Koolik Group Realty 
Boca Raton Executive Club
Upcoming Meeting 
In This Issue
Mayor Susan Whelchel
Kelly Smallridge
Herbert Tabin
Executive Club
Quick Links


Member Profiles 

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Issue: 26February/2013

Dear Members and Guests: 


Job creation and taxes are two of the hottest topics in the news media.


You are invited to attend an open discussion where the Business Development Board and Boca Mayor will present Florida's stable and highly favorable tax climate which provides advantages that make a Florida headquarters or an executive office profitable for every type of business.   


As significant stakeholders, we invite you to take part in a leadership discussion. We feel compelled to focus attention on growing the area's business climate and prosperity by taking advantage of the many benefits that exist here versus states with less attractive business environments. Palm Beach County has 46 national and international corporate headquarters, 22 of which are located inside Boca Raton. Join us for pertinent information on what you can expect to see in 2013 from the state, county and city that will impact the growth of business. 


RSVP Today for the February 6th, meeting in the Grande Ballroom at Woodfield Country Club! 


To find out more about the upcoming meeting & to reserve a spot, contact Michelle Clubb at or by calling: 561-245-4609. 

Mayor Susan Whelchel

Mayor Susan Whelchel was first elected to the Boca Raton City Council in March 1995.  She was re-elected in 1997 and again in 1999.  During her first tenure in office, Mayor Whelchel served as Deputy Mayor from 1999-2000.


After leaving office due to term limits, Susan was appointed by then Governor Jeb Bush to a two- year term on the Palm Beach County School Board.  In March 2003, she was again elected to the Boca Raton City Council.  She successfully ran again in 2005 and served once more as Deputy Mayor in 2003, 2005 and 2006.  In 2008 Susan ran unopposed for Mayor. She successfully ran again in 2011 and is now serving her final term as Mayor. Find out more...

Kelly Smallridge

Kelly L. Smallridge is President and CEO of Palm Beach County's public/private economic development agency, the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County (BDB) where she has worked for 24 years. She serves as one of the longest tenured economic development Presidents in the State of Florida and has a solid track record in facilitating some of the largest job creation projects for Palm Beach County.


Find out more...  

Herbert Tabin

Herbert Tabin is merchant banker and merger and acquisition expert at H. Tabin Financial. Over the last 23 years, Mr. Tabin has been involved 91 mergers, reverse mergers and other various going public transactions. Additionally, he is an author and CBS Television News tech contributor for WPEC,  CBS12 evening news. His books include "Socially Elected: How to Win Elections Using Social Media, and "Do It Yourself Online Reputation Management" A Step By Step Guide to Building or Fixing Your Reputation Online" which are available on at Barnes and NobleFind out more... 

Boca Raton Executive Club

Join Boca Raton's premier networking organization! 


Meetings are held in the grande ballroom at Woodfield Country Club in Boca Raton and begin at 12:00 noon and run until 1:30 pm.


A buffet luncheon will be served during the meeting for the cost of $20.00 for members and $35.00 for non-members. To find out more on becoming a member of the Boca Raton Executive Club, please contact our Executive Director, Michelle Clubb at or our Vice President, Jason Solodkin at


*Woodfield Country Club Members are not able to charge this lunch to their membership account.*