Dear LNC Families,

Due to the threat of potential below-freezing temperatures tonight mixed with the ongoing precipitation and the wet road surfaces, we will have a two-hour delay for school tomorrow, Friday, January 21. We will monitor conditions during the night, evaluate the situation in the early morning hours and notify our families shortly after 8:00 am if there will be further impacts to our school operations tomorrow, i.e., remote learning. 

HS: 9:45 AM; Carpool beginning at 9:15 AM

MS: 10:00 AM; Carpool beginning at 9:30 AM

ES: 10:30 AM; Carpool beginning at 10:05 AM

It certainly has been an eventful weather week in the Carolinas lately! Please be safe making your way to school tomorrow. We look forward to seeing you then!

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2021-2022 School to Home Communications


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Lake Norman Charter School - 704-948-8600