EDA University Center for

Regional Economic Innovation

E-Update | May 2020
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Save the Date for the 2020 Innovate Michigan! Summit

Save the date card

The 9th annual Innovate Michigan! Summit and Michigan Inventors Coalition (MIC) Expo will be held on Thursday, September 3rd, 2020.

Share Your Ideas to Help Strengthen Communities in Need!

Two women in meeting

As a part of our REI University Center activities, we welcome your suggestions on new tools, models, policies and programs that might help strengthen Michigan communities in these challenging times.

Helpful Projects during this Public Health and Economic Crisis

In an effort to further utilize our research in these unprecedented times, REI will begin to highlight previous projects and initiatives to better serve Michigan communities with our knowledge base created since 2012. We hope these projects will act as models to help communities and local economies progress through COVID-19-related setbacks.

Big-Box Converted to Co-op

Grocery store aisle

This Student-Led, Faculty Guided Project from 2018 worked with the Alma College local community to convert an abandoned 'big-box' retail location (K-Mart) to a year-round fresh vegetable and fruit production facility.

Publicly-Operated Telework Facilities: An Economic Development Opportunity for Michigan’s Rural and Tourism-Oriented Communities

Computer desk

This 2015 Co-Learning Plan discusses the importance and implementation of remote work or “telecommuting” for rural and tourism-based businesses.

Triple Bottom Line

Economic, social, environmental venn diagram

The Triple Bottom Line business model is driving growth of companies that are decidedly place-based, pay better wages and prefer purchasing local goods and services.

Detroit’s Underground Economy with Rita Fields

Rita Fields dicussing the underground economy

This video highlights Rita’s project as an Innovation Fellow, displaying her findings and experiences studying Detroit’s underground economy.

Opening the Doors to Local Investment!

Angela Barbash discussing local investment

In this video, Revalue Investing’s CEO, Angela Barbash, discusses Community Capital investing in local communities.

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MSU REI EDA (U.S. Economic Development Administration) MSU Center for Community and Economic Development.