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Friday, April 29, 2022 and Saturday, April 30, 2022
Our Featured Blogs
How do learning disabilities (LD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) impact writing? This blog highlights writers with learning disabilities and writers with autism spectrum disorder. Read the full blog here.
What is a cognitive apprenticeship approach to instruction? This study highlights how teachers can best serve students with language or learning difficulties. Read more here.
What is self-regulated strategy development (SRSD)? This blog highlights the unique needs of writers with ASD and how SRSD can help these students in the classroom. Read this blog here.
How can we engage students in key historical thinking moves: sourcing, contextualization, and corroboration? This blog highlights key strategies for promoting historical reasoning. Learn more here.
From the National Writing Project
Join the Louisville Writing Project and NWP colleagues for a day of learning, connecting and discussing how to teach argument writing. This one-day conference on March 18, 2022, features keynote speaker Jennifer Fletcher, author of Writing Rhetorically.
Be Our Guest...Blogger
Do you want to share your classroom research, empirical studies, thoughts, ideas, or experiences with thousands of others? Be our guest...blogger! We are accepting submissions for our blog.