Click on titles for links.

  1. Citizens for the St. Croix Valley is on Twitter. Please subscribe for the latest news.
  2. ANOTHER NEWSPAPER (Hudson, Wisconsin) ANNOUNCES CENSORSHIP by James Simpson, Center for Security Policy.
  3. The Deplorable Housewives of the Midwest: Hudson, Wisconsin, newspaper uses Marxist tactics to curb freedom of speech.
  4. Please call/email Chairman William (Bill) Marcil, Sr., at Forum Communications, through his assistant Karen Jacobsen, 101 5th St. N., Fargo, ND 58102. Send them links to the Jim Simpson article, Deplorable Housewives Susan Richardson article and The Death of Free Speech in America.
  5. Also continue to contact the Hudson (Wisconsin) Star Observer and ask them to define "hate." Guest Editorial: Enough is Enough; Column: We will not be the vehicle for hate Phone: 715-425-1561; Neal Ronquist e-mail:; Anne Jacobson email: phone: (651) 301-7870
  6. The Death of Free Speech in America.
  7. Phil Haney and John Parsons podcast: Congressman Keith Ellison (D) Minn. is seeking the office of Minnesota Attorney General, but DHS whistleblower Phil Haney, says "Ellison should have been disqualified from holding any public office a long time ago."
  8. Trevor Loudon, Sartell Event, Wednesday, October 24 - 7:00 p.m., Sartell Community Center, 850 19th St S, Sartell, Minnesota; Willmar Event, Thursday, October 25, 6:30 p.m., Kennedy Elementary Little Theater, 824 7th St SW, Willmar, Minnesota.
  9. October 27 and November 3, 11-1: Keep Wisconsin Red Flag and Sign Waving by Arby's in Hudson (please park in County Market parking lot and walk to the corner). Bring your own signs or flags.
  10. Council on Economic Advisers Report: The Opportunity Costs of Socialism
  11. Congressional Democrats Want to Take Money from Hardworking Americans to Fund Failed Socialist Policies
  12. Bethel Highlands Campus, Akheel Mohammad, November 7, 7-8:30, All are Welcome? New information: The registration form is no longer available, and this line has been added to the event announcement: "All members of Bethel Lutheran Church are welcome to attend."
  13. Pornography Hidden in School Children's Databases: Parents Sue Educational Tech Company. We have confirmed this is also used in the Hudson School District, and they are investigating. Thank you to David Grambow. Please contact your own school district to find out if they use this tech company.
  14. Thursday, November 8, 6:30 p.m., Sex Trafficking 101, Crosswinds Community Church, 9125 Newgate Ave N, Stillwater, MN 55082 Sponsored by Options for Women, St. Croix Valley. Click here for poster.
  15. Human Trafficker from Appleton Faces 152 Years in Prison

Calendar Reminders!
More Dates to Save!

Keep Wisconsin Red Flag and Sign Waving by Arby's in Hudson (please park in County Market parking lot and walk to the corner). Bring your own signs or flags.
October 27, 11-1
November 3, 11-1

Thursday, November 8 , 6:30 p.m., Sex Trafficking 101, Crosswinds Community Church, 9125 Newgate Ave N, Stillwater, MN 55082 Sponsored by Options for Women, St. Croix Valley. Click here for poster.

November 6 , General Elections (or vote now by absentee ballot)--If you need a ride, please contact us at
Wisconsin Supreme Court candidate
St. Croix County Sheriff
Marion Shaw , Constitution Party candidate (Shaw signed an anti-sharia pledge)

Sheriff Scott Knudson , Republican Party, appointed by Gov. Scott Walker
Note from a Constitution expert
A county sheriff is not an administrator, but a director of a large force of people and equipment necessary to keep county citizens safe. As director, the sheriff dictates administrative tasks to his subordinates reserving his major job to making decisions based on America's founding documents: the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Yes, there is a code of laws handed down from previous administrations and judicial decisions which the sheriff must consider; however, what happens when a law or decision is contrary to our founding documents? It's times like this (which happen all too often), when you want a person in office who will take a stand for our founding documents. The principles so eloquently written by our Founding Fathers is the foundation of all American citizens' liberties; this is what needs to be protected. By the way, a sheriff takes an oath of office expressly commanding him to do this very thing.
More information, state and national

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing. Edmund Burke
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