June/July 2020
On Sunday mornings just before I greet you at the beginning of worship, I picture you in the sanctuary. I envision you with whom and where you customarily settle for our time of praise and prayer, hearing and responding to the Word. I imagine looking back through the open narthex doors to greeters who welcome and connect with first time visitors. 
As you join us for the livestream of worship, perhaps you also imagine those beside you, in front of and behind you, as if you were worshipping with us in the sanctuary.
With you in my mind’s eye, I’m then ready to step into the frame of the worship livestream and greet you with the words –  “May the Lord Be With You…”
It is so right and good to recall the “sweet, sweet spirit” of worship! AND it is so right and good to begin prayerfully planning how we may gather together again for worship and fellowship, learning and serving!
Already, you may have heard about our “Phased Opening of Oxford Presbyterian Church.” I’m so grateful for all the dedication and time of our Ruling Elders and Trustees, staff and health professionals invested in this living plan. We drew on the latest guidelines from the CDC, State of Ohio, Butler County as well as input from the Presbytery of the Miami Valley.


June 3  Community Blood Drive
See below in the newsletter for important procedures.

Since things are changing daily, even hourly, for the latest information on upcoming ministry events, please check 

The Church Calendar  

Visit Our Facebook Page
Contact The Church Office.
Oxford Presbyterian Church is honored to congratulate our graduating Class of 2020, Cora Friede, Ethan Kraushar, Nicholas Payne, Hank Thomas, Jamie Thomas, and Eli Walter  (see their pictures on page 13 ) and our graduating college students, Elliott Jones Boyle and Molly Burns! We are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished, and may God bless you and keep you on the journey! We also want to thank all of our wonderful Sunday School teachers for all of their time, talent, and creativity during a unique and challenging year.

Congratulations, everyone!

     Please enjoy a special tribute to our church school graduates and our Sunday School teachers here:  https://youtu.be/2hzyFgANGr0
Pastor Marc

Warm Gratitude to all the Sunday School Teachers who helped make it possible…
Amy Bartel  
Carla Blackmar Rice  
Prue Dana 
Debbie DeGennaro
Bill Fisher  
Bill Jenkins 
Carol Klumb 
Emily Lykins  
Sarah Miller 
Megan Murray
Carol Richmon
Debra Sayers  
Leanne Staley  
Jennifer Walter

Best Wishes to Our Miami Graduates
Elliott Jones Boyle and Molly Burns!

This is a bittersweet end of year; as we missed the last week of school, our parties at the park and most importantly our MWF Graduation ceremony.

Congratulations to our CCNS Graduates: Rosie, Sadie, Joey, JJ, Micah, Gavin, Ryker, Fiona, Eila, Ada, Ainsley, Oakley, Lydia and Sophia!!!! I’m very proud of each graduate and can’t wait to see what the future holds for the CCNS class of 2020!

As we continue to live in the unknown, I pray that our classroom will be filled once again, with our 2020-2021 CCNS children.

I hope everyone is staying healthy!
Sarah Lake, Administrator and Teacher

As we adjust to a new normal in addressing the Coronavirus pandemic, we have been able to maintain congregational community. We have followed essential guidelines by remaining at home and practicing social distancing while we have explored alternative avenues of communication through technological resources applied in new ways. 

During this period when our facilities were not in regular use the trustees moved forward with the construction of a new accessible restroom and have initiated the comprehensive upgrade of the av system in the Memorial sanctuary. These projects, and many others, were made possible through special gift donations for needs as defined in our Wish List.

The Wish List was developed to highlight needs within our church, which cannot be supported via our operating budget. The list is updated twice each year and is altered to meet changing requirements.

We are now approaching mid-year and we need input to add items that reflect current and future areas that our church should address. You are asked to contribute your suggestions for the Wish List update. Once suggestions are received, they will be reviewed and approved by the session and trustees and become available for potential giving.

Please direct your Wish List suggestions to Bill King via  kingwl@miamioh.edu or call Bill at (513) 523-2546 (h) or
(513) 720-7345 (c).

