Fleur de Lis (knock out)
Pacific Skyline Council, Boy Scouts of America
2020 Oljato Summer Camp
We have an excellent summer camp with programs geared for all ages and stages. Scouts can work on earning a number of merit badges, as well as try WATERSKIING, HORSEBACK RIDING, RAPPELLING, and LOG ROLLING! We have a great First Year "Transitional" program for those new to Scouting.
$480 Youth
$225 Adult
$40 Adult, partial week per day
(max $225)

Starts May 1, add $50 for youth

Dates: Sun-Sat
Week 1 - June 21-27
Week 2 - June 28-July 4
Week 3 - July 5-11
Week 4 - July 12-18
Week 5 - July 19-25
Week 6 - July 26-Aug 1
Camp Oljato (in the High Sierra)
61280 Huntington Lake Road
Lakeshore, CA 93634

  • Extensive aquatics (sailing, motor boating, paddle boarding, water trampoline, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, rowing, log rolling, waterskiing, wakeboarding, and life saving)
  • Rock climbing
  • Handicraft
  • Welding
  • Nature
  • Scoutcraft
  • Shooting sports
  • Horseback riding
  • Adult leader training
  • High adventure program.
Summer Camp Employment
Interested in joining the Camp Oljato Summer Camp staff? Staff and CIT applications are now live.
Fleur de Lis (knock out)