2020 Board Election
Dear Fellow Hotel Association Members,

The purpose of this communication is for the Governance of your Board of Directors to touch base with all members regarding the election process for 2020 and to make sure there is a wide understanding of the 1) Guiding Principles; 2) the Regions & Board make-up; 3) the timelines and 4) the “Rules of the Game”, so that all members have an opportunity to be part of the process.

1)     Guiding Principles:
BCHA Mission
Shaping the future of Hospitality .
We Advocate, Communicate and Educate

BCHA Values
Bold, Proactive and Resilient for a changing world
Individual Actions and Commitments achieve the Team’s results
Working with Integrity and Trust

2)     The Regions:

There are 6 Regions of the Association which are:

A)   Lower Mainland Region
  1. North to include Pemberton
  2. South to the US border
  3. East to the end of the Fraser Valley, including Hope.
  4.  West to the Georgia Strait, including Bowen Island

B)   Northern British Columbia Region
1)   North to the BC boarder
2)   South to the highway 16 (The Yellowhead)
including any part of a community that straddles the Highway
3)   East as far as the Alberta border
4)   West to the Pacific coast including Haida Gwaii

C)   Eastern British Columbia Region
1)   North to Highway 1 (the Transcanada)
excluding any part of a community that straddles the Highway
2)   South to the US border
3)   East to the Alberta border
4)   West to highway 1 (Fraser Canyon) as far but, not including Hope

D)  Central British Columbia Region
1)   North to Highway 16 (The Yellowhead)
Excluding any communities that straddle the Highway 
2)   South to Highway 1 (The Transcanada)
Including any part of a community that straddles the Highway 
3)   East to the Alberta border
4)   West to the Pacific, including any islands north of Vancouver Island but
excluding Haida Gwaii

E)   Vancouver Island (South) Region
1)   North to the limit of the Capital Regional District boundary
2)   South to the Strait of Juan De Fuca
3)   West to the Pacific Ocean
4)   East to the Georgia Strait, including Gulf Islands in the CRD

F)   Vancouver Island (North) Region
1)   North as far as the end of Vancouver Island
2)   South to the border of the Capital Regional District Boundary
3)   West to the Pacific Ocean
4)   East to the Georgia Strait, including Gulf Islands not in the CRD

In addition there are 3 “Directors at Large” These are positions specifically intended to be for members’ representatives who bring to the Board a noted expertise that it is considered is important for the efficient and effective operation and governance of the Society.

Finally the Past Chair of the Board is also an ex-officio member of the Board.
3) The Board Composition

The Board is composed of 19 elected members. Each Region has an established number of seats as follows. Also noted are the number of those seats in that region that are up for election in 2020:
Lower Mainland             
Northern British Columbia  
Eastern British Columbia       
Central British Columbia       

Vancouver Island (South)     

Vancouver Island (North)     

At Large                   
Five (5) regional Directors
Three (3) are up for election in 2020
Three (3) regional Directors
One (1) is up for election in 2020
Two (2) regional Directors
One (1) is up for election in 2020
Three (3) regional Directors
Two (2) are up for election in 2020
Two (2) regional Directors
One (1) is up for election in 2020

One (1) regional Director
No election in this region this cycle

Three (3) “at large” Directors
One (1) is up for election in 2020
The Timelines and “Rules of the Game”:

1)     Now until August 7 th 2020

During this time, members should consider who, from the Hotel member within their Region, they would like to represent them from their region on the Board and, with their written consent, nominate them. Whilst this may be done by individual members, the Governance Committee strongly suggests that where possible this would be a topic of each Regional or sub-Regional meeting within the province and that the collective will of the group be submitted. This greatly helps the Governance Committee in its determination of the official slate.

All nominations should be sent electronically to the Governance Committee, c/o me its Chair, ( [email protected] ) accompanied by a professional biography and description of the nominee that speaks to the BCHA’s established “Qualifications for Board Members”

  • Knowledge
  • A Director will have a comprehensive knowledge of the state of the hotel industry in one or more of the major regions of the province and understanding of the overall situation in the province. It is also expected that Directors bring to the Board specific skills and knowledge in, but not limited to, such areas as; accommodation and/or food & beverage operations; finance, marketing and human resources. Knowledge of other areas of the Tourism industry is an asset.

  •  Experience
  • A Director will have experience as the senior leader at a hotel level (eg General Manager), or a senior leader at a hotel corporate level (eg Exec Director or VP) or owner/operator of a hotel asset.
  • Recognized as a leader and role model for best practices in operational and/or staff functions within their own organization
  • Board experience
  •  Skills and commitment
  • Ability and potential to advance the BCHA mandate
  • Willingness to commit time and energy to the governance of the BCHA
  • Agreement to adhere to Board policies, procedures, guidelines and bylaws and their intent
  • Willingness and ability to set aside personal or special interests related to organizations/associations in favour of the general good of the industry

Acceptance of the following principles:
  • need to conduct business in a consultative, responsible and accessible manner
  • the importance of ensuring good business practices in all regions of British Columbia.
  • the importance of observing and encouraging effective and efficient business practices
  • the value of endeavouring to working cooperatively with other private sectors and the various levels of the public sector

1)     August 7 th to September 25 th 2020
The Governance committee will review each nomination, by Region AND in light of the whole province, to ensure a balance of skills and experiences that will give the BCHA a strong diverse Board. By September 25 th the Governance Committee will send to Hotel members the official slate of Directors by Region and at Large it recommends to the members for the new Board.

2)     September 25 th to October 5 th 2020
Should there be other nominations from the Hotel membership that are not on the official slate, then a nomination should be sent to the Governance Committee BEFORE October 5th. Such nominations shall include all that is notes in point 1, above, PLUS the official nomination form with the name, address and signature of no less than 5 Hotel members from within the Region in question. See the nomination form

PLEASE NOTE: There is no provision within the Bylaws for nominating a Hotel member beyond this point, e.g. nominations “from the floor” at the AGM will not be considered.

3)     October 5th to October 15 th 2020
The Governance Committee will compile the nominations and then send out to each Hotel member, by Region, EITHER; the acclaimed Directors for the Region OR/AND a ballot for the election within that Region. In the event of an election for the “At Large” a ballot would be sent to all Hotel members. Such notification shall be no later than October 15 th 2019.

4)     October 15th to November 10 th 2020
In the event of an election within a Region, each Hotel member should send in a completed ballot to the independent electoral officer noted on the ballot, to be received by that person no later than November 10 th 2019. Electronic filing is acceptable.

5)     November 24 th 2020
At the AGM on this date, the results of the election will be announced to the membership. Directly following the AGM, the new Board shall gather to elect the officers of the BCHA; as a result, those who are nominated for election should be present at the AGM, in the event they are elected.
We hope that this helps Hotel members understand the process and requirements AND encourages participation whether that is to stand for election to the Board, or simply vote when the time comes to keep the Association vibrant and engaged.

Yours in Hospitality,
John Kearns
Past Chair &
Chair, Governance Committee