Council of Producers & Distributors of Agrotechnology

Terry Kippley, CPDA

March 27, 2024

In this Issue:

  • Agri-Pulse Ag & Food Policy Summit
  • 2,4-D Antidumping Action
  • House of Representatives Endangered Species Act Letter
  • PFAS—Inhance Court Decision
  • Farm Numbers Decline by 7%
  • Coming to a Farm Near You: The Endangered Species Act
  • Alexandra Dunn Announced as the New CropLife America President & CEO
  • Register: Adjuvants, Inerts & Crop Protection Conference

Ranking Member John Boozman (R-AR)

Agri-Pulse Ag & Food Policy Summit

Last week, I attended the annual Agri-Pulse Ag and Food Policy Summit in Washington, DC. The speakers covered a variety of topics that included trade, regulatory impacts, and the Farm Bill.

Highlighting the Farm Bill discussion was Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow, (D-MI) and Ranking Member John Boozman (R-AR) who discussed the importance of providing farmers with adequate crop insurance programs as well as economic stability for rural America.

Stabenow, who is retiring at the end of this year, warned that attempts to fund the commodity programs at the expense of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program would fracture the bipartisan, urban-rural coalition needed to pass the Farm Bill.

Stabenow believes there is consensus on eight of the twelve Farm bill titles. The contentious issues include increases in commodity program reference prices and earmarking funds in the Inflation Reduction Act, which she opposes.


Farm groups, for their part, say they need a boost in reference prices following five years of inflation for most farm inputs.


“I will not have as my legacy cutting food assistance for Americans … or taking away conservation money from farmers. If that is the way you have to get a farm bill, then, you know, we’ll continue [the] 2018 [farm bill] for another year,” said Stabenow.


Senator Boozman, who would likely become chairman of the committee in 2025 if Republicans win control of the Senate, said passing a Farm Bill will be as easy to do this year than next year. He also acknowledged “how important it is for rural America to give our farmers stability.”

Tom Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture; Senate Agriculture Committee Chair Debbie Stabenow, (D-MI)

2,4-D Antidumping Action

On March 14, Corteva Agriscience filed antidumping (“AD”) and countervailing duty (“CVD”) petitions against imports of 2,4-D from China and India.

The investigations will be conducted by the Department of Commerce (“DOC”) and the U.S. International Trade Commission (“ITC”). In the next 45 days, the ITC will determine if there is a reasonable indication that the imports are injuring or threatening to Corteva and others in the U.S. If this standard is met, the cases will move to the DOC, which will calculate the preliminary AD and CVD duty margins.

The DOC is expected to make preliminary determinations in the countervailing duty petition by June 7. The antidumping portion will take longer and will not be available until August 21 or later.

House of Representatives Endangered Species Act Letter

On March 25, fifty members of the House of Representatives sent a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan requesting that the “EPA immediately: (1) withdraw the (Vulnerable Species) Pilot Program and Herbicide Strategy; (2) renegotiate the Stipulated Settlement Agreement to give the Agency additional time to rewrite these impractical proposals; and (3) utilize USDA and stakeholder expertise in production agriculture before proposing any future misguided actions that only create further uncertainty in rural America.”


Congressman James R. Baird (R-IN) is a member of the House Committee on Agriculture and serves as Chair of the Conservation, Research, and Biotechnology Subcommittee took the lead in organizing and recruiting co-signers. 


This is welcome news as concern continues to grow over EPA’s approach to meeting its court-mandated requirements under the Endangered Species Act.

PFAS—Inhance Court Decision

On March 21, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued a decision vacating or invalidating the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) order under the Toxic Substances AgriControl Act (TSCA)) prohibiting Inhance Technologies from using it barrier technology to fluorinate containers because that process may produce PFAS chemistry. EPA argued that this process resulted in a “significant new use.”

In its decision, the court stated that “EPA exceeded its statutory authority by issuing orders under Section 5 instead of Section 6 because Inhance’s forty-year-old fluorination process is not a ‘significant new use’ under TSCA.”

Farm Numbers Decline by 7%

According to USDA’s 2022 Census of Agriculture, between 2017 and 2022, the number of farms in the U.S. declined by more than 140,000. Acres operated by farm operations during the same timeframe declined by 20.1 million, which is an area about the size of Maine.

Further analysis conducted by the American Farm Bureau Federation found that since 1950, the number of farm operations has declined by 3.75 million (66%) and the number of acres farmed declined by 323 million (27%) – slightly less than twice the size of Texas. AFBF notes that increased productivity, “have allowed farmers and ranchers to produce more with less even as the U.S. population more than doubled, going from 159 million in 1950 to 340 million in 2023, and the global population more than tripled (2.5 billion to 8 billion) during the same period.

CPDA CropLife Article:

Coming To a Farm Near You. The Endangered Species Act

Litigation pitting the Endangered Species Act and the EPA could have a huge impact on pesticide usage, says CPDA President Terry Kippley.

Read the Full Article...

Alexandra (Alex) Dunn Announced as the New CropLife America President & CEO

On behalf of the CPDA Board of Directors, I'm pleased to welcome Alex Dunn as the new President and Chief Executive Office of CropLife America. Our partnership with CLA is important to advancing our common policy objectives as collaboration is the new currency in Washington, DC. 

Alex has an impressive resume and familiarity with our industry having served as the Assistant Administrator for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention from 2019 – 2021. She served as an EPA Regional Administrator (Boston) before becoming AA. And earlier in her career she had association management experience at two organizations representing different state & regional officials for environmental services. Most recently, she worked as a Partner in the Environmental, Safety and Incident Response at the law firm of Baker Botts, in its Washington, DC office.

Welcome Alex!

April 29–May 1: Adjuvants, Inerts & Crop Protection Conference


With the recent industry destocking, China pesticide industry restructuring, 2,4-D anti-dumping, geo-political events in Eastern Europe and the Middle East along with an upcoming election year, and new regulations coming out of the EPA and state level, market intelligence has never been more important.

Come to Tucson to hear from experts and to network with your peers to better deal with disruption so that you don’t just survive, but thrive.

This is our industry's premier event where you will:

  • Hear from industry experts on the latest trends and market intelligence. 
  • Get the actionable political insights from Washington DC insiders and CPDA's unparallelled team of political veterans. Your business can't afford to get caught off-guard from our constantly changing political world.
  • Meet and network with new friends while reconnecting with old friends.
  • Learn what's hot and what's not from your industry peers.
  • Learn about new opportunities resulting from CPDA's advocacy efforts. 
  • "Sharpen the saw" and return home ready to take advantage of what you learned.

Who Should Attend:

  • Senior managers;
  • Regulatory and technical staff;
  • Governmental Relations staff;
  • Companies who are not yet CPDA members. This is your chance to "kick the tires" before joining.  


Take part in CPDA’s first golf tournament on April 29th! Enjoy Arizona’s best rated resort course. Learn more.

Don’t miss this chance.

The conference is open to all members and non-member companies, including government and academia. Please register before the April 4th room block discount expires. We look forward to seeing you in Tucson!

Until next time...

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