Schroeder takes home silver & bronze!
We'd like to offer our gratitude for everyone's support throughout all of these years.

Back in July, we entered two of our pioneering products in the Design World LEAP (Leadership in Engineering Achievement Program) Awards 2020.


We are humbled and honored to announce that our entries both placed!

TNK7 Complete Plastic Tank Solution (hydraulics category) placed 2nd earning us a silver medal and the Schroeder Pro: Total Fluid Health (test & measurement category) placed 3rd earning us a bronze medal!
This is a huge win for the Schroeder team and goes to show you that a (almost) 75-year old company still has some tricks up its sleeve.

Pass along the great news to your customers and make sure you stock up on our award-winning products!
580 W. Park Rd., Leetsdale, PA 15056 - 724.318.1100 -