We host the Philly Awards every year to celebrate nonprofit marketing in Kansas City. This is the People's Choice category, where the people get to vote on their favorite entry. 1 Like = 1 Vote.
Join us for a Zoom gathering coinciding with the recent release of the report, Race to Lead Revisited, and a panel discussion about race and leadership in the nonprofit sector.
This month, we sit down with Melanie Miller, CEO of Kansas City Friends of Alvin Ailey. Listen to Melanie describe her biggest challenges in her role, as well as what pivoting digitally meant for the organization.
If you find that conversations or decisions are delayed by internal politics on your board, Andy Davis of BoardSource shares how to navigate sticky board situations.
Many people think successful grant writers work alone behind a computer screen, but we know that grant writers depend on collaborating with staff across your organization. Join us to learn strategies to build collaborative grant proposals while working remotely.
American Public Square brings together non-like-minded people to engage in civil, fact-based dialogue about controversial, potentially polarizing topics that impact our city, region, nation and world.