December 2018
As is our custom, we are using our final newsletter of the year to reflect back on our most popular blog entries from the last twelve months. Enjoy your favorites again and check out the ones you missed.

Best wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season!

5. Dietetics Within the Health at Every Size (HAES) Framework
Despite the overconfidence that I had when I first became a dietitian, the truth is that I still have a lot to learn, and I really do not have any secrets, except for maybe one, which I am going to tell you right now. Read More
4. Weight Stigma
People living in larger bodies are often treated as less than and discriminated against in many different contexts. This goes double for those people of size who are also people of color, LGBT, and/or disabled. From being body shamed at the doctor’s office to earning less money than their thinner counterparts to being ridiculed by the media and told they are a problem that is to be solved, fat people have it tough in our society. Read More
3. Cause and Effect
Do headlines always accurately summarize the stories behind them? Let's take a look at how some mainstream news sources dealt with a recent study that examined the link between sitting and mortality, and then consider how these same misleading tactics show up in articles that discuss weight and health. Read More
2. Thoughts on Body Image and Pregnancy
Some of the earliest advice I got from female friends and family members when they found out about our news was around making sure that I did not gain “too much weight” over the course of my pregnancy. I have wondered if these women give this advice to all pregnant ladies or just fat ones. Read More
1. Skeletons in the Literal Closet
Because some of our readership is comprised of former patients who worked with me when Joanne and I first established our practice (and some readers go back even further to when I was working elsewhere), they have witnessed the evolution of my work firsthand, whereas other readers probably have no idea what I am talking about and figure I always worked the way I do now. How I wish that were the case. The truth is that I used to be very much part of the problem. Read More
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