As a PCUSA Matthew 25 Congregation, the OPC Mission and Outreach team has chosen Eradicating Systemic Poverty as a primary (though not exclusive) focus for the current time period. This is in line with the Myrtle Collaboration Core Team (now the Called to Life Team) proposal that includes Caring for Creation and Eradicating Systemic Poverty. This proposal was the result of several months of contemplation, study, and discussion on the concept of calling among many in our congregation.

On May 15, 2020, a core group of Called to Life members, Mission and Outreach members, and others concerned with poverty and food insecurity met via zoom to establish a separate and distinct task force to begin a program of eradicating systemic poverty, first locally as OPC has done for many years, and then more broadly as outcomes are shared with PCUSA.

A memo was sent to those who were part of the May 15 meeting, as well as others who have indicated an interest in participating in this challenge. This message is a follow-up, to share with the entire OPC family, the intentions on the ESP task force.

We are living in a time when many in our midst are experiencing hopelessness—and even fear—of an insecure future, without adequate housing, enough food, or the prospect of a stable income. For those of us with privilege and a willingness to put our hearts and minds to the task of bringing comfort to others, this is the time to show courage and strength—and represent hope for a better future for those feeling despair. 

Systemic poverty is multi-dimensional—affected by the economy, politics, demographics, and the environment. It seems clear there are immediate and critical needs of those who are long-term poor and those who are newly poor. Both short-term and long-term goals must be addressed. This is our task.

The ESP task force will take a leadership role by contacting local social service agencies, volunteer groups, other churches, and government to determine issues that contribute to poverty. The task force will work with these groups to develop a timeline and assess community needs related to poverty and how to best address these needs.

As convener of the ESP task force I invite any of you who may be passionate about helping to eradicate systemic poverty to get in touch with me.

Anne bailey
Bird watchers top my honors list.
I aimed to be one, but I missed.
Since I’m both myopic and astigmatic,
My aim turned out to be erratic,
And I, bespectacled and binocular,
Exposed myself to comment jocular.
We don’t need too much birdlore, do we,
To tell a flamingo from a towhee;
Yet I cannot, and never will,
Unless the silly birds stand still.
And there’s no enlightenment in a tour
Of ornithological literature.
Is yon strange creature a common chickadee,
Or a migrant alouette from Picardy?
You can rush to consult your Nature guide
And inspect the gallery inside,
But a bird in the open never looks
Like its picture in the birdie books-
Or if it once did, it has changed its plumage,
And plunges you back into ignorant gloomage.
That is why I sit here growing old by inches,
Watching a clock instead of finches,
But I sometimes visualize in my gin
The Audubon that I audubin.

Tuesday Afternoon Circle .
Read to the end of the book,  Carved in Stone . The Summary, “God loves us. God desires that our lives be full and joyful. In order for us to live as God designs, both as individuals and as a community, there are certain choices that we must make. There are moral responsibilities that come with being God’s people. In the  Ten Words , God writes us a letter that tells us clearly what a moral life looks like and how we are to live it. The  Ten Words  tell what to avoid and, in so, doing, show us what to embrace. Take a moment to remember what we have learned together and be thankful.”   
There is no meeting in June or July, but continue to study and live by the  Ten Words . Stay healthy and safe and we look forward to meeting in the fall. Lynn Cronk

Tuesday Evening Circle
We will not meet in June or July.  All stay well

 Since the Oxford Presbyterian Women are unable to gather together during this time of social distancing, Pastor Marc and I have been asked to read this statement provided to us about one of the award committee members, Nancy Parkinson.

  “The Jamieson Award was established in 1966 as a memorial to the Reverend S.R. Jamieson and his wife, Luna Weede Jamieson. They were always interested in young people and recognized them as the future of the church.
Each year, Oxford Presbyterian Women honor their memory by making a monetary award to a graduating senior who is deserving of this recognition. To be eligible the applicant must be a member of the Oxford Presbyterian Church, in Oxford, Ohio, must actively participate in church and youth activities, and must complete the required application.”


is presented annually by the Oxford Presbyterian Women to those who have given faithfully, willingly, and joyfully of their time and talent to our church. Thank you to all who recognized these characteristics in several women in our church and sent in nominations. The committee of Susan King, Becky Quay, and Lynn Cronk had the difficult job of selecting just two. Due to our current pandemic, our Honored Women were announced on Mother’s Day as planned but the awarding of the pin and the certificate which gives lifetime membership in Presbyterian Women will take place when we are once again allowed to worship in the sanctuary.  


