Dear Supporters:
Season's Greetings from our team in Ecuador and the United States! We updated our newsletter design and hope you enjoy the new features.
We have exciting updates about our work in Ecuador in 2020. COVID19 wreaked havoc on the world with Ecuador being no exception. Although the pandemic brought its challenges, it also provided new areas of opportunity, activity and impact that we are proud to share in this report.
Thank you all very much for your support of our cause. We are inspired by the dedication of our supporters and team to produce change when communities in Ecuador need it most. We wish you and your family a safe, blessed, and Merry Christmas/Holiday Season and look forward to continuing to make great things happen in 2021!
The Maria Lida Foundation Team
Nizag Community Project
We are excited to announce that this year we launched a business consulting project with the Nizag indigenous community in the Alausí, Ecuador area.
Through this project, we helped the community evaluate their business strategy for the Condor Monument tourism site, set up systems for gathering tourism analytics, strategize on how to reopen the Condor site, implement tourism safety precautions, and assist with their social media management.
Our results thus far for this project include:
150 hours of consulting
11% increase in tourism at Nizag's Condor Monument site (since reopening in the Fall)
We look forward to continuing this partnership with the Nizag indigenous community in 2021!
For more information on the Condor site, visit:
COVID19 Relief Efforts
In response to the COVID19 crisis in Ecuador, we delivered much needed relief in the Alausí, Ecuador region. With the help of our supporters, we are proud to announce that we delivered over 7,200 lbs. of aid to vulnerable neighborhoods in Alausí, Ecuador! Other results from our COVID19 missions include:
2,000 face masks delivered
1,000 meal kits (each meal kit can feed a family for approximately one week) delivered
4,000 people in the Alausí, Ecuador region served
3.6 tons of aid provided
Thank you very much to those who have supported our COVID19 relief efforts! We expect to continue these missions as needed in 2021. If you would like to contribute to this cause, please click on the link below:
"During the current pandemic we face, we decided to start making masks. This is how I had the opportunity to contact...the Maria Lida Foundation, and who kindly collaborated with us by buying more than 500 masks (*2,000 masks in total as of December 2020*). I am incredibly grateful for your kindness in buying directly from us. Please know that our masks are made with the purpose of helping the most vulnerable people in Alausí."
-Maria, Founder of Fundación
Reina de Alausí
A community member of Alausí receiving a meal kit and face masks. Click on the picture above to view a video testimonial of one of our COVID19 relief partners, Maria.
SiAlausi Website
In February 2020, we launched, a website to provide comprehensive information to domestic and international tourists on how travel to and experience Alausí, Ecuador. Our vision is to use tourism as a tool to promote economic development in the area.
Although the tourism industry has been negatively impacted due to the COVID19 crisis, it is expected to recover. In the mean time, we are working with the community to focus on domestic tourism (including American expats living in Ecuador). Our vision in 2021 is to continue using the platform to promote Alausí far and wide as a tourist destination.
You can learn more information by visiting:
English Program
This year we launched a Third Cohort of our English Program. Our team implemented new reinforcement/ tutoring sessions to help students make up missed materials and provide the opportunity for additional practice. In 2020 our results for this program include:
138 hours spent on our English program
116 hours of English instruction provided
350 plus hours of total instruction provided since English program launched
50 plus students served since English program launched
(Note: our English classes have been on pause since Spring 2020 due to COVID19. We expect to resume and expand this program in 2021.)
Maria Lida Foundation English course. Click on the picture above to view a video testimonial of one of our English students, Patty.
"I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to have a scholarship through the Maria Lida Foundation, and to have the chance to learn and study English in Alausí. And that is why I want to especially thank you, because I know that now more than ever we are living through difficult times in Alausí and the world."
- Patty, English program
In 2020 we have sustained and expanded partnerships to support our mission of promoting self-sustaining economic development in Ecuador. This includes organizations in Ecuador and the Untied States such as:
- Alausí Tours
- Davenport University
- Fundación Reina de Alausí
- JC Radio La Bruja Ecuador
- Local Police Force in Alausí, Ecuador
- Municipality of Alausí, Ecuador
- Nizag Indigenous Community
- Pueblo Magico Alausí
- Social Entrepreneur Corps
- Solis Family
- Tia Supermercado in Alausí, Ecuador
- Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri
We greatly appreciate our partners joining our important cause in Ecuador!
Pueblo Magico Project
This year we continued our involvement with the Pueblo Magico initiative in Alausí, Ecuador. Pueblo Magico is a committee of community members who promote tourism in the Alausí, Ecuador area.
Ecuador's Ministry of Tourism granted Alausí special status as a "Pueblo Magico" or "Magic Town" in late 2019 due to the town's historical, architectural, and cultural significance. The local Pueblo Magico committee had to apply for this special status and Alausí was one of the first towns in Ecuador to receive this designation.
In 2020 the Maria Lida Foundation worked closely with Alausi's Pueblo Magico leadership and committee to help them strategize on how to safely reopen tourism in Alausí, and focus on domestic tourism until the international tourism industry recovers from the COVID19 pandemic.
"I would like at this time to thank the Maria Lida Foundation, because it has become a great strategic ally of ours! You have helped promote all the tourist attractions we have to offer. That is why I would also like to thank each of you for your contributions to the Maria Lida Foundation, because by contributing to the Foundation, you are also contributing to the development of Alausí."
- Byron, Chairman of Pueblo Magico Alausí
Click on picture above to view a video testimonial of the Chairman of Alausí's Pueblo Magico Committee, Byron.
Virtual Fundraiser and Giving Tuesday Events
We held our first virtual fundraiser on October 24th, 2020. It was an incredible event with special messages from our partners in Alausí, raffle prizes, a lively auction, and surprise message from Urban Meyer!
Thank you very much to all who attended this special event and to our event sponsors including:
In addition, recently it was #GivingTuesday, a day where many around the world participate in charitable causes. You may view our #GivingTuesday campaign on our social media pages.
If you were unable to participate in our Virtual Fundraiser or #GivingTuesday campaigns, but would like to make a contribution to the Maria Lida Foundation, you may do so by clicking on the link below:
Maria Lida Foundation Team Highlight
"As a Board Member it brings me joy that we are able to help the people of Alausí, Ecuador and the surrounding cities with COVID19 relief, economic development opportunities, English classes, and more. Knowing that we are changing people's lives is very rewarding."
-Amy Marshall, Board Secretary of the Maria Lida Foundation
Contribute to our cause as part of your year-end giving by clicking on the "DONATE NOW" button below.
Donations will be used in 2021 to:
- Reopen and expand English and educational programs
- Expand project
- Expand business consulting services
- Continue COVID19 relief efforts as needed
The Maria Lida Foundation is a
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in which contributions may be tax-deductible.
Stay up to date on our impact by visiting our website and following us on
Instagram and Facebook!