Dear Members and Guests:
Job creation and taxes are two of the hottest topics in the news media.
You are invited to attend an open discussion where the Business Development Board and Boca Mayor will present Florida's stable and highly favorable tax climate which provides advantages that make a Florida headquarters or an executive office profitable for every type of business.
As significant stakeholders, we invite you to take part in a leadership discussion. We feel compelled to focus attention on growing the area's business climate and prosperity by taking advantage of the many benefits that exist here versus states with less attractive business environments. Palm Beach County has 46 national and international corporate headquarters, 22 of which are located inside Boca Raton. Join us for pertinent information on what you can expect to see in 2013 from the state, county and city that will impact the growth of business.
RSVP Today for the February 6th, meeting in the Grande Ballroom at Woodfield Country Club!
To find out more about the upcoming meeting & to reserve a spot, contact Michelle Clubb at or by calling: 561-245-4609.