Thank you so much for awarding me Honored Woman For 2020.  Sitting on our couch with our dog and cat by our side, listening to the service, I was very surprised and humbled by the letter giving me this honor.  Unfortunately our reception was not too good that morning so will have to go and listen again and look forward to reading the nominating letter. I am thrilled to be included with all the other women who have gone before me. I have my mother’s pin, so know what it looks like and will look forward to having one myself. I would love to see a list of all the other women who have received this honor. I was doubly thrilled that I was honored along with Lynn Jacobs and glad to be in the same year as her. Well deserved Lynn!! I look forward to receiving my pin in the near future.  
Pam Deahl
Keep these friends in your prayers :
Betty Barnhart, Jim Baer, John Curry, Bob Douglass, Nancy Gates, Genee Hesse, Ruth Miller, Jan Reinhart, Becky Rudolph, Sarah Soika, Joan Teckman, Stacey Winn, John & Jean Woodruff. 
Lord In Your Mercy, Hear Our Prayers
Not yet. Continue to be patient.  You are important and we think of you often

i n Oxford, affiliated with the Mission and Outreach Committee of the Oxford Presbyterian Church. We are invested in taking actions small and large to eradicate systemic poverty in our community and beyond, and have started this group as an open space for dialogue about problems, issues, and struggles that people in our region are facing. 

Please post your thoughts, insights, and stories here, and let’s collaborate on facing them together. We welcome participants of all faiths, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and genders. 

Join in!  In the Facebook search window, type “Common Ground, Oxford.”
Andrew Rice

Approved a detailed Phased Opening of the Ministry of OPC. The development of this plan is the result of much time and creativity by the Worship and Music Committee and the staff.  

Myrtle Collaboration - OPC recommended community partners, who are working to eradicate food insecurity, to receive funds from the Myrtle Collaboration. Four received $5000 each: Family Resource Center, Talawanda Oxford Pantry and Social Services, Oxford Seniors, Backpack program.

Online giving is up - currently there are 27 households participating, 18 of these have started since streaming services were initiated.

Nick Fears has been hired for both financial secretary and sexton positions.

Mission and Worship
Take Five:   We began our time together by thanking Pastors Marc and Lawrence and the entire worship team for the wonderful Sunday worship services they have been presenting by live stream.  And we expressed our delight at having Lynn back at the organ and Kent singing from the choir loft.  
Do you know someone who needs a Prayer Shawl? Shawls are given for comfort in times of illness or grief, as well as for celebration in times of joy. If you have a friend or relative to whom you would like to give a Prayer Shawl, please contact Cornelia Browne, 513-524-7716.

Only two folks replied to the question: If one Sunday night this all went away, what would you do on Monday morning? Thanks you two!

Carol Schaber has the right idea:
I'd gather up my local grandchildren and hug and kiss them (while they're wishing I was back in quarantine), book flights to visit other grandchildren in Denver, our son in D.C. and reschedule cancelled getaways, a trip to Morocco and a cruise on the Danube.

Anonymous has an idea I can relate to: (or for grammar police: to which I can relate)

If all of this went away I would be on my way to the library, quickly! 


In the May newsletter it was erroneously reported that Kroger had stopped the Rewards Program. Confusion came when, temporarily, the rewards amount was NOT posted on receipts. In fact, Kroger has NOT stopped the Rewards Program and the Deacons ARE receiving their rewards.  We apologize for this error in reporting.  Stay Calm and Shop On!  ---Your friendly neighborhood newsletter editor

Over the past many weeks of the coronavirus pandemic, my husband Rick and I have asked ourselves this question—especially since, like many of you, we are of an age that is especially vulnerable to this virus.

