A Reconciling in Christ synod
May 5-7, 2017
Antlers Hotel Colorado Springs, CO
Dear Friends in Christ,
Re•formation: Then. Now. Always. is the theme for this year’s Assembly. Synod Assemblies offer all of us an opportunity to discover and celebrate the breadth of what we do together as the Rocky Mountain Synod. Living into our new mission statement, we will spend time learning how congregations and ministries are living out our call
to proclaim and embody God’s unconditional love for the sake of the world.
2017 marks a significant time in the life of the church- a time that only comes around once every 500 years! In light of the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation, we will be putting aside "business as usual" in order to spend time together in conversation, Bible study, worship, and community. I invite you to defer resolutions and memorials for this year and join me in dialogue and study around the gifts we claim as this part of the body of Christ we call the ELCA. Our time together will be framed around claiming four gifts: our theology, our legacy, our ecclesiology, and our practice.
It is our hope that our assembly voting members represent the full breadth of our synod. We encourage you to encourage new leaders to participate in our life together, especially our youth and young adult members. Childcare and translation services will be provided as needed to support those who may not otherwise be able to attend.
Come to Colorado Springs and let the Re•formation begin!
Bishop Jim Gonia
Registration and Deadlines
Registration will open FEBRUARY 1
Registration Cost
Voting Member: $300 Retired Voting Member*: $150 *as designated by Office of the Bishop Visitor with Meals: $250 Visitor without Meals: $125 Exhibitor with Meals: $175 Exhibitor without Meals: $50
Registration Information
Registration is a two-step process:
1) Register for assembly
2) Make your hotel reservation (unless you are a commuter).
The Registration deadline is March 24.
As part of your registration, you will register for a Saturday afternoon breakout session. Please review the complete list prior to registering.
Other Information You Will Need to Complete Registration:
- Dietary Requests
- Need for Child Care
- Need for Translation
- Saturday Afternoon Choice
- Any meals not needed
If you are registering more than 1 person, you will need an email address for each person you register.
Registration deadline is Friday, March 24 Registration will be available online in early February. The on-line request form for exhibitors will also be available at that time.
Nomination deadline is Friday, March 24 The only election this year will be for Synod Council Vice President. The nomination form and information is posted on the assembly webpage.
Ministry Booklet Pages and Display Requests are due Friday, March 24 The on-line request form for exhibitors and ministry booklet pages will be available early February. The deadline for submitting requests will be March 24. Exhibitors must ALSO register for the assembly in addition to submitting a exhibitor request.
Hotel Reservation deadline is April 4 ****Hotel Reservation Link will be available next week****
Assembly Volunteers Needed
REGISTRATION (3-4 people) Registration volunteers should be be available from 10:30-3:00pm on Friday, May 5. Volunteers should not be voting members from their congregations.
REFERENCE AND COUNSEL (2 people; will serve through 2018 Assembly) A Reference and Counsel Committee, appointed for each Synod Assembly by the bishop in consultation with the Executive Committee, shall review all proposed changes or additions to the constitution and bylaws and other items submitted which are not germane to items contained in the stated agenda of the Synod Assembly (S7.32.11).
The Reference and Counsel Committee will meet as needed via Webex and email prior to Assembly to review submitted resolutions and memorials, and propose recommendations prior to there being received by the Assembly floor. The Committee will be present at Assembly to present resolutions and memorials to the Assembly floor as well as review any resolutions and memorials brought forth at the Assembly.
ROCKY MOUNTAIN SYNOD ELECTIONS COMMITTEE (3 people- Denver Metro/Front Range preferred, due to location of 2017 & 2018 Assemblies; will serve through 2018 Assembly)
The Rocky Mountain Synod Elections Committee is responsible for the administration of elections specified in Chapter 9 of the Constitution, Bylaws and Continuing Resolutions of the Rocky Mountain Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
The Elections Committee consists of an Elections Chair appointed by the Assembly Manager and committee members who self-identify or who are recruited because of their interest in, and aptitude for, administration of elections. Committee members shall be appointed for a term of two years, generally beginning in January. The Committee normally meets 2-3 times per year, and Committee members attend Synod Assemblies as non-voting staff. Full Election Committee description
Community Art and Story Project
Embodying our theme “Re•Formation: Then.Now.Always.” we invite you to work with your ministry to engage the artistic activity of reflecting upon and utilizing ministry objects to tell our story and examine our connection in community and shared history. Using the resources below, we invite you to share the story of your stuff: the stuff that once was central to your mission but is no longer needed, the stuff you forgot was in the back of the closet, the stuff that used to be important or maybe still is. You are encouraged to bring your art, your story, your stuff to Synod Assembly to create our Assembly Art Installation.
Congregation Art/Story Project Guide
"What's in our stuff?" Environmental Stewardship Resource
Object Decommissioning Litany
Exhibitors/Display information
2017 Exhibitor Opportunities:
- Ministry Magazine Page
This year, much of our time together will be focused on claiming our gifts and telling our stories: our individual stories, stories of ministry around the synod, our story as the ELCA and the unique gifts we as the ELCA offer to the Body of Christ. We are hoping you will share your story too. Tell a story of an individual or event that highlights who you are and the unique gifts you offer to our shared work in the Gospel.
- Display Table
The display tables will be set up in the hallways around the plenary ballroom. Please be aware that tables will NOT be the usual display tables. Tables will be 6ft x 18in (same length, narrower width) Displays can be set up after 12:00pm on Friday, May 5 and must be taken down by 12:30pm on Sunday, May 7.
- Saturday Night Ministry Fair/Festival
This night is all about you! You are invited to host a booth or some sort of activity that lifts up our Re•Formation theme and/or your ministry. Along with food and entertainment, participants will visit you so we want it to be interactive! Ideas from our past ministry fair: Canvas & Cocktails, camp games, stump the seminarian, and prayer beads. Financial assistance is available to help with supply costs.
Submit your exhibitor request
Stay connected leading up to and during assembly!
Download the RMS App prior to assembly to access schedules, documents, and receive updates throughout the assembly.
Friday Evening Opening Worship
Opening worship Friday evening will take place at First United Methodist Church, with 5 of our 6 full-communion partners worshipping with us.
Saturday Afternoon Sessions
Saturday afternoon we will be joining with our full-communion partners to hear their Reformation stories and learn from current ELCA joint ministries in the Rocky Mountain Synod. Because of space limitations, you will need to pre-register for the session you would like to attend.
Read session descriptions
At closing worship on Sunday, May 7 we will be celebrating the new roster of Minister of Word and Service, called deacons. All Deaconesses, Associates in Ministry, and Diaconal Ministers are now unified into this new roster. Join us in celebrating all of the deacons serving in the Rocky Mountain Synod!
Erin Power
Assistant to the Bishop
Rocky Mountain Synod
800-525-0462 / 303-777-6700 / fax 303-339-4744
Announcements for eConnection are due before noon on Monday for the issue the following Wednesday. Event announcements are included for about two weeks and should be submitted via the eConnection Submission link above.