Sunday, February 2, 2025
Greetings from C. Darby Ulery, founder of "Let's Go! Fairhope" events-related newsletter, calendar and website resource for Fairhope, Alabama.
Happy Groundhog Day! We usually stick to Fairhope events here, but just out of curiosity, I looked up Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to see if Fairhope and the home of Punxsutawney Phil (along with his wife Phyllis, their daughter Sunny, and son Shadow) are anything alike:
Turns out, the groundhog club was established seven years before Fairhope was founded. There are educational videos, a seasonal farmer's market, a Chamber of Commerce and a very unique annual event. Maybe readers will submit a better idea, but I thought perhaps the closest event we have might be Lighting of the Trees... But then again, not really.
According to the world wide web, Punxsutawney's population is a little over 5,600 and about 40K visitors descend on the town for one day. As of the writing of this note, the 2025 Prediction has not yet been updated on the official Punxsutawney Groundhog Club website, but if it's anything like Mardi Gras, maybe today is a day off for them. ; ) The WATE Pittsburgh news recorded it with this video. If you've attended, please reply with stories!
This week is First Friday Art Walk, the State of the City Expo, Fairhope Single Tax Corporation elections, and more. Don't forget National Wear Red Day on February 7, to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease,"the number one killer of women."
"Thank you" to Melinda McGhee for not only supporting the Let's Go! Fairhope project, but also for letting us know that the big, beautiful "Social Eastern Shore Magazine" you see in stores is also available for free online! The current issue is here. You can also sign up to receive it via email.
A half-dozen highlights, in no particular order, with more information in the newsletter below:
1) Morgan Tyner, a Let's Go! Fairhope supporter and host of local events, is introducing us to "Somatic Breathwork." Per Morgan, "Somatic Breathwork employs circular connected breathing coupled with rhythmic music to produce an emotional release." Save-the-date with info below.
2) Two interest-sparking events: Pyrography 101, and a planned burn event slated for "February/March" for "approximately 45 acres across two properties near Fairhope..."
3) Theatre 98 is sold out for the rest of this week, but the lineup for performances beginning in April, July, and October is here, with the next round of tickets on sale as of February 10.
4) The Pensters Writing Group is celebrating 60 years in 2025.
5) It's time once again for free tax prep help for seniors and low to moderate income residents at the satellite courthouse.
6) In case you just loooove newsletters and would like to subscribe to yet another one, the City of Fairhope Parks and Recreation Department has released their first issue for 2025: You can read it here.