A very special international conference - dedicated to
ETs and the Evolution of Human Consciousness
go to Starworksusa.com to register

Dr. Greer will be appearing on the afternoon of
Saturday November 12 as a special guest - 2 - 4 pm.  Make sure you have a seat.  Click here to register for the conference.

His topic:   "Contact and Higher States of Consciousness"

He will be sharing photos and amazing contact experiences from
CE-5 Expeditions.....the most recent one in Joshua Tree in September 2016.  This will be his first speaking engagement talking about that expedition and the exciting events experienced by the team.

If you can't make this singular conference, sign up for the webinar:

Click here or on graphic to sign up for the webinar.


For Dr. Greer's ideas on the importance of Consciousness in contacting ETs,
- Read his paper: The Imperative of Consciousness   http://www.siriusdisclosure.com/cseti-papers/the-imperative-of-consciousness/

-Watch: Crossing Point of Light on our youtube channel
- Purchase: Crossing Point of Light - 2 DVD set
- Read: Hidden Truth - Forbidden Knowledge - Dr. Greer's fascinating memoir

"Beyond the consciousness of actual researchers or those who have had close encounters is the importance of the background consciousness of humanity as a whole.  The type and quality of any further ETI-Human interactions - and therefore the specific results of any CE-5 Initiative efforts - will be in part dependent on and limited by the level of evolution in human society.  We should not be surprised if an ET civilization prefers to limit the degree of open contact with humans given the present preoccupation with militarism, conflict and violence.  As human society makes the necessary transition to world peace and cooperation, I believe we will see a concomitant increase in ETI openness and bilateral communication.  In this sense, the success of the CE-5 Initiative is directly dependent on the peace and unification of the human race.  World peace and world unity and cooperation then are the important determinants of future ETI-Human events.  The depth and quality of the CE-5 Initiative may prove to be modest, but these will increase as human society evolves towards peace and unity."
by Steven M. Greer, MD  - p. 178 - 180
Dr. Greer in Las Vegas - November 13
7-10 pm - lecture and webinar!

November 13 - Cosmic False Flag
lecture and webinar in Las Vegas NV.
7pm -10pm pacific time - Greenspun Auditorium at UNLV.  

Click here for tickets to live lecture. (Student rate available.)
Click here for webinar.


In the most shocking and important seminar you will ever hear on the UFO/ ET subject, Dr. Steven Greer will present the history, methods and plans for a staged, covert Cosmic 911.
What you learn will disturb you. It will enlighten you. But be prepared- this information will be shocking and true.

Knowledge is power: This means by knowing of these nefarious plans, we can avert them!

This is the event you absolutely do not want to miss!

You will learn:
>  How the false alien threat has already been hoaxed- and how this has been accomplished. Names will be named: You will learn how the deep national security state and covert military operations have staged false Alien Abductions, Mutilations- and what technologies have been used.

> What technologies have been developed since the 1940s that enable para-military Unacknowledged Special Access Projects (USAPs) to affect consciousness, stage false Alien events and plant the seeds of fear to justify a scripted Armageddon!

> How man-made UFOs, Hollywood-style staging and very advanced electronic warfare systems enable USAPs to stage abductions, mutilations and other false-flag events - and how these have conditioned and prepared the world through the fear of Aliens for the coming hoax of an official Alien Threat.

> New Official Air Force whistle-blower testimony confirms the false flag plan and the intent to achieve it!

> The emergence by 1956 of advanced electronic warfare technologies that affect consciousness- and how these pscho-tronics  can give the target (victim) ANY experience that is scripted.

Click here for tickets for live presentation - Cosmic False Flag
Click here to be part of the live webinar - Cosmic False Flag
The Evolution of Human Consciousness
"It's a conference that goes a long way to open minds and hearts with greater understanding toward each other and I highly recommend it." - Shirley MacLaine
Photo by Laurie John Bowser

El Corazón del Mundo