Saint John the Baptist Catholic School Newsletter

Dear SJB Families,

Today we celebrate Vocations and Family during Catholic Schools Week. We are so thankful to all of you that choose to send your students to our school. During prayer today, I thought of the families that decided to build this Parish and School - almost 100 years ago. Look at the community their hard work has produced!

Keep coming to Mass every Sunday! Nothing will please our wonderful priests more than seeing you at Mass! In honor of Fr. Mark and Fr. Paolo, we made this little video. (Click on the picture below to see it) My son Wesley produced it - because I would have been lost! Please watch! I think it will be evident what these priests mean to us!

Maggie Javins

Calendar Changes

Please be aware of a few calendar changes

  • Because of the snow day taken, school will now be in session on President's day 2/19.
  • No School on March 8th. This will be an e-learning day for students.
  • No School on April 8th. There is a solar eclipse this day at dismissal time. Many surrounding school districts are also canceling school to ensure student safety at a busy drive time.

Our Families are Growing 

Congratulations to the following families who all had new additions recently! New babies are the just the sweetest and we love the names! Their brothers and sisters were so proud and excited to share the news.

Augustine Raul Diaz

Augustine Raul Diaz was born on Christmas Day at exactly 12:25 PM. Big brother Santiago (Kindergarten) and sister Peachie (5th grade) love him so much! Congratulations to mom Kaitlyn, dad Raul, and the whole family!

Gabriela Amaya McCagg

Gabriela Amaya McCagg was born on January 10th. Big brother Alfonso (2nd grade) loves her so much! Congratulations to mom Nidia, dad Alfonso, and the whole family!

Mary Florence Krouse

Mary Florence Krouse was born on January 21st. Big brother Emmett (Pre-K) and sister Cecilia (Kindergarten) love talking about their new sister. Congratulations to mom Caitlin, dad Alex, and the whole family!

24-25 Registration Re-enrollment Open

  • Re-enrollment emails with snapcodes for the 24-25 school year were sent via email. (If you don't get an email, please contact [email protected])
  • You must pay your $100 registration fee and complete the online enrollment by February 4 to reserve a spot for your student. (If you need to pay cash, just bring the payment to the parish or school office).
  • After February 4 that fee will increase to $125.
  • We already have 175 students registered. Thank you!
  • Some grades are nearing capacity. We turned a few students away last year due to class sizes.
  • It is imperative that we know how many students are returning. Hiring teachers is a difficult task in the current market. If we need more teachers due to class size, we want to post those position early so we get the best candidates.

Fish Fry Volunteer Form

Fish Fry Sponsor Form

Congratulations Ms. Strack!

This is long overdue, but I keep forgetting it in the newsletter. Ms. Strack was engaged to her fiance, Doug Noble on December 16th. Please keep the couple in your prayers as they prepare for the sacrament of matrimony. The wedding will be on December 21st. Congratulations Ms. Strack - we are so excited for you!


2/12 & 2/19 Lunch Menu

Lunch Order form MUST be returned by Monday, Feb 5. Students receiving Free lunches must also fill out this form. 

Lunch Order Form

If you are not sure if you order a yearbook, please email [email protected]. She needs your child's name and teacher. There have only been 62 yearbooks order for the entire school.

Click on Picture for More Information

Middle School Winners

Throughout the week teachers in middle school collect names of students going above and beyond, whether it is helping a classmate, participating in class, answering hard questions, volunteering at Mass, etc. Then once a week each middle school teacher draws out a name from their collection to get a small prize. All names eligible for the drawing are placed on a bulletin board in the middle school hallway for all to see. 

This week's winners were:

  • Maria Farias - Mrs. VanFossen ELA
  • Madie Cotter - Mrs. Sturm ELA
  • Ella Hike - Mrs. Henry MATH
  • Norah Pleus - Mrs. Zimmerman RELIGION
  • Jayden Bryant - Ms. Glenn SCIENCE
  • Esme Nino - Mrs. Welling SOCIAL STUDIES

Anhnalyse Nguyen's Team Wins!!

Anhnalyse Nguyen's soccer team won their tournament over the weekend. She scored 5 goals! Way to go Anhnalyse, we are proud of you!

SJB Used Book Fair

  • Wednesday, February 14th - Friday, February 16th.
  • Shop during the school day or at the FISH FRY!
  • All books are $.50. Other items will be for sale, all under $5.00.
  • We would love donations!
  • If you would like to volunteer, please contact Mrs. Klinger

Used Book Fair

No St. Joe Hessen Cassel Dance this weekend!

I had the wrong date in last week's newsletter. It was 1/26. Sorry for the confusion!

SJB Eventlink Store Open

Thanks to Mrs. Ashley Jewell for creating several logos for merchandise sold in our school Eventlink store. This store is similar to a "Team Store" created for high schools.

  • Anything ordered at the store is shipped directly to you.
  • There are adult and children items.
  • The store is pricier than our uniform store, but a portion of sales come back to us.

School Store


Cold Weather and Outdoor Recess

  • We try to get the students outside everyday for recess. It is so good for them!
  • Please dress your children appropriately for cold weather by sending hats, gloves, and coats.
  • Hoodie sweatshirts are not winter coats - contrary to what our junior high students tend to think. They go under winter coats.

IN The Classroom

Lost and Left

Do any of these items look familiar?

Please check for missing items! The gloves seem to be reproducing!

SJB in the Community!

We would like to celebrate the accomplishments of our students and alumnae outside of our school! If your child has participated in an event (ex. danced in the Nutcracker, won an award, hiked the Appalachian Trail, etc). Please let us know by completing the attached form and we will put a little blurb in the newsletter. If you have a picture to go along with your event, email it to [email protected]. We want to celebrate with you!

SJB in the Community Form

Do you know someone who would like to receive our weekly newsletter?

Our weekly newsletter is a great way for grandparents, alumni, and friends to stay connected to our school. Have them complete the following information to receive our newsletter updates.

Sign Up Here

Substitute Teachers Needed

We are in need of substitute teachers. In order to be a substitute, you must apply with the diocese and hold a valid substitute license from the state.

  • Diocesan information located here.
  • Valid Substitute Permit application from State found here.
  •  Licensed or Retired Teachers - $125 per Day/ $75 Half Day
  • High School Diploma and Valid Substitute Permit - $100 per day/ $60 Half Day

  • 2/3 - Father Daughter Dance
  • 2/5 - 3rd Grade to Nine Mile
  • 2/7 - Kindergarten to Dance Collective
  • 2/8 - Zoomobile for Kindergarten
  • 2/8 - Midterms Sent Home
  • 2/13 - Valentine Boxed Lunches
  • 2/14 - Ash Wednesday
  • 2/16 Fish Fry
  • 2/19 - School in Session
  • 2/19 - Zoomobile - 4th Grade
  • 2/21 - Kindergarten to Dance Collective
  • 2/21 - Zoomobile - 1st & 2nd Grades
  • 2/21 - School Penance Service