November 2023 Newsletter Volume 23, Issue 2

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____________________________________________________________________________ 1SBA Kansas City 2023 Reunion & Biz Meeting Generate Camaraderie 

Group photo taken Sept. 23, 2023, during the 1st Signal Brigade Association's reunion banquet at the Hilton Kansas City Airport Hotel.

Reunion Hospitability Suite

Focus of Good Times in KC

The 1st Signal Brigade Association (1SBA) Hospitality Suite was the place to be at the Kansas City reunion. Open pretty much all the time it was the gathering point before and after KC excursions and special events like the unit dinners and brigade banquet. It was the place to renew friendships and meet new brigade veterans and their spouses. Association camaraderie and fun was on full display, and everyone had a great time. Excursions were taken to the Steamboat Arabia Museum, National WW1 Museum and Memorial, and there was a tour of Kansas City.

Reunion by the Numbers

Forty-six members of the 1SBA from 24 states attended the 2023 reunion in Kansas City, many accompanied by their spouses and family members. Nine new members attended the reunion. Two members attending in Kansas City have been to 12 reunions: Pete Kind and Bernie Wallace. The member who traveled the furthest for the reunion was Roger Overrein, from Hawaii. However, he was outdistanced by 2 brand new lifetime members who just joined, both traveling from Korea. They were Col. Christopher McClure, who was our keynote reunion speaker, accompanied by CSM Nicholas Curry. They are the leaders of the 1st Signal Brigade based in Korea. (More on these current brigade leadership members in a 1SBA subsequent newsletter).

Biz Meeting Discusses

1SBA Present, Future

Chairman of the Board LTG Pete Kind (Ret.) conducted the meeting, which addressed the present and future of the 1SBA. Association topics covered included:

  1. Leadership in our communities
  2. Treasurer's Report
  3. Where should we hold future reunions?
  4. Reunion attendance
  5. Hospitality Suite support
  6. Supporting 1SBA charities
  7. Membership report
  8. Reelection of 1SBA officers

PACT Act Reminder

The PACT Act is a new law that expands Veterans Affairs health care and benefits for Veterans exposed to burn pits, Agent Orange, and other toxic substances. The PACT Act adds to the list of health conditions that the VA presumes are caused by exposure to these substances. You can call the VA at 800-698-2411 (TTY: 711). And you can file a claim for PACT Act-related disability compensation or for VA health care now.

Some of Saturday morning's 0830 1SBA Business Meeting attendees.

Unit Dinner Group Pictures

459th Signal Battallion

(L-R) Jim Carmody, Henry Bausch, Ken Kassen, Joe Reyes,

Dan Jett, Ralph Smith, Ray Quigley, Roger Paulsen

(L-R) Ann Carmody, Celia Reyes, Debbie Smith,

Martha Rawson, Pat Jett, Carolyn Paulsen 

Phu Lam Signal Battalion

(L-R) Kurt Schnapp, Mike Hay, Bob Motley, Bob Van Pelt, Gary Farino,

Bill Skaggs, Elton Robertson, Barry Posey, Rod Gouge, Jesse Jones, Steve Morgan

(L-R) Karen Posey, Sharon Robertson, Alana Farino, Angie Motley,

Wilma Gouge, Rhonda Morgan, Debbie Van Pelt, Mary Hay

Other Units

(L-R) Pete Kind, Nevin Ruth, Gayle Martinson, Gerry Seth, Bernie Wallace, Mike Chico, Eric Randau, Merlin Beahm, Glen Acre, Jim Gregory,

Phil Mahoney, Wayne Rich, Dan McAteer, Ron Radloff,

Gary Williams, Tom DiBartolomeo, George McLain, Craig Halbrook

(L-R) Lynette Beahm, Sara McLain, Dell Retta Seth, Karen Randau,

Gloria Chico, Nancy Acre, Rita Halbrook, Patricia Radloff,

Melissa Gregory, Paulette Wallace, Susan Ruth

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