New retail value $13.75.
Original order and confirmation numbers will remain the same.
The orders you placed under #03047 will be the quantities you receive under the new stock code number #03279.
The 2-piece GWP is scheduled to begin shipping roughly Thursday, 2/23/23. Please be aware the GWPs may not arrive to your Studios by the on-counter date. We will provide more details next week via Enews on the timing.
You will notice that we have changed the purchase requirement on the disclaimer copy to a "qualifying" purchase, allowing you to adjust the purchase requirement to the size of promotion you wish to offer.
Please read the following list to proceed correctly with your support materials:
Poster— An updated US Poster featuring the 2-piece mix will be available on Vistaprint starting Friday 2/17.
Mailhouse Postcard—for those of you who signed up for Mailhouse Postcards, US orders will automatically reflect the 2-piece mix. No further action needed.
Ad Slicks—will be updated to reflect the 2-piece mix. Be sure to download the latest US version that will be available Friday 2/17 and alert your newspaper if you’ve already sent them the original version.
Constant Contact—will be updated to reflect the 2-piece mix. Be sure to download the latest version that will be available Friday 2/17.
Social Media— will be updated to reflect the 2-piece mix
Direct Mail Brochure—will reflect the 4-piece mix.
Note that the GWP disclaimer states “Merle Norman reserves the right to substitute components of the gift.” As substitutes, if you wish to enhance the number of free items included in the 2023 Spring GWP, we suggest offering:
Petite Treats – see a list of available products on MN Connections under Product Information section
Favors – Aqua Bliss Cleansing Lotion (#69027) and Aqua Bliss (#68777)
- GWPs
- If you have excess GWP's from previous seasons available, you can break those apart and use some of the products as the added items.
- A list of alternate GWPs available to ship now can be found on MN Connections under the Product Information section.
For display purposes, we will provide you with Downloadable Tent Cards on MN Connections to use at your of which is customizable:
*Free with a single Merle Norman cosmetic product purchase!
*Free with 2 Merle Norman cosmetic products purchase!
*Free with [purchase requirement]
We apologize for the inconvenience.