Headmaster's Update
Dear Saint Agnes School Families,

This past May, we articulated the intention of our school to move to Phase 5 (no restrictions) of our re-opening document as it relates to COVID-19. Given the prevalence of Coronavirus variants and requirements from the Archdiocese, we recognize that COVID-19 continues to pose some risk and are therefore amending Phase 5 in several common-sense ways to mitigate the spread of the virus in our school community.

One of the most important things we learned last year is that individuals who exhibit symptoms of illness need to stay home. Therefore, the most important mitigation strategy we will employ this year is:
  • Stay Home When Sick: We cannot emphasize enough the importance of monitoring symptoms of illness in our students and employees. All parents are asked to do daily health checks on their children before sending them to school. If they are sick, keep them home; if they are healthy, send them to school. If students become sick while at school, we will be sending them home. Sick students can return to school once their symptoms have significantly improved and they feel well enough to come back. As is stated in our Parent-Student Handbook, students must be fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications of any kind in order to return to school.
Again, we cannot emphasize enough the importance of this vital mitigation strategy. No one will receive a reward from Saint Agnes School for perfect or near-perfect attendance during these times; it is not worth spreading the virus (or other illnesses) at school!

Mitigation Strategies. Other common-sense mitigation strategies at school include the following from last year:
  • Emphasizing and ensuring good hand-washing and respiratory etiquette;
  • Increasing ventilation in the building (additional work done this summer already);
  • Disinfecting and cleaning of surfaces as necessary to mitigate spread of viruses;
  • Increasing physical distances where practicable and where it does not interfere with the important work of educating the young.

Face Coverings. As we wrote in the last newsletter, Saint Agnes School will leave face covering decisions to parents and individual faculty/staff members—in other words, we will not require face coverings during the academic day. In addition, we stated that, “we will work to ensure that anyone who chooses to wear (or not to wear) a face covering will not be belittled, ostracized, or otherwise poorly treated—in all cases, the choice will be respected!” However, the Archdiocese reminded us that, according to an order from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), wearing face coverings is required “while in public transportation hubs and on all public transportation conveyances (airplanes, public buses, etc.), including school buses (both public and private).”

COVID-19 Shots/Vaccinations, Quarantine. COVID-19 shots/vaccinations are not required at Saint Agnes School—they are a matter of prudential judgment, and each family will determine its own approach to health care. Also, Saint Agnes School will no longer require individuals who may have been exposed to COVID-19 to quarantine, unless required to do so by public health officials in rare circumstances. 

Lab-Confirmed Cases. With regard to lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19 among Saint Agnes School students and faculty/staff members, those individuals will not be allowed to return to school or to school-sponsored activities until they are no longer contagious—meaning, they feel better (no cough, shortness of breath, etc.), 10 days have elapsed since they first felt sick or tested positive, they have no fever for at least 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. We will only notify impacted families via email of a lab-confirmed case of COVID-19 in the event that there is a possibility of exposure within the classroom. All contact tracing will be done by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH), and not by Saint Agnes School, though we may assist as required.

Education Model. Finally, we will no longer be employing any hybrid or distance-learning modes, unless we must quarantine whole classes/grades due to some type of outbreak of the virus. Instead, students who stay home for health reasons will be given time to make up the work they missed.

Let us please continue to pray as a community for unity, compassion, and protection, asking the Blessed Mother to intercede for us on all fronts. To that end, let us all work to be united in our words and deeds as a Catholic school community. Let us all have compassion on those who are nervous about vulnerable family members getting sick, on those who disagree with us regarding prudential judgments about face coverings etc., and on those who have lost loved ones to this virus. Finally, let us seek God’s protection, for body and soul, from the serious and demonic ways through which this virus attacks our community. Let us continue, as St. Padre Pio so wisely taught us, to “pray, hope, and don’t worry…for worry is useless.”

Commending our entire community to the protection of the Blessed Mother and our Patroness, Saint Agnes!

Kevin Ferdinandt                                                                             Fr. Mark Moriarty
Headmaster                                                                                       Pastor/Superintendent
Welcome Fiesta - Aug 18
Annual Parent Welcome Fiesta
Don’t forget, the Parent Welcome Fiesta is this Wednesday! This parents-only social is a great way to meet other parents, both new and returning! Stop by anytime between 4:30 and 7:30 PM in UAC Commons to socialize and enjoy delicious salsas and quesadillas. You can finish some school business as well. PE uniforms, hot lunch and other important information will be available on this evening.

