Hello Learners Chess Parents and Friends!
Happy 2017!
This email is going out to our Annual Organization Update list, which goes out just once per year.
2016 in review: It has been a busy first few weeks of 2017 for us here at Learners Chess!
But before we move too far forward, we have compiled our impact report for 2016. Click here to read about our successes of 2016! And click here to see the full chart break down of all our programs in 2016 and learn how our organization facilitated nearly 3.5 years of combined time that our few thousand students spent in their Chess Learning Zone in 2016.
We are honored that our program's growth and success has been recognized by numerous local news outlets, the ABQ Chamber of Commerce, the New Mexico State Senate, Disney, and the White House!
In 2017, we are looking to:
- Grow our impact with more students, programs, and tournaments!
- Again lead a Learners Without Borders volunteer delegation to teach chess in a foreign country!
- Expand our Chess to Success program to more under-served schools in Central NM and on Native American Reservations around New Mexico!
- Engage more volunteers in our community to help us accomplish all of our goals!
Today, below, we have updates and reminders about:
- Another fun chess puzzle!
- Registration for our Spring before/after school programs
- Early Registration for our 2017 Spring and Summer Break Chess Camps in Albuquerque
- Information and registration for our Spring Single Day chess camps.
-Coach Victor Lopez