The VARA Scholarship Committee is Proud to Announce the  
2018 Merit Award Recipients

Recipients will be honored at the VARA Celebration of Vermont Ski Racing Gala on November 3rd, 2018,

at the Stoweflake Resort and Spa in Stowe, Vermont.

vara logo

Congratulations to the
2018 VARA Merit Award Recipients 
Dan Gillis/BMA

Sophia Holm/SMS

PJ Bovaconti/KMS

Blake Greene/SWSC

Sam Hayden/MMSC
Steph Profitt/BMA
Ben Ritchie/GMVS

VARA Collegiate Skier of the Year Award: 
Paul Rechberger/Castleton University

C lick on the award to learn a bit more about the person for whom the award is named.

Gala invitations will be sent out soon.