Saint Luke's

Lutheran Church

308 West 46th Street

New York, NY 10036


The Lutheran Church

of Times Square

. . . in the city for good!

You are invited to worship with us this Sunday.

If you know anyone you think might appreciate some comfort and hope, please invite them to tune-in for these livestream services or watch on our Facebook page anytime afterwards.

On Sunday morning, February 25, 2024 we celebrate

The Second Sunday in Lent

Service of the Word 9:30 am

Sung Eucharist 11:00 am

Gospel Lesson: Mark 8:31-38

The passion prediction

9:30 am Service of the Word

  • Preaching and Presiding: Pastor Arden Strasser
  • Lector: Zephyr Teachout
  • Postlude: Richard Sterne
  • Ushers: Volunteers
  • Videographer: Volunteer

11:00 am Sung Eucharist

  • Preaching and Presiding: Pastor Arden Strasser
  • Assisting Minister: Deacon Bob Wechtenhiser
  • Organist/Choir Director: Pedro d'Aquino
  • Saint Luke's Choir
  • Lector: Richard Sterne
  • Ushers: Richard Sterne, Volunteers
  • Videographer: Volunteer

Fellowship Hour will be hosted by Eva Schweitzer.

The Worship Services are also available on Facebook Live

Click HERE for the

9:30 am Worship bulletin.

Click HERE for the

11:00 am Worship bulletin.

Bulletins may be downloaded, printed, or opened in a new window

when worshiping via the livestream services.

Wednesday Night

Bible Study Gatherings During Lent

7:00 pm

In Person and on Zoom

As we navigate the busy midweek hustle, we invite you to take a break and join Pastor and our seminarian Zephyr for a refreshing time of fellowship and learning at church on Wednesday nights during Lent, starting February 21st. Each week we'll delve into one major Old Testament figure, exploring its relevance to our lives and our times, and seeking to grow in our faith journey. Whether you're a seasoned Bible student or just beginning to explore the Word, all are welcome!

Our featured "persons of the week" are Joseph, Moses, Jonah, Ruth, and Esther. While their stories are distinct, their lives highlight themes of faith, resilience, loyalty, forgiveness, courage, and God's hidden work in human affairs. These are the very stories Jesus grew up with and was shaped by.

Bring your questions, insights, and an open heart as we share meaningful conversations and strengthen our community. Refreshments will be provided, so come hungry for both spiritual and physical nourishment. We'll gather in the lounge. You're invited!

You can also join online. Here is the Zoom link

Or login to your Zoom account and use

Meeting ID: 840 7240 7255 Passcode: 308

A funeral service for Suzanne Dodd is planned for Saturday, March 2nd, 11 AM at Hollywood Methodist Church.

Suzanne Dodd was a beloved part of Saint Luke's family some years ago. She was diagnosed with late stage lung cancer in early January. Sadly, Suzanne declined rapidly and died on January 31st.

The funeral planners are asking for photos to be sent to

Dear Member of Saint Luke’s Lutheran Church,

One of the finest ministries we provide to children and families in the Church is Christian outdoor ministries.

Since its founding in the 1960’s, our outdoor ministry, Koinonia, has provided a setting and programs where Christ’s love has been shared, where faith has been nurtured in a community of faith, and where lives of children and families have been strengthened in faith.

Now, as Koinonia is engaged in the Koinonia NEXT capital campaign, we have an opportunity to strengthen this ministry for serving people of all ages for

generations to come.

During the next five weeks, you will learn more about the campaign. We pray that your commitment to ministry will encourage you to become involved as we learn more about this exciting opportunity in the weeks ahead.

Yours in Christ,

Katrina Corbell

Ambassador, Koinonia Campaign

Help Alyssa Erb

reach her fundraising goal by March 1.

Hi friends! It's that time of year again where I'm running 19.3 miles (5K, 10K, and 10 miler) in one weekend, April 19-21 at Disney World to raise money for Team FORCE (Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered).

FORCE improves the lives of the millions of individuals and families that have hereditary genetic mutations that increase their risks of things like breast, ovarian, and pancreatic cancer. This is accomplished through education, support, 

advocacy and research efforts. 

As an Ob/Gyn and breast specialist, this is a cause near and dear to my heart and FORCE is a resource that is very helpful to my patients.

Please help me support FORCE by making a donation through my page.

The process is fast, easy and secure.

Thanks so much for your support.


Morning Prayer with Saint Luke's
Weekdays at 8:00 am

Our Morning Prayer service is held
every weekday at 8 AM live streamed on

A short 20 minutes with prayer, scripture and reflection to start your day right and strengthen your faith. You're invited. Bring a friend!

Wednesday Noon Holy Communion

If you can't attend a regular Sunday service, or would like to celebrate Communion during the week, join us for this intimate worship experience in our Narthex chapel.

E-giving is easy.

Try online Offerings and Donations, which you can easily initiate from our website using the "Giving" tab at the top of the page. With a simple process, your offering can be transferred from your bank account or credit card. Your information is safe and protected and you have full control to stop or change your offering at any time.

Saint Luke's QR Code offers a fast, easy and secure way to make your offering.

Open the camera on your phone, scan this code to make a donation electronically.

Simply aim your phone camera at this graphic which takes you directly to the Vanco giving website for our church.

The Holy Spirit calls us together as the people of God.