The Mission and Outreach team of OPC has given considerable thought to how best direct the resources at its disposal to help meet current needs as well—needs that have increased as a result of unemployment and reduced income.
Currently the M&O team will channel funds to local agencies that serve the disadvantaged in the Oxford community. These include: 

  •  Talawanda Oxford Pantry and Social Services  P.O. Box 391 (TOPSS has moved to 5445 College Corner Pike)
  • Family Resource Center P.O. Box 108 (5445  College Corner Pike, Oxford, OH 45056)
  • Oxford Senior Center (922 Tollgate Dr. Oxford, Oh 45056) 
  • Backpack program for kids (St. Mary’s Church, 111 E. High St. Oxford, Oh 45056)

If you want to help but cannot volunteer in person and have income that might have been spent on a vacation you cannot take or a dinner out, consider a donation to one or more of these local agencies.  The demand for assistance is substantial now and will continue to be throughout the next few months so any help will be welcomed.

In addition, The Presbyterian Disaster Assistance is greatly in need of donations as well. Visit  https://pda.pcusa.org to learn how to give by mail, phone, and credit card.

Anne Bailey
Answer to the July Question of the Month
When you add two hours to eleven o-clock, you get one o-clock.
at Oxford Presbyterian Church SeminaryCommunity Room - 104 E. Church St  Wednesday, June 3   9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.


www.donortime.comSponsor Code #324
Temperature taken upon arrival
Mask or face covering required (mask available)
NO walk-in appointments accepted

93, passed away peacefully April 28, 2020, in Oxford, OH.
She is survived by her two sons Karl (Sarah) Poetter and Thomas (Christine) Poetter and daughter Dr. Vivian (Ken Hicks) Poetter 

Marietta grew up in Osawatomie, KS, graduating from the University of Kansas in 1950 with a degree in Occupational Therapy.For the past 13 years Marietta resided in Oxford, Ohio, at the Knolls of Oxford Retirement Community. Marietta was an active church and community member over many decades
A private family burial was held on May 2, and a visitation for family and friends will be announced at a future date.

In lieu of flowers, those wishing to honor Marietta’s life with a memorial are asked to make a donation to Ohio Special Olympics at www.give.specialolympics.org.

Albarrán, associate professor of history and global and intercultural studies, teaches classes in history, Latin American studies, and Spanish. 

She describes her key pedagogical contributions as "forging informal and organic binational encounters" for her students.  Well before the current Covid-19 pandemic, which has prompted faculty and students to utilize remote teaching methods, Albarrán had incorporated innovative online interactions in her classrooms. For certain classes she arranged for her students to engage directly online with university students from Mexico City.

"I consider my role as a tenured professor to be a privilege, and a responsibility," Albarrán said. "Receiving the designation only deepens for me the awareness that doing my job is an immense privilege, one that remains out of grasp of many, or that is done in precarious circumstances for others."

Read the whole article with the wonderful recognition for Elena’s teaching and innovative classroom here: MiamiMatters April 27, 2020. https://www.miamioh.edu/cas/about/news/2020/04/albarran.html

We are so proud of you!
Your Oxford Presbyterian Church family.

A month or two ago, an article appeared in the OPC Newsletter about the HIGHER GROUND JOURNEY TO ALABAMA later this summer to explore civil rights locations in the south and learn more about issues of race and justice in the U.S.

This trip has been cancelled for this summer, with hopes that it can occur in another year. The organizers may put together an online focus group for those interested in this important topic. If so, and when I learn more, I will share this information.
Anne Bailey
Thank you to Danny Cross for seeking and sharing these connections.

Costa Rica is holding its own so far. The average new cases per day is something between 5 and 10. After almost three months, there are still only 903 confirmed cases, with over 14,000 people tested. Ten people have lost their lives to COVID here.

