MTM-CNM Family Connection, Inc. is thrilled to announce the 2019 Family Conference will be located in...
St. Louis, Missouri!
See YOU in St. Lou!
We can’t wait for our MTM-CNM community to gather together next July! We are looking forward to celebrating the 10-year Anniversary of biennial U.S. MTM-CNM Family Conferences!
2019 MTM-CNM Family Conference
Friday-Sunday, July 19-21
(*with events extending from Thursday July 18-Monday July 22)
St. Louis, MO
Venue details & Registration coming soon
Celebrating 10 Years:
Our 2019 MTM-CNM Family Conference marks 10 years since the first US national conference was held in 2009 Houston, TX. We are so thankful that the five past conferences have provided an extraordinary experience for our community to gather together face to face to meet one another, learn from one another, and develop life-enhancing relationships.
Our conferences provide the chance for families to hear directly from medical professionals, clinicians, researchers and pharma industry members, about the most up to date research and care practices to support our loved ones in their journey living with myotubular and centronuclear myopathies. All coming together in one place, for one weekend, has also provided very unique opportunities for families to directly collaborate with medical professionals, engage in ongoing research, and partner with all stakeholders to bring us to where we are today and help direct the path for our community moving forward. Please join us in celebrating 10 years strong!