA. The 1SBA board voted unanimously to join.

New 1SBA Board Member

Wayne Rich

At its November meeting, the Board of Directors approved Wayne Rich as a new director. He was drafted and served with the 52nd Signal Battalion as an enlisted man in Vietnam during the war. He reenlisted for Special Forces Qualification Training and was assigned to the National Security Agency and then served in Korea.

Wayne was promoted to Warrant Officer at his next assignment, where he traveled with the Chief of Staff of the US Army on overseas missions. He then was assigned once again to Korea, where he served as the Officer-in-Charge of the Special Intelligence Command Post Seoul complex. Wayne was the direct liaison with the Korean Ministry of National Defense, its service HQs, the KCIA and the Blue House. He also participated as part of the ground force in the US invasion of Panama in 1989.

In retirement Wayne has remained busy as a VA volunteer working at Florida National Cemetery (FNC) at Bushnell, FL and as a member of the Joint Veterans Support Committee whose charter is to raise money to erect monuments at FNC honoring veterans resting there. Wayne is a former President of Special Forces Association, Chapter LX, Tampa, FL and its current President Emeritus. The board welcomes him and looks forward to his contributions.


COL Christopher S. McClure, Commander of the 1st Signal Brigade, graduated from the United States Military Academy and holds a Master of Information Technology Degree from Virginia Tech and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Systems Engineering from the United States Military Academy.

His awards include the Bronze Star with an oak leaf cluster, Defense Meritorious Service Medal with an oak leaf cluster, Meritorious Service Medal with three oak leaf clusters, Kosovo Campaign Medal with one campaign star, Afghanistan Campaign Medal with two campaign stars, Operation Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal with one campaign star, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal. His military decorations include the Parachutist and Air Assault Badges. Additionally, he has received the Bronze Order of Mercury from the Signal Corps Regimental Association.

He is married to his high school sweetheart, and they have two children.

CSM Nicholas Curry has a Bachelor of Science in Computer Networks and Security from University of Maryland University College and Master of Science in Management with a focus in Organizational Leadership from Excelsior College.

He has deployed to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom / Operation New Dawn three times, and Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. CSM Curry’s awards and decorations include the Bronze Star, the Meritorious Service Medal (3 OLC), the Army Commendation Medal (8OLC), the Army Achievement Medal (9OLC), the Combat Action Badge and various other awards, and ribbons for service and dedication to the Army. CSM Curry is also a member of the prestigious Sergeant Audie Murphy Club.

CSM Curry is married with six children and also has a granddaughter.

1st Signal Brigade Quality of Life

Below are some photos showing Camp Humphreys' amenities.

Modern headquarters building for 1st Signal Brigade

Humphreys High School classroom

Family life

Sports competition encourages higher standards of achievement

Plenty of retail inventory available

1st Signal Brigade is located at Camp Humphreys

Food court

Chapel at Camp Humphreys

Texas Roadhouse at Camp Humphreys

Contact 1st Signal Brigade Association Newsletter Editor: jim@jimgregoryworks.com