Volunteers are still needed for the second shift (5:45pm) at the grill and info tables. Of course, there is always need for clean up! Please consider lending a hand. See the sign up for more details. Contact Advancement Associate Mary Appel at 651-925-8811 with questions.

Important Back-to-School Forms
Please check your emails this week for invitations from Permission Click regarding the following back-to-school forms. We are sorting out some technical issues with Permission Click, but expect these emails to arrive in your inbox later this week. Thank you for your patience!
Each year we ask parents to sign a nonpublic education fund form. This form enables Saint Agnes to receive services and funding for our school from the State of Minnesota. The materials and amount of services that we receive are in no way contrary to our Catholic mission. The funding comes from a portion of your taxes paid to the state. It is extremely important for you to complete this form so that Saint Agnes School can receive maximum financial support from the state. Our estimated total amount for services and funding for the 2021-22 school year is approximately $250,000, but parents must complete this form to request the services/funds. 
Previously, we have asked for an annual health update for students on a paper form from St. Paul Public Schools. We have combined the essential information from this form with the necessary medical and emergency contact information from our permission slip form for field trips. Completing this form eliminates the need to continually supply this information on permission slips. Rather, you will be able to simply acknowledge permission for your student to participate in the field trip and confirm that the previously supplied medical and emergency contact information is still current. If you have questions regarding this form, please contact Mr. Karl Hendrickson, Assistant Headmaster, at 651-925-8755. 
This form indicates your agreement to abide by the provisions and conditions set forth in the Saint Agnes School 2021-22 Student/Parent Handbook. When completing the form, you will be able to download a copy of the Handbook for your files and also see substantive changes from the prior Student/Parent Handbook. 
The following forms are OPTIONAL and also available on Permission Click by clicking the links below:
Many families who commute from outside the city of St. Paul are eligible to receive transportation reimbursement monies from their local public school district. Please review the form to determine your eligibility and contact your local public school district for guidelines. If further assistance is needed, please contact Mrs. Kathy Kilduff in the Main Office at 651-925-8703. As reimbursements arrive from various districts during the summer months, the Business Office will either apply these to current tuition and fee balances, sending appropriate communication to families, or will forward the reimbursement check directly to the respective families.  

School Directory
Look for an email tomorrow containing your family contact information to be printed in the school directory. If edits are needed, please reply to the email directly.
Schedules and Class Lists
K-6 class lists and 7-12 schedules will be available to view on Educate on Friday, August 20. New families will receive their Educate log in credentials this week.
Aggie Athletics
High School Practices began today, August 16. If you are interested in playing and have not registered, please contact Mr. Streitz.

Grade School and Junior High Sports
All grade school and junior high sports begin when school starts. For more information contact Assistant Athletic Director Sam Thompson or Mr. Streitz.
Fall sports offered are listed below:
  • Boys Football Grades 5-6 and Grades 7-8
  • Boys Soccer Grades 6-8
  • Girls Soccer Grades 6-8
  • Girls Volleyball Grades 5-8
Free/Reduced Meal Applications
Free/Reduced meal applications should still be submitted for those who likely qualify even with the federal pandemic program being extending. Saint Agnes received a variety of other funding based on our number of qualified Free/Reduced qualified students. These include upper school counseling services, Title 1 funding, several scholarships and grants.  The forms may be downloaded here or from the school website. Contact Sandy Veal with any questions. 
Upper School
Teacher Aide Opportunity - Juniors and Seniors
Mrs. Cates is piloting an opportunity for Juniors and Seniors to participate in a Teacher’s Aide program assisting teachers in both the Lower and Upper Schools during study hall time. An email was sent to all Juniors and Seniors via Educate today (Mon. 8/16) with details. Students are encouraged to check their email and to fill out a brief form to express interest. Contact Mrs. Cates with questions: [email protected]

Past News
New Parents? Stay Connected!
Calling all new parents! Want to know a way to stay connected to the school and continue to view great content? Check out the links to Instagram, Facebook, our Podcast and more!!
Substitute Teachers Needed
We are looking for more substitute teachers to add to our on-call list! Substitute teacher hours are 7:30 AM - 2:45 PM when needed. Please email your resume to Amy McQuillan.

Got Instruments?
The Saint Agnes band program is in need of used instruments that can be refurbished and rented to our young band students at a low cost. Please contact the office to donate.
Uniform Info!

Do you need a new uniform for next school year? Check out the links below for more info on pricing and deals!

Job Offerings!
Warners' Stellian is looking for immediate help in their warehouse and also on their Sales floor which offers competitive pay. Support our local family-owned alumni business!
Forming Catholic Hearts & Minds in Faith, Reason, & Virtue