Let’s Go! Fairhope

Events-Related Information for Fairhope, Alabama 36532

February 3 - 9, 2025

Special thanks to our friends, businesses, and organizations helping to make it happen including:

If you’d like to see your name, name of a friend, family member, or your business listed here, click here for contact information. "Even the family dog can be a sponsor." - LG!F

Check out Fairhope’s home for events, event-related news, articles,

resources and more at LetsGoFairhope.com

To submit your photo(s) for consideration in an upcoming newsletter, please send your image along with location information, name and contact details to letsgofairhope@gmail.com

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Greetings from C. Darby Ulery, founder of "Let's Go! Fairhope" events-related newsletter, calendar and website resource for Fairhope, Alabama.

Happy Groundhog Day! We usually stick to Fairhope events here, but just out of curiosity, I looked up Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania to see if Fairhope and the home of Punxsutawney Phil (along with his wife Phyllis, their daughter Sunny, and son Shadow) are anything alike:

Turns out, the groundhog club was established seven years before Fairhope was founded. There are educational videos, a seasonal farmer's market, a Chamber of Commerce and a very unique annual event. Maybe readers will submit a better idea, but I thought perhaps the closest event we have might be Lighting of the Trees... But then again, not really.

According to the world wide web, Punxsutawney's population is a little over 5,600 and about 40K visitors descend on the town for one day. As of the writing of this note, the 2025 Prediction has not yet been updated on the official Punxsutawney Groundhog Club website, but if it's anything like Mardi Gras, maybe today is a day off for them. ; ) The WATE Pittsburgh news recorded it with this video. If you've attended, please reply with stories!

This week is First Friday Art Walk, the State of the City Expo, Fairhope Single Tax Corporation elections, and more. Don't forget National Wear Red Day on February 7, to raise awareness of cardiovascular disease,"the number one killer of women."

"Thank you" to Melinda McGhee for not only supporting the Let's Go! Fairhope project, but also for letting us know that the big, beautiful "Social Eastern Shore Magazine" you see in stores is also available for free online! The current issue is here. You can also sign up to receive it via email.

A half-dozen highlights, in no particular order, with more information in the newsletter below:

1) Morgan Tyner, a Let's Go! Fairhope supporter and host of local events, is introducing us to "Somatic Breathwork." Per Morgan, "Somatic Breathwork employs circular connected breathing coupled with rhythmic music to produce an emotional release." Save-the-date with info below.

2) Two interest-sparking events: Pyrography 101, and a planned burn event slated for "February/March" for "approximately 45 acres across two properties near Fairhope..."

3) Theatre 98 is sold out for the rest of this week, but the lineup for performances beginning in April, July, and October is here, with the next round of tickets on sale as of February 10.

4) The Pensters Writing Group is celebrating 60 years in 2025.

5) It's time once again for free tax prep help for seniors and low to moderate income residents at the satellite courthouse.

6) In case you just loooove newsletters and would like to subscribe to yet another one, the City of Fairhope Parks and Recreation Department has released their first issue for 2025: You can read it here.


Please help us continue to provide Let's Go! Fairhope communications and calendars to the community:

>>>Square $ or >>>Venmo $

If you choose to provide your name and address, you will receive a thank-you note and a little something for your kindness. Thank you!


Let's Go! Fairhope comprises several community events-related tools:

  • Searchable electronic calendar with over 120 entries each week
  • Printable list of events for the week*
  • 16.4K Members Facebook Group
  • Over 1K email newsletter subscribers
  • Over 4K website visitors monthly

*The weekly printable events list may be discontinued in favor of the searchable electronic calendar. If you enjoy the traditional list, please reply and let us know.

Please choose "View entire message" to see everything below.


We don't have room to list all events here, so check out the full digital calendar over on the website, letsgofairhope.com.

Special thanks to Andrea Emerson, Michelle McGhee, Judith Wilkins, Savan Wilson, and anonymous donors for helping to support Let's Go! Fairhope. Thank you to sponsors and readers for continuing to prove this local events-related resource is valuable to our community.