For most of these last two and a half months we have been doing as most folks in the US--mostly staying at home and acting as full/-time assistant teachers for Keila (10) and Annika (8) with their online schooling. Little by little we are discovering ways to also re-integrate more fully into our work responsibilities. We have an online questionnaire that is almost ready to go out to members of the Latin American Biblical University (UBL). We'll be asking them about their perspective on green initiative that the university has been carrying out for two years now--the gardening, solar panels, paper-saving, recycling and other aspects of becoming a ecologically sustainable university.
Mission and Outreach, on behalf of OPC and with the help of Sue Wilson, sent money to out sister church in Columbia.  They sent their thanks to each of  YOU .

Dear M&O Committee,
I am writing to let you know that I sent $1000 via Western Union to Gina Zabala, our contact with the Seventh Church in Barranquilla with the instruction to buy food for members in need at the 7th Church and at the Bethesda Christian Community Center 
Sue Wilson.

Gina writes :
Thank you very much for being aware of us and especially for people in need in the El Porfin neighborhood, Christian Community Betesda, yes, due to the pandemic many cannot go out to work on a daily basis and they lack food and essential elements toilet for houses! 

Church families have tried to help, but in truth they are many, and we thank you for the support you can give us to help them!!  

I can leave because I have a certificate that I am the Director of the College and Administrator of the Church!! 
They only confirm when I should go to Western!!  

Again thank you very much!!  
God continue to bless your lives as Families and as Church!! A hug. 
Pbra. Gina Zabala 
Administrative Director

And another note :
Good afternoon Susan, today we delivered 12 food markets for families in great need in the El Porfin neighborhood, Betesda Christian Community and we also bought medicines for 3 people who also urgently needed them! For the other week we will buy for 12 more families!!  

Again thank you very much for your support, which is a great blessing for all these people affected by the Pandemic!! The deacons of our churches were in charge of buying and bringing the 12 markets to the El Porfin neighborhood!!! God continue blessing your lives!! a hug !!  
Pbra.Gina Zabala 
Administrative Director

The Pastor came to visit the other day. He said that at my advanced age I should be thinking of the hereafter.

I told him, "Oh, I do it all the time." 

"No matter where I am - in the living room, upstairs, in the kitchen, or down in the basement, I am always asking myself: 'Now, what am I here after?'"
119 Country Club Drive, 312-0319 # 10
In 1941, as the school year opened, Joan McNelly went home and told her mother there was a new boy in her seventh-grade class at William McGuffey High School and she liked him. His name was Charles Teckman. 
Charles and Joan were both born in 1929, four days apart. Joan’s parents were Walter and Freda McNelly. They lived in Oxford and Walter was a professor at Miami University. Charles parents were Harry and Virginia Teckman. They lived in Darrtown. Harry ran a trucking company and hauled milk for farmers to Hamilton. 
A shortage of truck drivers at the beginning of World War II gave Harry the chance to get a truck driving license for Charles at age 14. Charles began driving a truck and hauling milk cans, which weighed 110 pounds each, while in eighth grade. Loading and unloading milk cans 
was heavy lifting, but it helped Charles grow to 6 feet ½ inch and to weigh 165 pounds. He became the fullback on the high school football team, as well as playing basketball and baseball. Joan was a cheerleader, Queen of the Football Banquet and in the modern dance group.   
Remember that we were asked to keep collecting our “community change” for the great day when we meet together again.  Here is one clever idea you might like to use.
“We decided to use this Smarties bank for our Community Change. 
We put it in a highly visible space, (in front of the TV) and put change in it before we can move it out of the way to watch. 
Praying for our community and the world.”
Jamie Thomas
Hank Thomas
Cora Friede
Elijah Walter
Ethan Kraushar
Nick Fears
Trustee-eye-view of how a social-distancing chair placement might look in the Seminary.
Oxford Presbyterian Church Staff
Office Hours: 8:30-4:30, M-F
Telephone: 513-523-6364
Fax: 513-523-8215
Seminary Building: 513-523-7411
Pastor: Lawrence Bartel

Associate Pastor: Marc van Bulck

Music Director: Kent Peterson

Organist: Lynn Jacobs

Pastor Emeritus: Dr. Joseph R. Hookey

Parish Associate: Rev. Diane Ziegler

Clerk: Julia R. Fisher

Administrative Assistant: 
         Bridgite Dickerson:          office@oxfordpresbychurch.o
Financial Secretary: Nick Fears

