Training and Development Solutions



Training News from Contract Education at
Chabot-Las Positas Community College District

May 2016   

2016 Workplace Trends

Industrial-organizational psychologists study workplace issues of relevance to business, including talent management, coaching, assessment, selection, training, organizational development, performance and work-life balance. The Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology (SIOP), a membership organization for those practicing and teaching industrial-organizational psychology, conducts an annual survey of its members to determine what organizations should expect in the coming year. Some highlights of this year's workplace trends survey include:


Performance reviews: The days of employee performance reviews being held once or twice a year are quickly falling by the wayside. Many organizations are moving to a structure focused on ongoing conversations between managers and employees. SIOP members expect this trend to continue and believe that more organizations will move away from performance review schedules to methods focused on continuous improvement that better foster the development of employees.


Employee engagement: With more research showing the benefits of engaged employees, including doing more than is expected, helping co-workers and driving innovations within their company, SIOP members predict businesses will have a renewed interest in developing new and improved ways to increase their employee engagement levels.


Health and wellness: With studies showing healthy and happy employees are more productive, organizations will focus more in 2016 on how they can provide the right perks and incentives to encourage healthy behaviors, according to SIOP members surveyed.


Business agility and flexibility: More organizations are realizing the importance of being agile and having business processes that are flexible in order to quickly respond to changing market and customer demands. SIOP members think organizations will increase their attention to taking risks and learning from their mistakes in order for innovation to become a natural part of their organization.


Work-life balance: Technology is rapidly blurring the lines between personal and professional lives. SIOP members predict organizations will increase their efforts to implement a variety of methods to boost work-life balance that meet the diverse needs of their workforce.


Diverse workforces: As more businesses recognize the importance of a diverse workforce, they will focus on hiring and rewarding employees who value and appreciate diversity and who collaborate effectively within diverse teams.


Click here to read about the full survey results as reported by Chad Brooks of Business News Daily.

"Unlike other capital investments, the value of learning appreciates, rather than depreciates."


Christopher D. Lee, Ph.D., SPHR

HR author and lecturer

Creating a Learning Culture

Organizations that create transformative learning cultures not only succeed but thrive. They know that learning is as natural and biologically driven as breathing-and they cultivate people's potential through learning opportunities.


Here are six steps to create a learning culture at your organization-and how it will help.

  1. Honor the ever-present nature of learning. Successful leaders don't treat learning as an event to be scheduled but rather an unbounded resource to be enhanced.
  2. Value learning as a path to mastery. This means making it safe to take risks-and make mistakes.
  3. Make learning easily accessible.
  4. Use blended learning to maximize your options. In-person learning allows hands-on application and collaboration specific to your organization's needs, structures, and goals.
  5. Teach your managers how to coach. Coaching employees by asking questions naturally builds their competence and confidence.
  6. Evaluate performances based on learning. New models for performance management demonstrate that measuring learning, along with performance, ultimately increases both.

Your employees have the potential to drive your organization to new heights. If you create a transformative culture of learning, you'll reap the many benefits that learning provides and set up your organization for success.


Read the full article by Britt Andreatta


Contract Education at Chabot-Las Positas Community College District can help your organization create and develop a learning culture by customizing a training program that inspires and motivates your workforce. To learn more about all your training and development options, contact MariAnn Fisher at 925.249.9372 or

About Contract Education

Contract Education at Chabot-Las Positas Community College District delivers employee training, consulting and related support services to public and private sector organizations. We provide customized, on-site learning solutions that are innovative, practical and cost-effective, including:

  • Leadership development
  • Management and supervisory training
  • Skill building programs
  • Compliance training
  • Curriculum development


For more information about how Contract Education can help your organization meet current and future workforce challenges, call MariAnn Fisher at 925.249.9372 or email

Customized On-site Training Makes Learning Relevant and Real


One of the most effective ways to build employee skills that are directly transferred to the job is to deliver customized on-site training, which creates synergy in the learning experience and encourages collaboration, communication and cooperation.


Customized on-site training not only brings an immediate improvement in job skills but also helps organizations and teams more effectively respond to future challenges.


To learn more about customized on-site training, contact MariAnn Fisher at or call 925.249.9372.

Contact Us
MariAnn Fisher
Economic Development and Contract Education

Economic Development and Contract Education

Chabot-Las Positas Community College District

7600 Dublin Blvd., Suite 102 ● Dublin, CA 94568

925.249.9372 ●