Submit your upcoming event via this copy-paste form to letsgofairhope@gmail.com.

Free and sponsored-ad opportunities are available. This project can only continue with your support.

As always, please reply and share your thoughts.

"Let's Go!"



February 6

6 PM

February 6

6 PM

February 7

5:30 PM

Hands-on cooking event. Space is limited. Select grapic below for info.

February 7

Island Roots Food Truck

Location: Fairhope Brewing Company

914 Nichols Ave.

2 - 5 PM

B&T Island Roots: A culinary journey that blends the vibrant flavors of the Caribbean with the comforting tastes of American cuisine. Our food truck brings an innovative twist to traditional dishes, offering bold, authentic spices and fresh ingredients.

February 8

10 AM

Pensters' Monthly Meeting

Fairhope Public Library

Celebrating 60 Years in 2025!

February writing prompt: "From out of the past I heard my mother say…"

February 8

10 AM

Eastern Shore Art Center

Gallery Talk: We Are Artists

Images above and information below from the Eastern Shore Art Center:


Join us for a gallery talk with the exhibiting artists!

Free admission. Open to the public.

Light refreshments served.

Controlled Burn Planned for February / March in Fairhope

Information sourced from S.A.L.T:

"This year, we’re planning to burn approximately 45 acres across two properties near Fairhope—Rio Vista and Fish River Nature Preserve."

"These burns are essential for improving longleaf pine stands, reducing dense understory, and giving a boost to the longleaf pines we planted in 2019."

"Locations: SALT properties Rio Vista & Fish River Nature Preserve

Burn dates: February/March (exact dates depend on weather conditions)"

Learn more here.


Baldwin County Satellite Courthouse, Fairhope

Information from the Baldwin County Commission:

Free Tax Prep is provided through a Federal Grant from the IRS. All RSVP Volunteers are IRS Trained and Certified. Federal & State Tax Returns Are Electronically Filed.

Download Form 13614-C: https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f13614c.pdf



Thursday, February 20

6-8 PM

Somatic Breathwork Experience

Location: Kind Cafe 108 N Section Street

Register here.

Learn more about local somatic breathwork here.

Let’s BREAK FREE from disconnect & burnout 

Bilingual @somaticrelease practitioner | Wellness Connoisseur | Travel Enthusiast | Children's Book Author - Butterfly Fly

www.morgantyner.com | Instagram | YouTube | Blog

Contact: Morgan Tyner / somatic@morgantyner.com / morgantyner.com

Theatre 98

Tickets for Neil Simon's Rumors

On sale Monday, February 10, 2025 @ 10:00 AM

Community Contact Interviews: Live weekday mornings at 8:20 am.

Listen / Stream at wabf1480.com

Open slots are available for non-profit events, activities or issues.

Email wabf1480@outlook.com to request an interview.

Bay Business News magazines are here.

Pick up your free copy around town, or read online below.

To request a copy for your office, reply or select Request Print Copy:

Submit your business news story to the Bay Business News (BBN) here.

Download the BBN advertising Media Planner here.


See something missing here? If you have an event, story, or idea for Let's Go! Fairhope, call 251-929-GOGO or email letsgofairhope@gmail.com.

The image below will open this week's printable events list:

If you’d like to see your organization or business listed, reply to this email.

9555 County Rd. 24 - Fairhope

Click here to visit the Let's Go! Fairhope website. You'll find a printable events list for the week ahead and a searchable electronic calendar. Event-related businesses and news articles are also featured.

Click here to find Let's Go! Fairhope on Facebook.

Click here to join the Events in Fairhope, Alabama Facebook Group.

Let’s Go! Fairhope is a local project celebrating local events.

It does not endorse or represent any entity or event listed unless specifically stated,

nor does it imply any private events listed are public.

Please contact each venue and/or host to confirm event information and availability.

To become a sponsor, and/or have your events added, removed, etc.

Contact: LetsGoFairhope@gmail.com / (251) 929 - GOGO


Copyright Let's Go Fairhope 2025

All Rights Reserved

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