Youth Director: Currently Seeking

Director/Teacher C.C.N.S.: 
Sarah Lake:                                                          ccnsoxfordpreschool@gmail .com    

Newsletter Editor: 
Nancy Moeckel,     moeckenj@miamioh.edu

Custodian: Priscilla Parks

Sexton: Currently Seeking


2      Bill Fisher
2      Justin McGoldrick
2      Sarah Miller
2      Tom Wilson
3      Craig James
3      Sherry Schilling
3      Marlene Vaughn
4      Olivia DeGennaro
4      Dylan Gardner
8      Bill King
8      Joni Marcum
10    Rachel Mehl
13    Scott Hartman
13    Mitch Poetter
14    Janet Holmes
15    Kelly Richmond
17    Carol Klumb
17    Pat Roberts
17    Turner Rollins
18    Lindsey Sunderhaus
19    Gwen Fears
21    Judy Fisher
21    Ian Pacey
22    John Baer
22    Charles Skipper
23    Grady Holmes
23    Andrea Johnson
23    Opal Wespiser
27    Linda Hesford
27    Kate Wespiser
28    Cheryl Ferris
29   Connie Everhart



Bulletin Bloopers
The sermon this morning: Jesus Walks on the Water. The sermon tonight: 'Searching for Jesus.'  

Ladies, don't forget the rummage sale. It's a chance to get rid of those things not worth keeping around the house. Bring your husbands. 

For those of you who have children and don't know it, we have a nursery downstairs.  

At the evening service tonight, the sermon topic will be 'What Is Hell?' Come early and listen to our choir practice.

June Question of the Month (tricky)
What do you sit on, sleep on, and brush your teeth with?  You know what to do…

June Solstice in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA is onSaturday, June 20, 2020 at 5:43 pm.
Technically, the June solstice is the exact instant of time when the Sun is directly overhead the Tropic of Cancer.

Dr. Seuss wrote the famous children’s tale “Green Eggs and Ham” in order to win a bet against his publisher. The bet was that Seuss would not be able to write an entire book using only 50 words.

Banging your head against a wall for one hour burns 150 calories.

In Switzerland it is illegal to own just one guinea pig because guinea pigs are social animals and they are considered victims of abuse if they are alone.

1       Jay Baird
1       Janet Stuckey
3       Ellie Rezanka
4       Jack Vaughn
4       Jim Wilson
6       Bella Walter
10     Nancy Moeckel
10     Marc Van Bulck
12     Will Hazelton
12     David T. Kraushar
14     Jim Maynard
14     Marcia Perry
15     Dave Kraushar
15     Betty Tomblinson
16     Judy Spencer
16     Jean Vance
17     Priscilla Parks
19     Amanda McGoldrick
19     Gil Siegel
19     Abigail VanGorder
23     Bruce Bowerman
23     Tristan Gayhart
24     Ashley Richardson
25     Karen Shearer
26     Vicki Pacey
26     Aiden Todd
28     Elena Donnelly
30     Matt Green
31     Janet Feazell

July Question of the Month
When can you add two to eleven and get one as the correct answer?
Read every column, every word, to find the answer hidden somewhere. (he-he)

Maine is the only state whose name is one syllable.

A “keeper” is the loop on a belt that holds the loose end.

The Statue of Liberty’s fingernails weigh about 100 pounds each.

Mosquitoes are attracted to people who have just eaten bananas. (Perhaps they find them more a-peeling?—ed) (I could go on, I have a bunch of ‘em--ed) (You never know when I’ll slip one in—ed).  (I apologize—ed.)

An elephant’s trunk can hold about four gallons of water.
The secret of a good sermon is to have a good beginning and a good ending and to have the two as close together as possible.  George Burn
  1. We welcome your feedback on the newsletter. We LOVE your feedback like Minnie loves digging for moles..What is missing from the newsletter that you would like to see? Is there anything you like about it? Let me know. moeckenj@miamioh.edu Now here is your bonus for reading this section. A chicken coup only has two doors. If it had four, it would be a chicken sedan.