2019 Meeting Dates
The 2019 TNT Meeting dates are listed below. These dates are slightly different than announced in the TNT meeting due to conflicts in the museum schedule.

Meeting 1: February 4, 2019 at Frontiers of Flight Museum, Dallas
Meeting 2: May 6, 2019 at Frontiers of Flight Museum, Dallas
Meeting 3: July 29, 2019 at Frontiers of Flight Museum, Dallas
Meeting 4: Monday, October 28, 2019 in San Antonio, exact location TBD
Nominations for President-Elect
Unfortunately, for TNT, Tommy Bushek is retiring. He will not be able to serve the remainder of his term as President-Elect. The bylaws indicate TNT will request nominations for this position and they members will vote on the nominees.

The bylaws indicate the president-elect duties are:

The President-Elect shall preside over meetings in the absence of the President, assist the President in conducting association affairs, seek and confirm nominations for biannual elections, conduct an annual review of association needs and direction, and assist the President in filling any board vacancies.

Additionally, the President-Elect moves up to President after the current President fulfills their 2-year term. The current President's term is finished in October 2019.

To submit a nomination for President-Elect email [email protected]

Nominations will be accepted through 11:59 PM on November 11, 2018. After all nominations have been received, an email will be sent to the nominees to determine if they are able to accept the nomination. Once a final list of nominees is compiled, members will vote for the new President-Elect.