STARRS assembled a distinguished panel of experts from six organizations to provide short counterpoint briefings for a DOD committee that advises the SECDEF on DEI in the armed forces. These were going to be given at an online panel discussion with committee members but DOD canceled it. Watch the briefing video, read the transcripts, statements and much more
The Defense Advisory Committee on Diversity and Inclusion (DACODAI) was set up in September 2022 by SECDEF Austin to “provide independent advice and recommendations on matters and policies relating to improve the racial/ethnic diversity, inclusion and equal opportunity in the Armed Forces.”
STARRS attended their public meeting in Arlington, VA in December 2023 as an observer/member of the public. Among what we observed is every time a chart was shown where the largest number was whites or males, this was seen as a “problem” that needed to be fixed.
Focus was on increasing different races and women in military, and lessen the number of white males–especially at flag rank (one committee member demanded to know the race of every flag officer in the military).
There was also a goal to reach a 50-50 male/female ratio in the military, require forced DEI and Unconscious Bias training, look for ways to recruit non-citizens who didn’t speak English and more.
There was no mention of the negative effects of DEI in the military and no pushback to the DEI agenda in DOD; everyone on the committee was like-minded and on the same page re DEI (no “diverse” viewpoints). Our briefings were intended to provide them with another point of view they are not hearing. Read/Watch More