Registration is now open for the 2018-19 STEAM Hubs
(formerly STEM Hubs)
Limited space and high demand means you need to sign-up now!
New name. Same great experiences! STEAM hubs are a FREE opportunity for Site Leaders and Directors of expanded learning programs in Region 8, to focus on elements of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics and how they can play a dynamic role in adding an exciting new dimension to your program. Take advantage of this unique and innovative opportunity, available only in 7 Regions in California!
Adding Innovation and Engagement to Your Program
Benefits of Participation:
  • Ongoing opportunity to NETWORK with other local expanded learning leaders about promising practices and resources that can help improve program quality
  • Increased understanding of what it means to DESIGN and IMPLEMENT high quality STEM learning opportunities for students
  • Increased understanding of how to DEVELOP collaborative partnerships to support high quality STEM learning opportunities for students
Three Hubs / Four Sessions
Region 8 has three Hubs geographically located to allow program leaders reasonable access. Kern County (Bakersfield), North Coast (Arroyo Grande), and South Coast (Ventura). All Hubs meet for 4 sessions on scheduled Saturday mornings, from 8 AM to noon. All materials and a lite breakfast are provided. The initial session will be a Boot Camp - a review of fundamental concepts discussed during last year's inaugural sessions. The next three sessions with be topical, based on the Next Generation Science Standards. By registering as a participant, you are committing to attend at least three of the four in-person sessions during the school year.
NEW - ZOOM Virtual Check-ins
We have added four ZOOM calls - virtual learning opportunities, between Hub sessions. These check-in calls will reinforce what was covered in the previous Hub session, but include guest presenters and sharing from participants who have been using the activities and strategies presented during the Hub sessions.
Your Presenters

CynDee Zandes:
CynDee brings energy. knowledge, and years of experience in out-of-school-time Expanded Learning and STEAM Consultant, Educator, conference presenter, California Department of Education Consultant, Think Together, Greenfield Unified School District, and multiple schools and expanded learning programs throughout California.

Jeff Hamlin: Jeff has been a Region 8 staff member supporting programs across the region for eight years. As a former teacher and site administrator, he brings an important perspective of program quality and organization. Group facilitation and the role of the changing role of the educator are his passion. Co-Chair of the California Afterschool Network's STEM Committee, Consultant to the Ventura County STEM Network, and recipient of their STEM Champion & STEM Radical awards.
NEW - Lending Library of Kits
We are adding a lending library of exploration kits related to topics covered during Hub sessions. Kits will be made available for check-out and shared between program sites.

Kern County STEAM Hub
Boot Camp: 9/29/18
Session One: Physical Science 11/3/18
Session Two: Life Science 1/12/19
Session Three: Earth & Space 3/30/19
North Coast STEAM Hub
Session One: Physical Science 11/17/18
Session Two: Life Science: 2/23/19
Session Three: Earth & Space 4/13/19
South Coast STEM Hub
Boot Camp: 9/15/18
Session One: Physical Science:  11/10/18
Session Two: Life Science: 1/26/19
Session Three: Earth & Space 4/6/19
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Friday August 31. 2018
Statewide System of Expanded Learning (SSEL) STEAM Hub Grant
Region 8 Expanded Learning Services, at the Ventura County Office of Education, is one of seven regional support providers who receive an annual grant award to provide STEAM related professional development for program and site leaders. This SSEL STEAM Hub grant (formerly known as Power of Discovery ) enhances our ability to provide outstanding programs to students through the inclusion of Quality Program Standards, the CQI process,
the enhancement of student engagement and boosting program rigor. All programs within Region 8 are encouraged to take advantage of this unique and innovative opportunity.
For more information regarding the SSEL STEAM Hub grant
contact Jeff Hamlin , Region 8 STEM Consultant at
Region 8 Expanded Learning / Ventura County Office of Education
Camarillo, CA 93012
For more information contact our Registrar, Savannah Winterstein