Tom Chambers ’58 Chosen Tau Man of the Year
Entrepreneur and philanthropist Tom Chambers will be awarded the Tau Chapter’s highest honor, Kappa Sigma Tau Man of the Year, at the Tau Trustee Reunion and Kappa Sigma Parents’ Weekend celebration on November 9. 

Chambers founded Chemical Lime Company in 1966, growing it from a rock quarry in Clifton, Texas, to what would become the largest privately held chemical lime company in the United States and the largest producer of lime in North America. He served as its CEO for 30 years and then sold it to Lhoist Company in Brussels, Belgium. 

In 1997 he established Chambers Interests, a family investment company with a diverse public and private equity asset allocation, serving as its Chairman until his recent retirement. 

Chambers currently serves on the board of directors of several privately held companies and is an impact investor in charities and ministries around the world. He has also given generously to the Texas Kappa Sigma Educational Foundation’s capital campaigns to build the Kappa Sigma Lodge and Warren Residence Hall. 

He graduated from the University of Texas with a B.B.A. in Finance in 1961 and earned a J.D. from the University of Texas School of Law in 1963. 

During his years as a Tau active, he served as Tau Chapter Grand Master, earning a reputation as a strong leader and loyal friend. “My friendship with Tom is the personification of the meaning of AEKDB,” said Tau brother Tucker Willis ’59. 

He and his wife, Patricia, divide their time among their homes in Fort Worth, Santa Barbara and the Limerock Ranch in Clifton, Texas. They have four children and 10 grandchildren.