Dear Friends of The Blue Purl,
We want to start today’s newsletter with lyrics by Leonard Cohen, the singer, songwriter known for taking dark moments and spinning them into brilliant lyrics, for finding hope and possibility in an imperfect world.
“Ring the bells that still can ring
Forget your perfect offering
There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in.”
We have just about made it through 2020, and right now, the most lingering image we have is of all of you – our light.
Maybe it's getting the holiday cards with lovely families smiling, celebrating each other. Maybe it is the bit of pride we take in keeping The Blue Purl not just running, but a vibrant, living space for our community. We decided to go back and look through all of the pictures this year and we were so happy to revisit all the proud faces wearing your beautiful projects.
We did not always see it in the moment, because like you we were working hard to make the best of a challenging time. But now we see it was all of you who gave us energy and drive to adapt and pivot, day after day, week after week, as life threw us unexpected hurdles.
With the chance to reflect and step out of the moment we see just how creative and prolific you all were.
How you were, indeed, the light that the cracks let in.
Happy New Year
Thank you
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Patty, Wendy & TBP Team