Employer Digest 75th Anniv Header  
November 15, 2016

In This Issue:
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Zero2017 Tier 2 wage cap increases
For 2017, Tier 2 member wages do not include compensation in excess of $112,408.42.

Employers will continue to report earnings over $112,408.42 but will not withhold any IMRF contributions for wages above the cap. IMRF will not accept contributions for 2017 wages over $112,408.42 for Tier 2 members.

The wage cap period is based on the calendar year, regardless of your employer's fiscal year. If a member reaches the 2017 wage cap, the employer must:
  1. Stop withholding member contributions from the member's paycheck.
  2. Keep reporting the member's wages to IMRF. 
IMRF using the exclusive, employer-only phone, 1-800-728-7971, with any questions or to address any complex circumstances related to the Tier 2 wage cap.
OneComplete and return IMRF's Employer Satisfaction Survey
IMRF Authorized Agents and Web Assistants are encouraged to complete and return the 2016 Employer Satisfaction Survey, sent via email Monday, November 7.
One new feature of this year's survey is a question on frequency. Participants have the opportunity to vote to change how often the employer survey should be administered in the future. If the majority of responses are positive, the frequency and length of the survey may be altered in 2017. This question was added to enhance the benefits of IMRF's customer service.
Survey responses are due to IMRF by 4:00 PM, Monday, December 5.
ThreeNew video added to Endorsed Insurance Series
IMRF's Endorsed Insurance Program Video Series has grown to include a new release outlining the endorsed health insurance plans available to retirees.
This new presentation is an introduction to the wide variety of IMRF-endorsed health insurance plans available to retirees through a program administered by IMRF's partner, Doyle Rowe LTD. The video discusses the advantages of an IMRF-endorsed plan, including competitive rates and expert counseling.
The new installment joins a growing series of videos highlighting the insurance programs for retirees endorsed by IMRF's Board of Trustees. The video collection now includes the NCPERS program for employers, the NCPERS program from an IMRF member's perspective, and this new overview of endorsed health plans administered by Doyle Rowe LTD.
Open enrollment for the NCPERS Voluntary Decreasing Term Life Insurance program continues until November 30. Employers interested in offering the program or current employers with questions may contact HealthSmart Benefit Solutions, Inc., the plan's administrator, directly by phone: (800) 525-8056, or email: NCPERS@Healthsmart.com.

For more information about endorsed health plans, IMRF retirees may directly contact the Doyle Rowe LTD Endorsed Plan Hotline, (800) 564-7227, or visit Doyle Rowe LTD's website, dedicated to IMRF retirees: https://www.doylerowe.com/IMRFEndorsedPlans.
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2211 York Road, Suite 500
Oak Brook, IL 60523-2337
Member-only Phone: 1-800-ASK-IMRF (275-4673)            
Employer-only Phone: 1-800-728-7971 
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