Texas Agricultural Aviation Association | www.taaa.org
January 17, 2017
TAAA Newsletter
Remembering Bob Putz
Former TAAA President R.H. "Bob" Putz passed away on Sunday, January 8, 2017.  He was 78 years old.  Bob served as President in 1979.  His son Rob Putz also served as TAAA President 15 years later in 1994. 
Bob is fondly remembered by his many friends in the ag aviation industry.  He and his wife Marilyn almost never missed a TAAA Convention up until the point that Bob's health prevented their attendance.  Bob was honored by a moment of silence at the very beginning of this year's convention, which coincidentally was on the very same day as his memorial service.
Thank you Bob for your friendship and service.  We will miss you.
The complete obituary for Bob can be read here.

Bob Putz (second from the right) and Marilyn Putz (far left) at the 1994 TAAA Annual Convention

Gov. Rick Perry with Rob Putz (1994)

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