Thank you for celebrating our 
Ninth Annual Harvest Hoedown with us! 


It was the perfect fall fundraiser festival! 

The numbers are still being tallied but once they are finalized we will be sure to share the total amount raised with our school community. Thank you for you generosity! 

Hoedown Highlights from 2015:

St. Joseph The Worker Award 
- New this Year-
This award was fittingly presented to Mrs. Monique Coval for her dedication to St. Mary School and especially the Harvest Hoedown! Thank you for being such a fabulous ambassador to our school! 

Harding Award Recipients:
Grace Bridy, 
St. Mary's Class of 2012
Daniel DeJesus, 
St. Mary's Class of 2012 (not pictured)

2015 Royal Court: 

Khairee Kelly, King
Isabella DiCampli, Queen

(not pictured)
Mark Jamison, Prince
Sinead Flanagan, Princess

These students sold the most raffle tickets. Thank you! 

Classroom Scarecrow Winners:
Kindergarten, Lower School
Eighth Grade, Upper School

Special thanks to our 
Classroom Captains for 
organizing such a creative  scarecrow contest. 

Special Thanks...

Event Sponsors


Ricchiuti Family

Harvest Gold Sponsor

Fiddler's Circle Sponsors


Scaramuzza Construction

Davis Family

Hunter's Moon Sponsors

Ramanauskas Family        

Old St. Mary's Church

St. Mary Residence         

Councilman Mark Squilla

Mr. Thomas Sullivan        

Mr. Ken Kelly


Thank you to all of the wonderful business organizations and individuals for your generous donations to our event and raffle packages! 

A. Esposito Inc.
All of our Alumni Volunteers
All of our Bakers
All of our Parent Volunteers
Alliance Française de Philadelphie - Martine Chauvet
Augustine Family
Beau Monde Restaurant
Bridy Family
Center City Pretzel
Class of 2016
Classroom Captains
Conner Family
Coval Family
Coyle Family
Frances Cruz
Michelle Dengler
Dieters Family
Edie's Children's Corner
Eells Family
Fante's Kitchen Wares Shop
Flynn and O'Hara School Uniforms
Giovanni and Pileggi
Golarz Family
Haciski Family
Hauad Family
Holahan Family
Johnny Rockets Restaurant (Momentum Hospitality Group)
JW Hallahan High School
Mrs. Kathy Kahl
Kelly Family
Las Cazuelas Restaurant
M's on The Square Salon
Michael Anastasio Produce
Mr. Michael Detweiler, Esq
Mrs. Jeanne Meredith
Mrs. Frances Ritter
Ms. Celeste Morello
Mrs. Maryellen Penna
Morey's Piers and Beachfront Resorts
Panosso Family
Philadelphia Dance Academy
Philadelphia Flyers
Philadelphia Phillies
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Philadelphia Sports Club (PSC)
Primp and Play - Murphy Family
Pyramid Club of Philadelphia
Alexandria Raday
Raday Family
Ricchiuti Family
Rivera Family
Rodriguez Family
Shane's Candy
Square Pie and the Giuffi Family
St. Mary Interparochial School 
Faculty & Staff
St. Mary School - Home and School Association
Anita and Gary Stovall Family
The Capital Grille (Philadelphia)
The Philadelphia Orchestra
The Philly POPS
UK Elite Soccer - Mr. David Cornish and family
Mr. Danny Ward
Mr. Tom Ward
Ward - Utrera Families
Watson Family
Whole Foods Market South Street


Hoedown Steering Committee
Monique Coval
Mary Ellen Raday
Kristin Ricchiuti
Christina Haciski

  St. Mary Interparochial School
Fifth and Locust Streets
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106